Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Slurs Her Way Through Radio Interview

Somehow Taylor Armstrong found some guy who was willing to date her knowing that when they break up, Taylor will trash him and exploit everything he has ever said or done into some kind of money making opportunity for herself. Of course she does need to find a new place to live so it is definitely not out of the question she has found someone. She told everyone she has. Of course she was drunk on a radio station interview with an Australian morning program when she said it too. The clip is below. I think you would have to be crazy to date Taylor. Although I do keep hoping for a Taylor Paul Nassif get together because I think that would blow everyone's minds.


  1. I could barely hear a slur. How are these people famous in Australia?

  2. Yet another 'clearly disturbed' grifter.

  3. Dear Australia,
    Please do not refer to this person as one of the biggest TV stars in the US. She is not. Nor will she ever be. She is simply a car crash we are all slowing down to look at.

    Thank you,

  4. Sherry, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure they don't get those shows there. My BF's sister lives near Melbourne and she doesn't.

  5. I think she should start dating girls...

    1. Ooops! Too early in the morning! I thought it said Taylor SWIFT! My bad.

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This poor woman, not that I blame anyone but herself, but still.. this poor woman. People like this cough** Lindsaycough** cough*** and others... that are existing at rock bottom don't realise how they are playing with death. Remember Heath Ledger? He was mixing rx's and abusing them and didn't wake up one morning. There's only so much abuse the human body can take. Be careful addicts, your rock bottom may be accidentally killing someone else (car crash) or yourself.

  7. A) to be fair she was on vacation in Mexico when she gave this interview.

    B) there really wasn't any slurring. That's how's she's always talked. I imagine speaking with those over inflated lips can't be too easy.

  8. I don't think she sounded like she was slurring, either. I watched a season of that show (dammit, Enty!), she sounds like that all the time.

  9. Amber: Your friends should count their blessings!

  10. I'm from Australia and rest assured, the housewives franchise is not as famous as they made out to be in that interview. We just like to kiss the ass of any American that is remotely well known, who will give us the time of day because of our huge obsession with your country. As for being on tv, they are only on pay tv at the moment (unfortunately I think it will only be a matter of time before they start showing old seasons on free to air tv).

    @cc423 I would like to apologise on behalf of Kyle & Jackie O (the interviewers) for calling Taylor "one of the biggest TV stars in the US" as they obviously had a momentary lapse in judgement.

  11. Enty,
    Was that a reveal re: Taylor and Paul for the BI about the RHOBH star who is sleeping with a co-stars husband?!?!

  12. Kyle and Jackie O have a combined IQ of 25. Don't worry Americans. We know better.

  13. A. Yes, she sounds like that most of the time.

    B. This is because she slurs most of the time.

  14. @Amber, we get it here in NZ. It's a season behind, but they show RH BH and the others. They are so bad, but so good for a laugh.

  15. Good call Montana!

  16. What Mary Ann said. I think it's probably a combination of the booze and the puffer lips.
