Friday, October 26, 2012

Taylor Swift Has Her Next Record's Songs

You knew that with Taylor Swift out promoting her new record that her record company would start bugging her about the next record. Have to keep giving them product. Of course the only way Taylor Swift can come up with new material is to break up or be broken up by a guy. It is just how it works for her. When she finally does find the right guy and get married, I fear there will never be another Taylor Swift record. Conor and Taylor have split. Turns out that Conor can't really handle 24/7 of Taylor. Well, I'm not sure all that many people can. You knew it was coming. What is the longest she has actually gone out with anyone? Has she ever made it past six months? What Taylor needs to find is some guy who has nothing to do all day, does not have a job and does not mind just being Mr. Taylor Swift. So, if Jessica Simpson and her boyfriend ever break up, he would be perfect. Ditto for Jennifer Lopez's guy. For now, I guess we will have to wait until her next record to find out what really happened. I feel sorry for the Weekly World News. They went with the Taylor and Conor getting married story.


  1. Shocking! An 18-year-old guy doesn't like being tied down???

  2. so she'll do a few dates with the 'danger' guys, John mayer/Wilmer V... got dumped, get sympathy and another album.
    bored now, time to change the record Taylor

  3. She should consider herself lucky she escaped the Kennedys.

  4. @mell - she already dated John Mayer. He got all butt-hurt about the song she wrote about him. LOL

  5. She is how old - 19? 20? I don't expect her to date anyone for longer than 6 months. She has plenty of time to get in a long relationship.

    And she won't be the first or last artist to put out crap songs after they settle down with someone. Young and angsty = much better inspiration than Middle-Aged and happy.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Can't wait for the next album Camelost!

  7. She's young - give her a break. At least she's working through her emotions and angst in a healthy way, as opposed to cutting, etc. Leave Taylor alone!!

  8. I can't stand 24/7 of ANYONE. Not even Mr. B. Sounds like they're both pretty healthy emotionally.

  9. today,Enty is kindly (he didn't write she is clingy)with her,Pattinson/Stewart or Lilo

  10. I agree she will only be popular as long as she's pining. Remember what happened to Alanis once she got over Joey from 'Full House'?

  11. Come on, this boy is in HIGH SCHOOL! Were his parents nuts to let him date her?? Oh, never mind...poor kid, his mother was in deep depression and committed suicide, and who knows what his father is up to...I just hope one or more of the adult Kennedys is looking out for him, but whoever it was should NOT have allowed him to date her. Ridiculous.

  12. I think he got out easy.

    My first question is what will she do with her big house on the Cape? Will she move in and be Ethel's neighbor now?

    This boy needs to finish school and grow up a little --Taylor is way too intense and a serial romantic--she is in love with being in love. She needs a boyfriend who will follow her around and cater to her full time and I don't think that's the future Conor's family has in mind for him.

  13. Yes, what about the house?

  14. We can only dream of the day when the world doesn't have to endure another Taylor Swift album. I am pulling for this girl to find true love!

  15. LOL! I thought the same thing - wtf is this girl gonna do with the house? hahahahahaaa!

    And does this 23 year old chick act like she's still 17? She's like the anti-Lohan.

  16. The Kennedy's got good press after the suicide being linked to her and she's promoting an album. The timing reeks.

  17. According to the Cape Cod Times, Taylor Swift didn't buy that house in August; instead, a hedge fund manager signed a contract to buy it. Unless the hedge fund manager backed out of the contract, I am not sure Taylor really does own the property:

  18. "Taylor Swift Definitely Bought A Mansion Next to Kennedy Crib," TMZ headline from this weekend saying earlier reports about the hedge fund managers were wrong.

  19. We are never ever ever gunna stay together

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. It all depends on how long Taylor wants to stay in the business. Isn't she like 22 or 23? Yes she is young but she needs to start getting past this HS stuff. Once people got sick of listening to Alanis Morrisette's diary entries she hasn't done anything note worthy. I see Taylor going down the same path if she doesn't start growing up and experiencing life as an adult. If she stays on the country circuit she will always have plenty to write about, but again she needs to start maturing a bit. It would be good for her regardless of whatever path she takes.

  22. Yeah...but wasn't she cheating on him with his brother or cousin or someone?

  23. @Amy Thanks for the update...

  24. She's the one who looks over it in that photo.

  25. You know, given that Enty has previously said that JLo's and Jsimp's boys get paid $10,000 a month..

    Pfft, where do I send my resume?

  26. I want to know why Conor is still in high school. Isn't he 18. Did he flunk?

    No one in Hollyweird is going to date her soon. They would be too afraid of her next album. I seriously doubt she is going to date and/or marry a nobody. She doesn't seem the type.

    I love how it always "leaks" who her songs were about too.

  27. Talyor Swift is a boy....Enty you know this.....
