Thursday, October 04, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Drunk

Our actress has a drinking problem. A big drinking problem. This is not someone who has a few problems now and then. This is an actress who is in serious need of help and has reached that point in her drinking where if you wanted to compare her to Nicolas Cage's character in leaving Las Vegas you would not be that far off the mark. Our B list actress who probably should have been Oscar nominated not that long ago and was pretty much an A list actress not even five years ago now has a drinking problem so bad that she can't sleep for longer than two or three hours each night before her body craves booze. Yes, she has been to rehab, and for awhile she did get better. It was the medicine they gave her which made her body hate alcohol. Well, she got over that. She now drinks almost consistently throughout every waking hour. Her last big role was a great role in an indie film and she nailed it but she was only able to keep it together during that movie because she had someone watching her constantly and only allowed her enough booze to not get sick. On her own she can't do it. Her boyfriend drinks too, so he is no help. He thinks it is cool that she wants to drink all day and night and he loves that she can get crazy if she drinks too much. It really is affecting her work and her ability to get work. At one recent photoshoot it took eight hours instead of two because her body would not stop twitching. She gets the shakes at least two or three times a day. She used to get them once a week. She needs help, but is scared of what her life will be without booze.


  1. when you wake up and your body gets the shakes, that is a problem. its not cool. some people need alchohol to get them through the day. their bodies need it. she can do it. she has to want to do it that is.

  2. Think Andy Cane has this one.

  3. Wow. This is sad. I hope she gets the help she needs.

  4. I thought Kirsten too. So, so sad. She's too young to be that bad off already.

  5. I am afraid I am on the Kiki train too. What a shame, she is so young. I hope she finds the courage to get help.

  6. I was thinking that too but she has three movies coming out this year plus three in production for next year. If she's having a hard time getting work, then 6 movies in 2 years is not really an indication of that.

  7. Probably not Kiki, she's got a ton of projects listed in the future and this blind states that the drunk has problems in getting work.

  8. It is absolutely Kirsten Dunst, the recent indie movie that she nailed maybe Melancholia? I think her problem is pretty well known, so sad.

  9. Let's think of recent oscar snubs from some critically acclaimed indie flick...

  10. Let's think of recent oscar snubs from some critically acclaimed indie flick...

  11. Someone that has a drinking problem that bad usually looks worn down and has a bloated belly. Having shakes only a few hours after your last drink is a really serious problem. There is severe liver damage when you are this far gone. Sad.

  12. Let's think of recent oscar snubs from some critically acclaimed indie flick...

  13. I thought Kristin Dunst moved back in with her family? I saw her and Ellen last season and she talked about living with her mother.

  14. I don't think Kirsten is that bad, and as others have said she has projects coming up. I'm thinking this might be someone older.

  15. This is very sad and may only end on way, and not a good one.

    She's wondering what life would be like without booze. At this rate, she won't have to worry because there won't be any life left.

  16. Nah, Marisa Tomei, indie The Wrestler.

  17. The only thing is I saw Kiki D on Jimmy Fallon a couple of weeks ago when that Bridesmaids ripoff was premiering and she was really sharp. They played Taboo with random audience members and she was on top of it. Usually people in this conditon have wet brain, which is like talking to a constantly baked stoner. They are not usually tight with reality and don't make a whole lot of sense. Nothing like Kiki.

  18. I was thinking Jennifer Aniston, but when has she ever been anything but Movie C List.

  19. Marissa Tomei has an oscar, though

  20. First time poster- Sean Young? She begged for work on Letterman last year.

    1. No, Sean has never been someone who has to drink daily. Her issue is that her "filter" disappears when she does drink, not that she drinks all the time.

  21. @ElRod - Many thought Kirsten was snubbed for "Melancholia."

  22. Doesn't say the actress has no Oscar. Says she should have been nominated recently.

  23. Kirsten Dunst was first to pop in my head and she's been dating Garrett Hedlund for almost a year. So sad.

  24. Tilda Swinton? Should have been nominated for We need to talk about Kevin.

  25. I'm just going to pick Eva Mendes for everything today.

  26. Doubtful that it is Kiki, she has a part in On the Road with Kristen Stewart which everyone is talking about along with 3-4 movies scheduled through 2014.

  27. Meloncholia was, by no stretch of the imagination, an "indie" flick. It was a relatively high budget movie by an internationally acclaimed director.

    I don't think its Kirsten for that reason and others. as people have posted, she has alot of future work.

    I feel sorry for whoever it is.

  28. Kirsten popped into my head, but some of you have made good arguments about it not being her so I don't know. I suck at these.

  29. I like the Marisa Tomei guess, especially if as the commenter above said - if Kiki was so sharp on Letterman. It is correct that someone this far gone would be more of a "Britney" in behavior and not so much on the ball.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. That last line is the dumbest thing I have ever read (picking on the blind subject, not Enty here). You're afraid of what your life will be like without booze?'s so fabulous WITH booze?

  32. maybe Eva Mendes? Was Last Night independent? however I doubt Ryan Gosling would find her problem is cool.

  33. "That last line is the dumbest thing I have ever read (picking on the blind subject, not Enty here). You're afraid of what your life will be like without booze?'s so fabulous WITH booze?"

    I think it's often more the fear of change and adjustment and leaving old familiar habits and places and people behind, which is valid and often very scary.

  34. I like the Marisa Tomei. It's someone that "was pretty much an A list actress not five years ago" would fit. And the wrestler was released in 2008 so it would've been the 2009 Oscars that she was overlooked at - being not too long ago.

    Though the wording makes me think maybe someone that wasn't even nominated.

  35. Agreed, AKM. It's scary to start living without alcohol to numb whatever reason you started drinking in the first stop drinking means you have to start working on your deeper problems. It's difficult for even a daily, functional drinker to stop, let alone someone physically dependent.

    As far as the blind---I'm happy to hear Kiki is sounding sharp in interviews these days, because she's who I first assumed for this. A drunk as bad as this blind sounds---can't even sit still for photoshoots, it seems like that would have to be an actress you don't see doing interviews or red carpets anymore. A lead type who was big just a few years ago, and talented. Somebody with a showy part in a big movie, that was not nominated.

    Just thinking out loud. sorry for the novel, e'erybody.

  36. I don't have a guess, just wanted to say that my ex boyfriend was just like that- shakes and all. It is a sad sad thing to watch someone refuse help and destroy themselves. He's such a gifted musician too. :/

    I hope whomever this is gets the help they need and the people around them that can do the right thing.

  37. I like the Marisa Tomei guess, but she also has worked pretty steadily the last few years and has a new movie coming out at Christmas - with Better Midler and Billy Crystal. I can't imagine either of them putting up with shenanigans on set. She also has some movies in pre-production.

  38. Renee Zellweger. HUGE a few years ago and aside from dating Bradly Cooper she pretty much dropped off the face of the earth.
    My Own Love Song for the indie flick, snub being Cinderella Man.
    Wasn't she the popular guess for the alchie actress who you can tell is drinking because she always carries around multiple starbucks cups?
    The only thing is that the timeline isn't recent but Enty has always been known to change up dates and time frames.

  39. I just can't imagine that if this was Kristin that Bulgari would have hired her for the face of their new, huge ad campaign. I don't think it's her; she seems to have cleaned herself up.

  40. cristina ricci??

  41. Anonymous1:02 PM

    If it's Eva Mendes, what about that "Girl in Progress" movie for the indie film?

  42. "Our B list actress who probably should have been Oscar nominated not that long ago and was pretty much an A list actress not even five years ago..."

    But Marisa WON an Academy Award, remember? So this couldn't possibly be her, could it?

  43. Renee Z. is also an Oscar winner. The actress in this BI, if I'm reading it correctly, has not even had a nomination, let alone a win, right? So we're looking for someone with no noms or wins.

    And all THAT said, I have no guess. Oof.

  44. i feel like we haven't gotten it yet unless it's kiki. i hope it's not her. she's really a good actress.

    i don't think it's tomei and i don't think it's zellweger. this blind sounds like the actress SHOULD have an oscar by now but doesn't and they both do. so who IS it???

  45. I don't think this is her, but what happened to Renee?! She did drop off the planet.

  46. Andy Cane called it.

  47. it doesn't seem like kiki. as the previous poster said, she was awesome on fallon and looks absolutely gorgeous.

  48. How about Diane Lane?

  49. It says "probably should have been Oscar nominated not that long ago" which I took as not specifying as having won/been nominated before.
    Marrisa Tomai has has too much work lately to be that much of a mess.
    There aren't that many people that can fit this blind, come on guys we can do it!

  50. I love how you call her a derogatory name in the title but express faux concern in the post.

  51. My first thought was Dunst but it seems she's been seen lately and was alert.

    Marisa Tomei makes sense too but again she's been working.

    Renee Zellweger? I think she's a good guest.

  52. Good guess. Jeez.

  53. I tried to find a list of A list actresses in 2007...I managed to find a top ten list on Screen Junkies, maybe this will be helpful:

    -Ellen Page
    -Marion Cotillard
    -Julie Christie
    -Emily Blunt
    -Kate Winslet
    -Jurnee Smollett
    -Lily Tomlin
    -Annette Bening

    We'd eliminate Angie, Meryl, Kate and Annette right away. Just food for thought, since those were some of the big names five years ago.

  54. Regarding Renee Zellweger, I actually stood next to her in a health food store 3 months ago, and she was with a very tall, handsome gentleman. Let me assure you, she was in fine shape and was not drunk or sickly at all. They were shopping together, and walked leisurely through the city street afterward without anyone really recognizing her. Nothing scandalous there! And, from what I understand, she's directing some kind of project at the moment.

  55. Diane Lane is about to do a Tennessee Williams play in Chicago. Rather rough to pull off if you're drunk all the time, even if it's just in the rehearsal stages.

  56. This is Kiki guys, the photo shoot mentioned might be the Bulgari ad that Enty posted in the random pictures. The indie film is Melancholia which I saw and she should have been nominated for an Oscar. Just because she looked good doing interviews doesn't mean anything, maybe her handlers know how much alcohol to give her to keep her happy but functional. I know a lot of people that become the life of the party after a few drinks and you wouldn't know they were drinking at all.

  57. Kirsten Dunst...all the way.

  58. Marisa FTW. Geez she won an her Oscar AGES ago. She was snubbed for the wrestler, and had been known to hit the bottle.

  59. I think the blind means she should have been nominated for the Oscar recently...past wins aside. Tomei was nommed for "The Wrestler." This doesn't seem to fit.
