Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Zumba Hooker Names Released

The first 21 people have had their names released in the woman who sold more than Zumba lessons scandal that has rocked the town of Kennebunk, Maine. Everyone else who comes after these first 21 will have less press attention, so these 21 must be wondering why they had to be named first. At the head of the list is the former mayor of the town who enjoyed having sex with the Zumba teacher. There are also lawyers and a realtor and bankers in the first 21 names. They each face a $200 fine for having sex for money. Meanwhile, it has been discovered that not only did Alexis Wright post the videos of them having sex online, she also had her own channel and was making money from the views of her videos.


  1. Well, shut up - that's one smart Zumba instructor!!

  2. Bahahahaha. I have no sympathy for these guys. Let their names be known, so they have to face their wives for real justice.

  3. She *is* entrepreneurial!

  4. I'm heartened by these first comments here. These guys shouldn't screw hookers if they don't want to be caught.

  5. I have no issues with what she did, except that the wives and children could be hurt by videos being online. THAT could have been solved by their husbands not being dirty dogs, though.

  6. I have to admire some aspects of this woman's business sense. She covered most of her bases (except for the part of getting caught, of course). I also admire her fitness. All I want to do after zumba is plop on the couch.

  7. If she charged for the Zumba class and gave the sex for free after, would she be in trouble ?

  8. Last night on the news I saw a local man interviewed. He said the last 24 hours had turned his life upside down, as he had the same name as one of the johns.

    I really felt bad for him, because how do you disprove something like that?

  9. Kudos to this woman!

  10. Serves these guys right - I'm tired of the hooker always being the only one arrested. @surfer - I saw that story also - felt sorry for the guy. It'll show up when you google his name forever.

  11. yes the wives and children will be hurt----but don't blame the zumba instructor. blame these husbands and fathers for being the adulterous assholes they are.
    it's about time the johns got outed for this. i assume nobody held a gun to their heads and made them have sex with this woman.

  12. Can't do the time, don't do the crime.

  13. Correction: The guy who was mayor was the mayor of South Portland, not Kennebunk.

    @surfer: Yes, there was a former candidate for sheriff who shared the same name as a john on the list, and his life was made miserable (including Howie Carr talking about him on his show), and it was the wrong guy. It was after that f*ckup that they released ages and addresses with the names, to prevent misidentifications.

    I don't pity the men, but the wives and children will never be the same, and their lives as they have known them have been taken away. Why do men do it?

  14. I have mixed feelings about this case. Yes, it is lame that it's always the prostitue hauled off to jail when really both parties need to be held responsible. However, I think they lady is a real a-hole for posting those videos online without the consent of the men. That is never acceptable under any circumstances.

    And, like other articles have pointed out, I feel terrible for the children of these men. How humiliating for them :(

  15. @Meg - I guess the authorities changed their tune, cause I remember hearing that all they would release were the names - no other info. But that makes sense what you said.

    And SusanB - Google is not always your friend. I wonder if this man can do anything to have his name removed from all the Google searches.

  16. @Meg - The same reason women do it.

  17. *that lady*

    The hooker with a heart of pewter

    (I had to lively up my post. Snoozeville)

  18. @surfer -- Here's the back story on the name fiasco:

    First, the prosecution (?) asked and received two 3 month extensions on the name release which, of course, caused more interest than this would have had if they'd come out more quickly. It's suspected that the extensions were requested due to who was on the list.

    So when a new judge was assigned to the case and the appeals by a lawyer for two of the johns were turned down by higher courts, the judge advised that the names could be released.

    However -- due to the fact that the johns who were recorded (it's unclear if all were recorded) are part of the investigation into whether their privacy was invaded, the judge advised that the addresses of the johns could be kept off the record.

    Whoops -- she should have recognized that these were two different cases and that's where the fun began.

    The police department (I think) chose to also not include ages and middle initials, which then had a handful of men who had the same names in the crossfire when the names were released on Monday night.

    The judge changed her ruling to include the addresses and the police then released a list with addresses, middle initials, names, and Jr./Sr. designations.

  19. I don't agree with releasing any names. These men have wives and children and it's not fair to them.
    Why are these no-names getting released when all I really ever wanted to know was who was on Heidi Fleiss's client list. Now that would be gold! Did that ever happen?

    1. ITA, Sugar. It's all very witch hunty and overly punitive imo. Why in the world do these people, or the community, need their addresses published? What is the goal behind this? This is archaic. They have put the families in danger. I do not think the public has an intrinsic right or need to know that can be justified, and, most importantly, the wives and children's safety, privacy and rights should have superceded any thoughts about the perpetrators. This is repulsive to me.
      If I was one of these unlucky wives, I'd change my name and move my kids far away. Id also call an awesome lawyer to see if I had any kind of even very creative legal grounds.

  20. If that's true and they really did release addresses with ages and names thats truely heinous. Their wives and children are innocent and authorites would actually put them in danger like that? Unbelievable..

  21. Thanks krk67 for your post. I guess they realized after the fact that innocent people's names would be dragged through the mud.

  22. Yes, I think that men who go to prostitutes are scum...unless they're single, in which case it's their right to fuck anyone they want. I hate lying.

    But then again...I don't really think prostitution should be a crime. It's such a fact of life, has always been around, will always be around. I'd rather see it be legal, regulated, and taxed.

  23. @ FSP Off topic but I LOVE your Bubbles icon! We're going to see Trailer Park Boys live Christmas show in December. Can't wait!

  24. I don't understand all the fuss. I remember when I was a teen living in the suburbs the "city" (not a big city but big to us) would routinely round up the johns and not just publish name and address but also the mug shot. They found the best way to deter this was to also go after the Johns along with the prostitutes.

    I still remember the Friday night before our yearly family reunion, one of the cousins husbands got picked up in the sting. That made for a fun reunion.

  25. Thanks Audrey...and I'm jealous!

  26. My husband's family is up there. One of the names was the guy who hired H's brother at his current job (he's been there 16 years), was a part owner of the company who sold out at some point. I believe he's married and around retirement age.

    Counselors have been brought to the schools to train the teachers with how to deal with the aftermath for the kids. I do feel bad for the kids, and I wonder how the in-laws are going to explain it to my nieces, they're really young and sheltered.

  27. figgy - if prostitition were legal then the men "on the fence" about the issue would partake and demand would exceed supply - as result even more women and children would be kidnapped and trafficked. women who sell themselves and get out harm-free are not the norm.

    1. Good point. And how many of us would want to go and get tested constantly out if reasonabke fear and or paranoia? You can pat yourself on the back all you want, but no one is really assured of a cheat proof marriage. I'm not cynical, I'm pragmatic. And terrified of duseases. And sick of the misogyny, chauvinism and escalating exploitation and diminishment of women and their rights in this country. Legalizing prostituition isn't going to empower women. OMG, its a horrible idea on so many levels.

  28. That certainly is enterprising. Good for her, leveraging her performances into multimedia earning opportunities! Harvard Business School could use more professors like this.

  29. I don't think demand would ever exceed the supply. Have you seen how many women try out for the Bunny Ranch in Nevada? It's amazing how many want to do this! And if it was legal AND regulated, there would be very little prostitution of minors and human trafficking since it would be regulated!. No matter how many prostitues are hauled off to jail it's not going to end!! Lets legalize it and regulate it!

    1. The US are the worst country in the world on terms of child exploitation and prostitution. This should be addressed first by putting an end to this shame and it can only be done by making the johns accountable for their actions. Client criminalization is necessary

  30. ^ WRONG. If it were legal, like making pornos, it would be subjected to regulations and safeguards.

    Not to mention how many pimps it would put out of business.

    How many people do you know sell bootleg liquor? none, there is no market for it anymore now that it is legal.

  31. my comment was directed at "S"

  32. While I feel bad for the wives, children, and others who are dealing with the the same time, I love that they released the names. Buddy, you wanted to pay money to get screwed, and here you go.

    Agree on legalizing prostitution. Regulate it, give them health insurance, set safety standards. Jax is right...the post-prohibition world is safer; no moonshine to make you go blind, and it's revenue contributing to our economy.

    Don't you people watch Boardwalk Empire?! ;)

  33. These men committed crimes. There's a presumption that the public is allowed to know about things like this, and a presumption that our courts are open.

    I read one of the men's responses on CNN a few days ago (prior to the release). In short, it was "this isn't fair, my wife and kids are going to be hurt, I'm a good person, this isn't fair." NO, that's not true. You're not a good person, you committed a crime, voluntarily, and should have thought of all of that before getting yourself into this mess. GFY.

  34. I'm just relieved that, finally, the John's are getting some attention instead of just the hooker.

    That said, criminalization of prostitution is poppycock.

  35. I've never understood why these brothels keep a list of clients? Blackmail? And if you're a john and they want your name, just make something up. Tell them your name is Al Gore or George Bush or something. You're paying in cash, right?

    "What's your name? We need it for our list."

    "Nunya Bidness"

  36. I'm happy the names have been released. Had the husband been thinking about his wife & kids before he paid a woman for sex he wouldn't be in trouble. So that one guy crying about it now is just pathetic.

    That being said I do feel bad for the kids. They are 1oo% innocent in all this. It's not their fault their fathers couldn't keep it in their pants.

    I too think prostitution should be legalized. Look at Holland. It's been legal there for AGES! It's also been regulated. They have some of the "cleanest" girls in the world working there. The sex trade is also taxed so it helps out the Dutch economy. There are no street walkers in Holland. The girls are SO much safer there than here in the states. So yes I say we should legalize it, regulate it, & tax it.

    Lastly good for this woman. I actually like that she was making money off these guys on a website. She should have gone to Harvard business school because this is a smart woman.

  37. Who goes to a hooker and uses their real name anyway? And what about paying in cash? It seems like unless she has fingerprints or something (were some of the men identified on tape?) it should be not so hard to keep your real identity secret from your hooker.

  38. My question is why is she the only one on trial? Didn't the men commit the same crime? Why aren't Johns held accountable like the working girl is?

  39. It's so nice that some of these men were so concerned with the fall out of their actions on their wives and children! WTF?! YOU screwed around and now your kids, and parents of friend, and teachers, and your banker, and your priest and your mechanic, EVERYONE KNOWS! You should have stayed true to your marriage vows and not strayed. If you wanted to stray, you should have left your marriage. No sympathy here. I'm sure there will be an outpouring of public sympathy for the wives and kids. Everyone knows THEY didn't f$%ki a whore. Oh, this just makes me SO made.

  40. First of all I agree that prostitution should be regulated and legalized.

    BUT since it is a crime for both sides (the prostitute and the John) then their names should be released just as drug arrests, DUI's, etc. are released. Not sure about Maine, but here in California (or at least my county) I can go on-line with just a name and see any charges that have been brought against a person, the status of the charges, court dates, outcomes, sentences, etc. And I can also check the county jail website to see if they are in custody. If they are in custody why they were arrested and when, when their next court appearance is, if there is bail and how much it is, projected release date, and I can sign up to be notified as soon as they are released.

    I don't feel sorry for these guys. They knew that they were committing a crime (though I don't think it should be). I feel bad for the wives and kids, but not anymore so if they had gotten picked up on a DUI or any other charge. I'm sorry - but a crime is a crime.

  41. Ha ha ha, douchebags! I hope when you go around casting stones now, people just laugh in your faces.

  42. You can't keep your name anonymous if you want to see a non-street walking prostitute. Escorts do pre-investigation before meeting with a client, to make sure they are not dangerous and are legitimate. It ensures their safety. Plus, this woman was teaching Zumba, so she must have had access to the gym's membership database.

    Am I the only person who has been curious enough to read escort blogs in the past?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. These men were not concerned about their families before, during or after having sex with Zumba woman. These men are scum. I hope they get involved in some very costly divorces.

  45. This is kind of like Gawker's outing of Violentcranz on Reddit. He is an asshole troll and expected not to be caught. But Gawker outed him and he lost his job. People need to realize if you do bad things, you'll probably get caught.

  46. It's horrible and embarrassing for families of most criminals...murders, rapists, thieves, etc, but no one suggests we protect their identities.

  47. I'll never understand why prostitution is illegal but being a porn star isn't.

  48. @AngusParvo and @Josie -- Wright (the prostitute) had an arrangement with an insurance agent (also charged in the case) where she would take down license plate numbers of all of the johns and the insurance agent would run them as backup info for the identity of the john.

    The type of research that @Seachica noted is correct.

    @Audrey -- the reddit outings continue:

    I believe that some CDaN posters would excel at tracking predditors (and their ilk) down.

  49. @krk67 - Oh, there's an app for that. I don't track them but I worked with a girl who was always tracking sex offenders in-between job duties. Sadly, a lot of the guys in the database were there because they were 18 or slightly older and dated a girl who was around 14-17. Some are all out violent sex fiends and deserve to be in there.

  50. 100% agree with the names being revealed.

    There are consequences to your actions and these men chose what they did. The consequence is the hurt and humiliation they caused themselves and their family.

    Good for the woman for keeping track and for making money off it.

  51. I love seeing how progressive the comments are here! Yes! Legalize!

    However.. How are these guys scum? Unless their jobs entailed prosecuting prostitution or there was some other sort of conflict of interest ( which of course mayors and sherrifs fall into this category ), I don't see the harm. Carrying out a long term emotional affair would be far more damaging to a spouse IMO . It's just sex. These men aren't exploiting minors or anything .. They are just having sex! Sure. In a perfect world we should all be honest with our partners and communicate our needs. However evidently that's not human nature. Who knows these guys home lives? Perhaps they're miserable and the wife isn't putting out? Maybe they just want some strange? If we as a society didn't treat sex like a taboo then perhaps adults would be able to communicate more honestly and polyamorous relationships would become more mainstream .. I think emotional cheaters are the worst..but if it's just sex? It's a natural human condition to be physically attracted to more than one person. Swingers have it right I think. I'm in a ltr with my partner who is well aware that occasionally I may want to sleep with other people and if that need arises we will discuss it.
    I'm not really trying to stick up for the johns.. I'm just surprised how many people can encourage legalized prostitution ( yea! ) and in the same paragraph call these men all sorts of names. I'm sure lots of these guys are normal cool dudes who just don't know how to tell their wives they want other sex because somehow society has shamed us into managomy. I'm sure a couple a scum bags but overall I choose to believe people are generally good.. And situations like these could be avoided completely if there was less shaming and more honest communication without fear of judgement.

  52. I'm so glad the names are coming out! I remember the Heidi Fleiss case over a decade ago where no names were given. Those guys are probably still going to hookers, and I bet these guys will to. You don't just start paying for sex out of the blue.

  53. well i for one think its good that the men's names were released. the wives have a right to know that their husband can't keep his dick in his pants. one of my biggest concerns after finding out about my ex was STD's. i have been tested 3 times in the last 3 years for every STD you can imagine. and why should the children be ashamed? they haven't done anything. this is all on daddy. the wife and children are victims of the lying scum bags that pretend to be family men.

  54. Sometimes we can all agree! :) that makes me happy.
    Legalize it!

  55. ^^ as for this being legal, fine. but unless you have an arrangement that you are in an open marriage, stepping out is a horrible betrayal. its not even that the preson had sex outside the relationship, but that they were sneaking around and you had no idea. they sat at dinner with you and said nothing. they got into bed with you eery night, and you didn't know. its not "just sex", it makes your whole life a lie.

  56. I'm sorry, but s. was right. That statement wasn't pulled out of nowhere. There isn't a model in the world that has solved the problem of demand exceeding supply and thus promoting trafficking. Someone mentioned Holland - Amsterdam is the sex trafficking capital of Europe, did you know that? I have mentioned this before on a post recently. If we could find a way around this problem that would be great, but until then johns (not the women, imo) need vigorous prosecuting.

  57. Just as reminder, these men committed a crime. Is it embarrassing to their families in their small town that they committed a crime and their names are being released to the public? Yes. Just like it's embarrassing to the family if someone gets convicted of ANY crime and their name is released.

    This is not the courts' fault, this is not the hooker's fault. These men jeopardized their families' happiness. Put the blame there.

  58. This is surely a Lifetime movie in the making.

    I feel zero sympathy for any of the men.
