Thursday, November 01, 2012

Another Reason To Hate Chris Brown

With the exception of Lindsay Lohan, Rihanna, and people who want to be them, I'm pretty sure Chris brown was hated by almost everyone. Last night, with his Halloween costume he wanted to make sure he could count on almost 100% hatred by everyone. Who dresses up as a Taliban terrorist? Who wants to go as someone who actively tries to kill people who are not Taliban? The guy has no respect for anyone. The crazy thing is that he is such an idiot that he has no idea that the only reason he is able to dress like this is because of the people who have been fighting against the Taliban. I guess it should come as no surprise that a man who has no respect for women and loves to beat his women should dress up as someone who has no respect for women and beats their women.


  1. I don't think he'll have a happy ending. The universe just doesn't put up with people who are that horrible. It may take some time, but it'll happen. Last night I was hoping it would happen when some Navy Seals mistook them for an infiltration, but sadly, he gets to continue to show the world WHAT NOT TO DO. He's a fucking manual at this point.

  2. For Christmas I hope he gives Rihanna and LL the super syphilis strain and they all freaking burn.

  3. This is reaching. I thought it was funny when it popped up on my Instagram feed. I'm over all the Chris Brown hate, and tired of always reading about him. HOW many men in H-Wood beat women? Uh yeah, why are we focusing all the negative on him, lets shame some others too shall we? Sheesh. I don't even LIKE Chris Brown, I'm just tired of seeing him on your blog every other day.

  4. Obvious troll is obvious, CB. Yawn.

  5. My roommate said she doesn't care what he does in his personal life as long as he makes good music. She's 24 so I'm just chalking it up to being a naive dumbass. She also comes from a culture where domestic violence isn't a big deal.

  6. I'm pretty sure he's too dumb to realize that he's dressing up as the same people that had a teenage activist shot in the head for promoting women's rights. All the while he's pretty much gotten away with beating the crap out of a woman.

  7. It makes me uncomfortable, but seriously what's scarier than the Taliban?

  8. Chris Brown being famous. And girls and guys thinking his behaviour is acceptable.

    Ok, so maybe not scarier, but its still pretty terrifying!

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM

    He seems to be embracing the hate directed at him and trying to make light of it. It's clear that he's aware of how hated and demonized he is. Thank you Jeebus! Maybe it's a see I'm not as bad as them kind of thing? His music is fine, but I can't get over the fact that he viciously mutilated and beat the snot out of Rihanna, all just for checking his phone to see if he was cheating. Which he must have been to have overreacted so strongly. He will not be missed. And trust, Nap Assasin people like this do get theres. Then it's all " Why meeee?" Sorta like Leanne Rhimes. These kind of people are just not self aware at all and have no reason to be, no training, no motivation to empathize with others.

  10. Since when has Halloween been an occasion for good taste?

    I remember my first time at the Greenwich Village Halloween parade. There were several marchers dressed up as Rely tampons, a super-absorbent brand that had killed several women via toxic shock syndrome. I'm sure this year there were plenty of Todd Akin's and pregnant "justifiable rape" victims.

  11. Like everything in Chris' life, his costume is half-assed. Had no idea that terrorists wore Vokal sweatpants, Jordans and/or Adidas shower sandals.

  12. I think the worst costume I seen was "Jerry Sandusky". Smh people will do anything for shock value. Chris is a douchebag.

  13. Ummmm was that troll comment directed at me? Sorry for voicing an opinion.


    I am so enraged that I cannot form words. He doesn't even deserve the title of King Cunt because he is so much dirtier and worth so much less than that word can ever imply.

  15. @ Nutty - my sentiments exactly.

  16. Chris Brown = Charlie Sheen

  17. @cinephreak - Nope. I'm pretty sure Chris Brown was being called a troll.

  18. @Amber- ah all is well in my world then lol

  19. Why didn't he just wear a T-shirt with a giant pic of Rihanna's bruised and bloody face from the night he beat her. Then he can say to everyone, "Yeah. My work. You like?"

    Oh, that's next year's costume.

    1. @Cinephreak the CB love and hate is getting boring. Both sides r going overboard imo.

  20. @Nettalovesrobin I agree. I dont carry my stan torch for CB, I'll listen to his stuff if its any good, but sheesh am I tired of always reading his name, if everyone hates him so much, let us let him fade into obscurity. He does these things for the shock value, and to keep us talking, lol.

    1. @Cinephreak i have never been a stan for him before rhi and after so i could really care less. I have just noticed the venom that is thrown at him is unlike any other celebrity man that have done the same! But whatever i still dont give a shit! Lol

  21. All I could think of is jeez..It's just a costume. I mean I got's no love for CB either but he's probably not the only American who dressed as the Taliban. The best thing? I'll bet it pisses them people off!

  22. Ugh, unfortunately I know someone who also dressed as an f'ing terrorist for Halloween. My husband's friend. He's a very, very smart guy who I've always liked, but he loves to push buttons. He's a staunch Republican as well, if that matters? I told him he's a piece of shit for it (the costume). Blah.

  23. The best thing is to just ignore him and see where that gets them.

  24. 1st and foremost - fuck Chris Brown

    Second - my BFF dressed up as Joseph Kony .. I thought it was awesome and hilarious.. Does this make me a bad person?

  25. @cinephreak My personal vendetta against Chris stems from my experience in a very similar situation. That combined with the way he carries himself and his unrelenting narcissism (which so resembles my ex) is why I am more vocal about CB's beatings than other celebrities.

    Also, this is a CB thread so obviously the comments are only going to be directed towards him. The comments are just as venomous towards other actors on threads that are related to them.

    Not to mention, CB deserves every ounce of hate he receives on this site and others. I personally hope people never stop talking about and remembering what an asshole he is. I hope he, and others, are often brought up so that they can constantly relive the shame of their actions. Does that mean I wish him to also be successful? No. Look at Michael Lohan or Octomom. Publicity doesn't equal success.

  26. There will always that person who will wear an inappropriate costume. Chris Brown is an asshole, but to me this is no different than when Prince Harry dressed up as a Nazi. Some people are just unaware or in Chris Brown's case they don't care.

  27. all his poor life choices aside, i truly think CB doesn't realize how insensitive he is. and i don't get it, surely he can't be that blind. i wonder if he spends his life in i'm-a-victim mode where nothing is ever his fault? sad. that kid is not going to have an easy adulthood if he keeps that up.

  28. Can we get these emailed to the actual Taliban? Maybe set up a pay-per-view boxing match? Dumb ass misogynists of the West vs. dumb ass misogynists of the East. It would be epic.

  29. I hate Chris Brown soooooo much. He is the ugliest, stupidist, least talented douche in the entire music industry.

  30. uh no, pretty sure that was directed at you Cinefreak.

  31. @ Pookie - I think he's insulated from any criticism and is surrounded by a bunch of "yes" people.

    And, sign me up for CB vs. the asshole Taliban!

  32. jax, djphob wrote ", CB" not ", cinefreak".

  33. IS that Kenan from Kenan and Kel next to him?

  34. I am not by nature a violent person.
    However, I for one would not shed a single tear if someone elected to use Mr. Brown as carnivore bait.
    Tied down, covered in whatever pheromone will make the largest and meanest carnivore come along and have a nice slow leisurely lunch.
    I'm personally torn between polar bear and lion.
    But shark could be good too.

  35. ^^^@MDB, yesssss! But i still think he's but a callow youth who knows not what he does. Nor does he care.

  36. was Halloween....

  37. @Jason: No need for the T-shirt, that's tattooed on his neck already. Chris Brown is an ass, so it's really no surprise his costume is tasteless and wildly inappropriate. But whatever, if people want to defend his right to be an asshole, so be it. Point is that he's once again getting the attention he craves.
