Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Blind Item #2

I don't know if she was being funny or being serious, but this A+ female singer spent some time yesterday basically molesting this former A list tweener who is having trouble maintaining his A list singer status. The female singer kept teasing him about his manhood and kept trying to get him to take his clothes off and would grab him and try to feel his manhood. Apparently she was obsessed with it or pretended to be. She finally cornered him and grabbed it and held it and told him to call her sometime. The tweener was bright red and tried to act cool like it happened everyday but just ended up looking like an idiot. He also called her a h* after she left. Idiot.


  1. Rhianna and Beib

  2. a h* heifer? horse?

    Is enty trying to say a whore (w*), or am I missing something?

  3. I believe he implied h-o

  4. The former A list tweener isn't an idiot, he was being molested! No is no. Obvious answer Bieb and Riri, but could be anyone.

  5. Rehearsing for he VS FASHION SHOW! Good job reno

  6. RiRi and the Biebs rehearsing for the VS show...

  7. Maybe he's saying SHE's the idiot?

  8. Yuck! I need a shower now.

  9. I was thinking last gaga and bieb

    1. Lady not last... I'm half awake

  10. for me,it's a sexual assault!
    i see that Enty thinks all the victims are not equivalent in front of the sexual assault

  11. Ew. This is awful, grody behavior.

  12. Madonna and Bieber? I think if it were Rhianna, he'd have fucked her.

  13. Are u srly calling the tweener an idiot.for not knowing how to respond to being publicly assaulted?

  14. I read it that the woman was the idiot, but with Enty's writing it's often hard to tell.

  15. She's a creepy idiot for the assault, and, assuming it's Bieber, he's an idiot for trying to look cool by calling her a ho.

  16. Gotta be Beibs and Pink

  17. Rob Pattinson and Cameron Diaz

  18. I'm going with RiRi and Biebs, she's always so high nowadays that I can see her being this stupid.

  19. Is Bieber having trouble "maintaining his A list singer status"? Really?

    Then again, I can't think of any other A list tweener.

  20. Is Beib losing A list status tho?

  21. Katy Perry and Bieber. She always hangs out around him and talks about him in interviews.

  22. Call me sometime..Not Carly Rae Jepsen and Justin Bieber?

    Eek! Whoever it is shouldn't be coming onto someone's boyfriend...

  23. This is sxual assault. The police shld hv been called.

  24. Yeah I don't think Justin is barely hanging onto his A-list status, but I can't think of anyone else.

  25. I really can't see Pink behaving like that. Nor Katy Perry.

    Carly Rae Jepsen owes Beibs a lot for an initial push to her career. Not her.

    My guess is Rhianna and Beibs. Although I deplore this behavior I hope it gave him a wake-up call if he's been, ah, overly familiar with his fans.

  26. Jaden Smith? Cody Simpson? I refuse to beleive every A list male post tween pop singer is hum :/

  27. Poor kid, that's sexual assault and if he had been a girl being assaulted by a man, nobody would have tolerated it or thought it was funny. Double standards are so messed up.

  28. Madonna and Bieber?

  29. That's really not okay if the person being groped clearly didn't want it. If a guy did that to a girl people would have done something or intervened. It shouldn't be passed off as a joke or flirting if it's girl on guy assault.

  30. Not cool on her part at all. That is absolutely assault.

  31. Her is the article of Riri & Beibs and the VS show:

  32. You know what's funny Justin had admitted having a crush on Rihanna when his career first started, and Katy perry (Rihanna's BFF) felt up on him too, but he didn't seem like he was disgusted, in fact he had encouraged her to keep touching him, in a very flirtatious and playful manner (there is video of this in fact) Katy was taken aback when he actually seemed to enjoy. I find this blind item weirdly ironic.

  33. You know what's funny Justin had admitted having a crush on Rihanna when his career first started, and Katy perry (Rihanna's BFF) felt up on him too, but he didn't seem like he was disgusted, in fact he had encouraged her to keep touching him, in a very flirtatious and playful manner (there is video of this in fact) Katy was taken aback when he actually seemed to enjoy. I find this blind item weirdly ironic.

  34. As far as this situation goes,these two people both have issues , and this is just a messed up situation in general.

  35. Christina aguilera and bieber

  36. Isn't Biebs still A-list? I think this is a Jonas. Nick Jonas, maybe.

  37. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Sounds like someone who was molested/sexually assaulted themselves thinking that it's ok to continue the cycle of inapropriate/too early sexual advances. Rihanna and Bieber, girl get a grip, on your sanity.
