Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blind Item #5

This C list actress used to be A list. She still looks amazing even though it has been a long time since she approached A list. It is also amazing that she can look this good despite the toll she put on her body. She always struggles with her sobriety and has had some glorious f**kups when she has failed. This past week she was at a charity event and they had free booze and our actress could not stay away. By the end of the night she had lost her blouse and had her bra hanging on by one strap and had to be carried out of the event and placed into a cab. She told everyone she could drive which she had to be forcibly talked out of and her keys removed from her.


  1. Sheesh, Liza's bra hanging by one strap?!

  2. Good one @green eyed lawyer

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Sharon seems like the type to get rowdy and take her top off. I can't see Wynona doing that.

  4. co-sign on the Sharon Stone

  5. Thank goodness there were people looking out for her.

  6. Sharon Stone my first guess.
    Was she at a chatty event? There must be photos.

    1. 'chatty event' - you must have the same new phone and auto-correct that I do. Samsung!!! *shakes fist*

      PS: it took me 5hrs to write this comment.

  7. Demi Moore? The Whip its being glorious?

  8. Replies
    1. Not Sean. She is scrupulously careful about not driving drunk. She may get drunk but she has never had a DUI. She wouldn't have been arguing that she could drive.

  9. Amanda Woodward was my first guess...

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM


  11. Was Heather Locklear A-list? She's had some dramz, too.

  12. @Amber - Heather was def Alist TV
    I picked her b/c she had that drinking/drugging driving episode a few years ago
    I agree that sharon stone fits, too - but I think her poison is not booze but drugs

  13. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Sean Young

  14. Kate Hudson's mom. She was papped last year drunk, panties showing, being rolled into a car.

  15. Liza was just at an event where she couldn't remember the words to Happy Birthday....so she is my guest...Not sure about the others being at an event but they all could be likely candidates.

  16. Goldie Hawn. That's her name.

  17. Agree with the demi guess. Some people just like to let loose.

  18. http://m.jezebel.com/5959702/liza-minnelli-got-a-little-too-fucked-up-at-a-fancy-benefit

  19. why would liza be described as an actress? that's not the main thing she's known for.

    she performed in galvestion on the 10th and got a glowing review in the houston paper. i don't think this is her.

  20. On what planet did Goldie Hawn become "Kate Hudson's mother?"


    1. I officially felt old there for a minute

    2. yup, ditto.

  21. No dudes, this is NOT Liza Minelli.

    Marisa Tomei - still looks amazing, Liza does NOT still look amazing, she looks *okay.*

    I can't believe hardly anyone else got this. Marisa Tomei FTW.

  22. Joan Collins .. totally!

    But seriously, I am on board with Goldie guesses. She has been all sorts of hot mess recently.

  23. "why would liza be described as an actress? that's not the main thing she's known for."

    I think of her as more of an actress than a singer, actually. She DID win an Oscar, after all.

    "On what planet did Goldie Hawn become 'Kate Hudson's mother?'"

    Oof, I know. Stuff like that makes me feel old. ;-)

    I don't know who to pick amongst the guesses others have given. Some good ones, although I was not aware that Sharon or Marisa had sobriety issues.

  24. I'm thinking Sharon Stone for some reason.

  25. Marisa Tomei and Goldie Hawn have both won Oscars, so they will almost certainly never slip to C list status. And Liza's in addition to being an Oscar winner is from Hollywood royalty and so will be A list forever.

  26. When did my ex-wife move to Hollywood?

  27. I'm going with either Demi (who was my first guess and still looks pretty amazing) or Marisa who, apparently has substance abuse problems, but looks amazing as well.

    I don't think Liza looks "amazing" nor do I think she is an actress first.

    As an aside, @Andrew, an Oscar doesn't necessarily mean permanent A list to enty (I think it did to Ted C).

  28. gotta be Goldie then..After doing nothing of significance after hopw many years winning an Oscar? I think she has slipped to C.

  29. my first thought was Heather Locklear. But if it's movies than i would say SHaron Stone.

  30. Okay it is so NOT Goldie Hawn, who has not had problems with sobriety or fuck-ups and is certainly more than just "Kate Hudson's mother". My guess is Melanie Griffith.

  31. hmm. I think Demi fits this more. She's definitely former A list, hasn't worked in anything for the past few years, so has fallen to C. Known alcoholic, and still looks pretty damn amazing.

  32. Not to discount her resume or make you guys feel old, but to many people under a certain age, the best thing we know about Goldie Hawn is that she is Kate Hudson's mom!

  33. Melanie Griffiths.

  34. omg how ignorant

  35. What about Ellen Barkin?

  36. See Private Benjamin and Overboard people! And, for the love of god, please don't start referring to Judy Garland as "Liza Minnelli's mother".

  37. and if we're going to recommend old-school Goldie Hawn movies, I just watched 'Foul Play' a week or two ago when I found it in a $5 DVD bin.....that movie is just really, really funny. Definitely holds up!!

  38. @ms snarky, Foul Play is probably one of the most hilarious movies I have ever seen, and yes it still stands up. That was the movie that also made Dudley More a star. His scene is one of the highlights.

  39. Liza is pretty much a living legend;she is not C list. Goldie Hawn is close behind. I dont think either could be called C..and I dont think Heather Locklear or Joan Collins would be either;both 2 of the all-time most popular TV actresses.

  40. I also dont think Demi is C list..when she was A+ at one point and still so well known. She can still get good parts if she wanted. I wouldnt think many would go from A to C..but one that might fit this is Kathleen Turner.

  41. Minelli looks pretty terrible now. This is about Sharon Stone.

  42. Add Wildcats to your watch list!

  43. Goldie is GOLDEN!!

  44. Winona.
    She used to be A, but after her shoplifting incident which happened while she was very unsober from pills, she's only been cast as supporting/cameo roles.

    Still looks gorgeous though.
