Saturday, November 17, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

May 5, 2008

#2 - Our B list film actress who happens to be married to a real winner was on a recent modeling shoot. Our actress loves crack and had arranged to meet a friend of a friend while she was in this city not her own who was going to supply her with everything she needed. He did show up, and she bought enough rocks to get her through the day. Unfortunately she didn't have a crack pipe because she didn't want to carry it on the plane. Her dealer didn't have one either. To say she was upset was an understatement. She sent her dealer and her assistant out to get one. They came back a short while later with one they had got from a homeless person for $100. Our actress didn't even bother to say thanks. Just spent the next hour in kind of a haze, the photo shoot be damned.

Brittany Murphy


  1. don't comment a lot, but this makes me incredibly sad...i loved brittany murphy..

  2. This is sad. :-( I love watching her films when I'm sick or having a duvet day. Kinda wish there were more.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Another long lost Lohan. Crack is wack people. Don't try it. Stay away from the hard stuff. Not that she ever seemed like the type to resist temptation.

  4. Photo shoot?

    she looks good in those...

  5. Thanks for the pics! This makes me super sad too. She was bright light chased by her demons. And the demons won.

    RIP Brittany. Happy you are at peace now.

  6. Supa sad face. Damn enablers. RIP

  7. How cool is it to do a drug reveal about someone who dies of an overdose? I don't have the punchline here ..

    1. i thought she died from pneumonia.

  8. Agreed Alicia, just sad.

  9. She didn't die of a drug overdose, she died of pneumonia. Her weird husband died of the same thing not that long after.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Weren t they both addicts to anything and living in a house full of mold, which would have explained both of them getting respiratory diseases and not being physically strong enough to recover?
    Sad nonetheless.

  12. I thought her death was a result of a mold build up in their house/condo/apt which caused the pneumonia that killed her.

    Which makes it even more sad to know that it could have very easily been prevented.

  13. A drug addict does drugs and doesn't say thanks?!? Oh. My. God.

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    This breaks my heart :/ i know she was living that life but her passing still gets me sad

  15. I'm sorry - a drug contributed death .. No one denies drugs played a factor in her pneumonia

  16. Regardless .. This reveal is tacky.

  17. Oh man :( Everytime there's a blind that starts with "B list actress," I think of her & get sad. I loved her.

  18. Hoping Class Alpha shows up for this post. I always believed he/she was someone that knew her. Would only comment on Brittany posts.

  19. This one is tacky, but not blinds on molestation and rape?

    1. Sure they are.. Did I somehow imply they weren't ? Considering I'm the only person who used the word tacky I'm assuming this comment is directed towards me..

  20. This is so sad, lindsay, take note.

  21. Jeebus people, stop whining. This is a damn gossip site called "Crazy Days and Nights" not "Celebrity Sunshine and Light". This entitlement generation is out of control. I know this may come as a shock, but the world does not revolve around you. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean people should change things to suit you. You can very easily avert your eyes or stop coming to the website.

  22. I cant believe how gullible people are, shit you can really fool a lot of people if you say some thing loud enough and long enough, MOULD death, give me a break! brit was hiv, she used hard drugs ANYWHERE and anytime.

  23. Well I don't feel bad. When you're a crack addict , you are playing with your life. Next.

  24. This is so sad. I cried like a loon during "Uptown Girls" the other week. Such a shame.

  25. Britney was HIV+? I was not aware.

  26. I also wondered about whether she could have been HIV+, only because pneumonia is a frequent cause of death for those suffering, since their immune systems are shot.

    Any time I see someone young, or in seemingly decent health, die from pneumonia...I can't help but have that as my initial thought.

    I have a close friend who was in the hospital for three months last year with pneumonia, and they didn't think he'd make it. He's HIV+, contracted it on one of the many affairs he was having, and he had NEVER told his long-term partner (the rest of us had no idea, either). It was a horrific time. Thankfully, his partner has tested negative.

  27. Wow unknown project much?

  28. Oh, Brittany. This is sad.
    Her death seemed out of nowhere to lots but there were clearly choices that led her to where she ultimately ended up.
    She was capable of so much but just took too many wrong turns.

  29. Gotta agree with unknown.. If the reveal isn't your cup of tea so be it but don't get all nanny on the site. Life is life, and even if at times it makes some uncomfortable it shouldn't be censored. There are many general lightweight gossip options for you on the Web, and go there instead.

  30. Anonymous4:09 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. @Buick I don't know who the fuck you are and I'm on this site enough and actually commenting and would never say something so douchey as "consensus of the site" don't speak for me or anyone else.

    It's still gossip some of it is dark and light, we aren't swimming in a toilet bowl all going to hell.

    If the subject matter offends anyone just go watch Access Hollywood for light nonsense.

  32. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion on these blinds. Ppl should be able to state how they feel, whether they believe its entertaining or tacky. No body has to go anywhere... Let's just be civil to each other plz

  33. I've posted this on other Brittany Murphy posts, but I spent the day with her before when I worked at a spa. She may have had her own demons, but she was an extremely lovely person. She was beyond kind, really witty, did not act like a typical celeb (didn't even acknowledge that she was famous at all), and was friendly to everyone she came into contact with. She was easily one of the sweetest people I have ever met. As I said, I was an employee, but she treated me as if I was her best friend. I later heard her invite some little old ladies to come hang out with her in her room... and then she shouted her room number out for all to hear, which gave my bosses a heart attack lol.
    This was back in '06, the year before she married that disaster of a man. She was actually engaged to someone else... his name was Joe, he seemed really nice as well.
    I always like to tell this story to remind people that you don't have to be a horrible human being to be a weak one. She was amazing, she just unfortunately was an addict. I often have a 'serves em right' attitude too when addicts die, but I have known too many amazing people who lost their lives to drugs for that to be a valid feeling.

    1. b. Love your story! Thanks for sharing :)

  34. Her dad has other conspiracys as to her death. Makes for interesting reading but that's about it. Think he's a tad crazy.

  35. @b
    Thanks for sharing that! I always loved Brit - super sad to see her pass so early!

  36. @Sadie
    No problem!
    I was so used to celebs being disappointing in person, but she definitely didn't disappoint. Her death made me incredibly sad :(

    1. @b any other stories you can share? :)

  37. I don't think this post shows her as a horrible celeb, and if someone has a personal experience with them. I can see being sensitive over any posting about them. It just shows that she was was terribly addicted to drugs and had too many enablers willing to help her keep her addiction going.

    It's a cautionary tale.

  38. @timebob
    I didn't mean to imply that the blind painted her in that light, it was meant more for reactions to the blind. Everyone seemed to avoid being negative except for the one that said 'Well I don't feel bad. When you're a crack addict , you are playing with your life. Next.'
    I just know that my initial reaction when I read/hear about drug addicts is not usually a very kind one, so I usually have to put myself in check. I just wanted to add my two cents to help people see her as a person, not just an addict.

    @dia papaya
    I love reading firsthand accounts from other commenters on here, so I like to add my few whenever they apply :)

  39. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Uh... timebob, I have just been noticing that more and more people have been commenting about how depressing things are, with all the molestation posts in the past 6 months. In the earlier days, there were a lot more personal stories and funny observations that appear less frequently lately... I'll just quit commenting again...

  40. Thanks for sharing that, B. I watched clueless recently and surprised myself by tearing up when she came ontbe screen. Her untimely passing just makes me sad.

  41. @BlindItemMe
    Nothing extremely juicy happened while I was there. My coworkers told me about a few crazy stories that happened just before I started- ie:a drunken, manic, pregnant Britney Spears wreaking havoc throughout the resort.
    I learned never to believe the 'they're not dating' stories because a lot of supposed non-couples came in together
    (ie: Aniston and Vaughn came in together at the height of their denial... he was pretty friendly, held doors open for others and whatnot) and I realized how teeny tiny celebs are in real life... even the seemingly normal-sized ones look twig-thin and fragile in real life.
    Soap stars and has-beens were usually more of a headache than most of the big names that came through. However, Jamie Foxx was kind of weird to everyone and Reese Witherspoon was the absolute worst. Megan Mullaly was very quiet, but was a sweetheart... a friend/co-worker of mine worshipped her and asked for her autograph, which is a huge no-no. He was fired immediately (I think another co-worker snitched on him). She begged them not to discipline him, that he had been respectful and discrete about it... they fired him anyway :/
    That's all I can think of right now. I have tons of stories about brief encounters with celebs, Brittany is the only one that I really spent much time with.

  42. @b. your story was very nice and I'm glad she was a nice person beforehand. Unfortunately , she was also an adult and adults know that drugs have no place in a healthy and stable life.

  43. Thanks, Vkn, but unfortunately part of being human is being imperfect and fallible.
    I have never done drugs or been addicted to anything, so I can be extremely judgmental in this area too. But as a family member and friend of people who have made similar bad decisions and met similar fates, I understand. I might not have much sympathy for addicts, but I have tons of empathy after having it affect me indirectly so many times.

  44. Thanks, @b, from another B. I loved Brittany. Such a sad end and I always believed she was a nice person, despite any demons. She is missed.

  45. That was a sweet story, b, and I always thought that she seemed like a real sweetheart, period. Losing her was a real loss for the world, no matter how or why, or what she did beforehand.

    Now I want to know why Reese was the worst...

  46. Thanks dia and hi other B! :)
    As much as it sucks, drugs don't just take out the bad guys. I really wish that's how it worked!

  47. @AKM- she came in with a bunch of females (some were celebs, one was Cindy Crawford, but I didn't recognize most). Everyone else was SO nice and seemed to be having a blast... Reese was miserable.
    One of the rules of working at the spa was that we had to constantly address the guests by last name (right this way, Ms. SoAndSo; would you care for some champagne, Ms. SoAndSo, etc) to make it a more personalized and intimate experience. Celebs always created an alias whenever they booked and we would have to address them by using their fake last name- that had never presented a problem. Reese forbade even using her fake last name to address her. She was rude, did not interact with the girls she came in with, was annoyed any time we had to talk to her, and definitely never looked us in the eye. She wanted to swim, but forgot her bathing suit. She asked us to get one for her (we had a shop in a separate part of the resort that sold bathing suits), but she didn't want to give a size or any details of what style she would like. She had us running all over for her, but acted like we were annoying little gnats. At this point I stopped dealing with her completely and handed her over to a coworker lol.
    I'd like to think she was just having a bad day (hey, it happens to all of us), but I've heard that this is pretty typical for her.

  48. @b and that makes me believe TC's blind even more... ugh

  49. Oooh, which blind, White lilly?

  50. She's supposed to be "shafterella shoshstein".
    He actually never reveled it but it was a common guess

  51. I never got hooked on TC's blinds like I did on Enty's, but I'll definitely have to google Ms. Shoshtein to compare notes!:)

  52. Well, I started my gossip addiction over Ted's, lol. There's a blog called that they kept track of Ted's blinds. It may be a good place to start.

  53. I've read some of his before, but was always thrown off by the nicknames and how the blinds were worded.

    P.S. if I had known about the TC blind back then I would have been sure to call her Ms. Shoshtein, since I wasn't allowed to use her other alias ;)

  54. Ah, thanks, b. I know we have to take gossip and blind items with a grain of salt, but that seems to be RW's M.O. from what we've read here. Thanks for the scoop!

  55. @b, lol! That would've been so funny! And then how I'd wished she knew about the blind, lol

  56. @Vkn, thank you, I often find myself of two minds where addiction is concerned, it's actually nice to see someone else with the same logic. I get the whole "addiction is an illness" thing, but at some point EVERY addict made a choice. There is no way any person of even average intelligence can NOT know what crack/meth/insert drug of choice here can do, and yet people still CHOOSE to try them.
    There are a few exceptions, for me; I remember once watching a video clip or interview with Robert Downey Jr.'s parents, in which his father talked about smoking weed with their son when he was--if I remember correctly, and it's possible that I don't--10 years old. It made me incredibly sad for RDJ.
    I think that children or those with severe mental illness aren't capable of making a rational decision where drugs are concerned. But almost everyone else makes that choice of their own free will, and I often find it difficult to have sympathy for them.

  57. Wow! That was awesome b. You gave some juicy tidbits-always loved RW from her Moon movie (2 lazy too look up). I had no idea she wasn't a nice person in the real.

    But also you have some heartfelt and compassionate insight! I really hope you become a regular commentor here.

    Lol-Jamie Foxx was weird? That sounds intriguing. Why did you leave your job?

  58. I'm kinda.sad to read that RW was so awful, but yeah, I've read similar elsewhere.

  59. You are totally welcome for the scoops, AKM and BlindItemMe!

    @Elissa- I know it's easy to have little to no sympathy for addicts, I admitted to feeling the same way. I'm just saying, that is my default setting, so I have to challenge myself to think it through from other angles. A lot of the reason I feel that anger or indifference is because I've been put through hell by loved ones who are/were addicts and because I just can not understand making the decision to use the first time. I don't even see addiction as an illness, I see it as a horrible decision that often snowballs beyond control. I totally understand where you're coming from, hopefully you see my point as well.

    Hi Dee Lurker!
    Yeah, it's a shame, I probably wouldn't have guessed it, she seems like she would be bubbly and fun! And thank you for your kind words! I've been reading this site for years and years, but I only comment every now and then because by the time I get around to it, other commenters have already said everything that I would have :)
    Jamie Foxx was weird because he was acting over the top, pretending like he was trying so hard to not be recognized, but kept walking in front of us, making sure that we noticed him. He was in the fitness area working out (well, he was near the equipment, but I don't remember seeing him ever touch a machine) wearing a sweatshirt with his hood up and a HUGE bodyguard by his side (the only bodyguard I ever saw in the spa). But the thing is, he kind of had an attitude with all of us because we weren't fawning over him (which we would never be allowed to do and seemed to be exactly what he was trying to avoid). He paced around until some female guests noticed him and started flirting. Then he lit right up lol.
    I only worked there while I was in college. The pay wasn't amazing and working there often felt like being back in high school (cliques, back-stabbing, rumors, etc). I really did enjoy my time there and I still have friends who work there, so I still get celeb dirt every now and then (let's just say I wasn't surprised by the Travolta stories lol)

  60. @b - now we all want the Travolta dirt! Haha!

    Thanks for sharing! Glad to have you on Team CDaN ;)

    Big hug!!!

  61. And I totes want to know the name of the spa but I know you can't say. I understand bc I can't share all my Oprah stories. But I was only at Harpo for a few months....

  62. Nothing new to offer there, dia. I just heard whispers about it way back when I was working there.

    Let's just say that this resort & spa is in southern California ;)
    And feel free to share Oprah stories anytime!!

    Big virtual hugs right back at you!

  63. Resort options: LaCosta? St. Regis Monarch? Ritz Carlton Laguana Nigel?

  64. Nope, none of those... but close ;)

  65. P.S. sorry for hijacking this comment section today, yikes!

  66. @b, I completely understand your point, and I apologize if my comment made it seem as if I didn't. I understand that troubled people can feel the need to escape from reality (I really hate the overused and completely cliche phrase "self-medicating"), and I know that life is sometimes so overwhelming that it can be difficult to cope. But there are other options. Therapy. Prozac. Cheesecake. Thimble collecting. Whatever. Millions of people find a way to deal without resorting to drugs or alcohol, and I save my respect and admiration for those who are strong/smart enough to deal with reality unassisted.
    But I will not, cannot, absolutely refuse to to expend my emotional energies on whinging celebrity addicts; "Oh, God, I'm beautiful, rich, famous, and I have everything millions of Americans will never, ever, have! Oh, woe is me, however will I cope? *sob*"


  67. Sad sad sad. Count me as one of the many how cry at the sight of her.

    A few years ago I ended up homeless (long story short, credit crunch, lost job, lost home) and I ended up in a hostel with many of residents in long term rehab. It was considered one of the nicer hostels and you could only get in if you had been in a programme for 3 months or more. As I wasn't a substance abuse addict, I got loads more freedom to come and go, and my own self contained flat (the other residents had a room and bathroom, but shared a living room and kitchen). Still, I spent some time in the conservatory and spoke to the other ladies. They told me their stories and kept telling me no matter what I was never to touch drugs. It was heartbreaking to hear them beg me not to make a mess of my life like they did theirs. A few had no intention of leaving, they had the only stability they'd had in years and a lot of the decisions they couldn't cope with was taken care of for them.

    Having experienced this, I definitely don't judge like I used to. From the outside looking in, it's easy to say drugs are bad and addicts chose to take them, but no one chooses that life. Some need the oblivion, the escape, from a life we can't know everything about. I'm just glad I was lucky enough not to need that.

  68. I was frustated with this site because it was hared getting on here with all the pop-ups and ads. I stop coming here for 3 or 4 days. I decided to give it another try today and guess what, I made it in. Wahoo! I counld't have come in at a better time. @B, you have made my day. I luved me some Brittany and I too was, is sad about what happeded to her. As for RW, well the writting about her have always been on the wall.

  69. To b,

    Thanks for the Brittany Murphy story. My husband went to one of her birthday parties at Chateau Marmont as as guest of her cousin, and Brittany was charming, unpretentious, lovely, and yes, very tiny. Addiction is such a vicious demon; I hate the drugs but never the people. And ditto on Travolta stories; a co-worker's cousin works at a chic Manhattan hotel spa and staff was told not to send male masseuses to Mr. Travolta because of "unsolicited" advances.

  70. @b, my cousin worked at a "mountain resort" (aka a spa in the middle of nowhere) and Reese was a guest when she was dating Jake G. It was funny to read your experience with Reese because she was EXACTLY the same way at this resort. Demanding and rude in the worst way. She also yelled at someone who asked her a question. Her kids were there and they were at the stables. A staffer asked Reese if her kids wanted to go horse riding (or something to that effect) and she responded with a very rude "what do you think." This place, while fancy, doesn't deal with big celebs a lot, so the incredible rudeness was definitely noted and a disappointment to those who waited on her.

    To be fair, Jakey was supposed to meet her there, but never showed. Perhaps she was embarrassed b/c she was stood up? Even though they were dating, he was booked in a separate villa. They broke up a few weeks later.

  71. @b, thanks for all the info! Nice to hear personal stories.

  72. Thanks for the love, everyone! It is definitely mutual ;)

    @eastvillagesiren- I think her loveliest qualities stemmed from her tragic ones- she seemed very lonely and vulnerable, which made her that much more outgoing and warm to people. I'd guess that the loneliness and vulnerability would make her fall into drugs easily, as well :/
    And I bet nobody believed you with the Travolta stories, huh? Everyone I told (I only told spa gossip to a select few at the time) swore that he was 100% straight and that it was just vicious gossip. Rrrrrrright....

    @Mrswife29- Wow, how do people make it through each day being so miserable? She reminds me of Sandra Bullock's character in Crash. I hope her kids haven't picked up any of her bad attitude! She is part of the reason why I will always doubt the 'Jake is straight!' claims. He seems nice, I don't know how anyone with any amount of decency would choose to be with her unless is was a contractual thing! Hell, I tapped out after only a couple of hours of forced contact with her lol
