Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bonita Lynn Fields Dead: Former Mouseketeer Dies At 68


  1. You realize we are going to have 3 generations of Mouseketeers dying - we're talking about 50 years of Mouseketeer obits! The original, the club from the 70s, and the Justin/Britney/Xtina club.

  2. RIP.

    The song doesn't seem like something teens or tweens would be singing. WTF Walt thinking? I'm expecting, oh, Mitzi Gaynor to come dancing out of the woods.

    (And sorry, but I had to giggle at "Camp Cougar" which means something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT these days.)

  3. I was obsessed with this show (it was before my time, but I watched it along with I Love Lucy, Honeymooners, etc.). Anyway, I was so obsessed with her in particular I named my dolls (lego/weeble wobble? Can't remember; My Holly Hobby doll, my secondary acting dolls) Bonnie! What a small world! That really took me back! WOW! RIP

  4. RIP...

    What a great voice. A generation earlier and she would have been a great torch singer...

    I hope she had a happy life...

  5. Aw man, I so loved the old Mickey Mouse Club. This makes me sad. :(
