Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Brandon Flowers Leaves Show After Just Four Songs

Last night, The Killers were playing in Manchester, England when Brandon Flowers walked off the stage after four songs saying his throat hurt. The bizarre thing is that he sounded fine through the third song. Then he said his throat hurt but that he had some kind of special medicine. he took that and came out and sang another song and then after that it was over. What is this special medicine? If you sound fine and then take your medicine and then cancel the show is there more to it then I am thinking? Did he just want a night off so he could make baby #16. I think he is in some personal war with the Hanson brothers to have the most kids in a rock band. Tonight's show has been canceled.


  1. Sometimes musicians get pissy. It happens but i feel for the fans that paid money to see them perform.

  2. I love the Killers. Brandon has an amazing voice.

  3. He only has 3 kids...that is not a lot.

  4. Someone is still upset that Romney lost the election.... Poor baby

  5. Shitty thing to do. He sounded fine to me.

  6. @JSierra, I think Enty's making a mormon jab.

  7. Everybody had an off night. He should reschedule these dates for another time.

  8. Yeah, the fact that he performed at all means that th fans are just out if luck, no reschedules or refunds...kinda shitty

  9. @Em Yeah I got that, it just falls short when the guy only has 3 kids. Especially when you try to compare them to the Hanson brothers who have something like a collective 10 children.

    I just don't understand Enty's sense of humour sometimes.

  10. @JSierra, well, now we know how Enty feels about Mormons, I guess


  11. I don't want to think bad of Brandon Flowers. I love his voice, too.

  12. Here is the FB apology:

    Manchester, we started something we couldn't finish and we're so, so sorry. Working on rescheduling tonight and tomorrow's shows. Will let you know new dates ASAP. ♥K

    That being said, I love The Killers! They put on a kick ass show too, hoping for some tour dates soon!

  13. That's awesome that they are rescheduling, so many bands do not.

  14. It could have been a shot of cortisone.

  15. I went to a Morrissey concert outside of Cleveland in the late 90's. Concert was going fine, people were loving it. Some guy in the audience held up a a sign referencing a recent legal battle between Morrissey and Mike Joyce, a band member of the Smiths (which Joyce won). The sign read, "Mike Joyce 1. Morrissey 0." He saw the sign...dropped the mic...and walked off stage. Concert over.

  16. I ♥ Brandon. Not just because if I married him, I'd be Flor Flowers, but the Killers rock. Hope whatever it was is better today!

  17. Or it could have been an anointing with special oil and a Priesthood blessing. Lots of Mormon's swear by them. It's sort of a laying on of hands thing.

  18. Meh, their new record kinda blows, anyway.

  19. We've got tickets to see them in January, can't wait

  20. We've got tickets to see them in January, can't wait

  21. I had no idea who "Brandon Flowers" was until I read "The Killers..." Is he actually famous in his own right?

  22. I wonder if he wears the special Mormon underwear? Sorry for being facetious. Mormonism reminds me of Scientology.

  23. I love Brandon and The Killers. I have tickets for their concert at MSG next month.

    They seem like good guys and don't seem like the type to just screw their fans over for no reason. It's possible that even though he did sound ok, his throat started bothering him and he realized that if he kept going, he would only be making it worse.

    Also, I agree with previous comments. He only has three kids, Enty. Calm down.

    I know someone on a previous post was just trying to make a joke but I highly doubt Brandon cares that Romney lost. He's accepted invites from President Obama, played at events for Harry Reid, and performed on the Colbert Report. I don't think he leans too heavily either way.

  24. Their songs all sound the same to me.

  25. You should watch his "I'm a Mormon" video on It's pretty touching. When I was at BYU, some of my friends were "friends" with him and based on what they said I didn't think he was an active member, so when I saw that video it was shocking and refreshing to hear someone be so open and honest about their struggles, but that they love the church and believe it, so they keep trying to be better.

  26. Wow, sorry about that horribly long run-on sentence.
