Saturday, November 03, 2012

Dating Horror Story Minus The Dating

You know I love it when you send in your dating profiles and things that have gone on in your dating life. This is a really good one sent in by a reader.

 So here's the background. I was at work when an old friend, B, showed up with his friend Colin. (real name must be used).  I said I would join them after work.  I went to my car to take my jersey off because I didn't want to drink in my uniform and left my tank top on with a jacket over. I didn't really talk too much with Colin, but he texted me the next day thanking me for directions (I incorrectly assumed he got my number from B) and then just started a conversation with how I was doing and the usual stuff. I didn't want to be rude, so I answered him politely until he started letting his stupidity show. Here's a gist of the conversation (don't have screenshots.)

Colin: Favorite store besides Victoria's secret?

Me: Not a favorite

Colin: Wow that's surprising.

(Apparently all girls with big boobs must love VS!)

Colin: Can I ask you something personal? Promise you won't get mad? Longest relationship?
Me: How would that make me mad?
Colin: Well, cause I was going to ask you if you'd ever done the friends with benefits thing. It seems like more and more people do that... I don't think it's bad and since you're so good looking, I'm just curious.

Me: No, I don't do that.

Colin: Since you're such a sweetie and we're friends now... well my birthday is coming up. You should totally bake me a cake or cookies. If you do that for me, I'll take you shopping or whatever ya want.

Me: That's not necessary.

(I complained the night before that everyone thinks I'm a lot younger than what I am and he asked what I am usually mistaken for- 18 or younger)

Colin: Oh lord... yeah cause 18 year olds have DD boobs and a smile like yours...

Me: Girls stop growing around 18, sooo, yeah they do. And I don't think your smile has anything to do with age.

Colin: Do you get annoyed with guys talking about your boobs or do you like the compliments?

Me: Annoyed.

Colin: Are you really a DD?

Me: I never said I was

Colin: I know, I just guessed... but the way you were flaunting them at work I figured they were that big

Me: I wasn't flaunting them. You probably just didn't stop looking. There is a difference.

Colin: lol wow thanks for calling me out... you really are so sweet ;) Guess you don't want me coming to see you this weekend.

(Bastard! I never even said I wanted to see you again!)

After sending so many texts without a response and me very annoyed and tired of being nice--

Colin: Guess you weren't interested

Me: I never said I was. Stop texting me, You're an asshole, if you didn't already know.

Colin: How am I an asshole? I never did anything to you

Me: You don't go around asking girls you don't know about their boobs and making stupid assumptions based on what you think you know. Everything you've said to me has been disrespectful
Colin: Ok you're good looking... excuse me for telling you that.

Me: Lol, really? You don't see anything inappropriate with what you've been saying to me? "What's your fave store besides Victoria's Secret?" "Are you really a dd?" "Do you like guys talking about your boobs...?" "How do you feel about friends with benefits?"

Colin: I didn't say how do you feel about friends with benefits, I asked if you had done it.... well every woman likes victoria's secret so excuse me for putting you in that category.

Me: No they don't. That's a stupid assumption and that's even worse! You don't ask strangers about their sex life. Get your head out of your ass.

Colin: Okay, well I'm sorry for giving you compliments... it's not like I was trying to date you or anything... you seemed like a cool person to be around. So since you obviously hate me now... do you even want to talk?

My replies were not edited. This guy couldn't take a hint. I was sent 4-6 texts to my one short answered text. I really could not believe how dumb he was.


  1. What a pig. The "flaunting" part really pissed me off.

  2. You responded and fed into it.

  3. I love how he assumed the girl would bake for him. He's either got balls of steel or brains of mush.

    1. "balls of steel or brain of mush" I LOVE it!!

  4. This kind of things happen to me all the time, having big breast and being friendly apparently means I'm in love with the guys. I even get the creeps that get my info elsewhere.
    I wonder why men are so self confident. Ps VS is the worst worst bra makers they don't even carry my size

    1. VS doesn't carry larger sizes in most bras. At least not in the stores where you would like to try them on. Just try finding a pretty bra in a DD. One day they have them and then they discontinue them. And the the absolute inanity of push up and padding in somwthing with double letters? Are you fucking kidding me?

    2. Thank you! I feel the same way.

  5. He's stupid and has a huge ass ego. That's a gross combo. To the person who wrote this, I'd be looking over my shoulder for awhile.

  6. @whocares, I totally agree! Also, this was a conversation entirely by text message? I call bullshit.

    Also, if you're not flaunting - at least for the CDaN audience - why leave in details like his assumption you're a DD? Certainly sounds like you want us to think you're hot enough for a guy to guess a rather big bust size.

    I think these two dolts deserve each other.

  7. I'm sorry, but seriously, take some f-ing responsibility. The guy texted her me she repeatedly texted back. If she didn't want the attention, or wasn't enjoying the texting then she would have stopped and left it alone. This just screams attention whore, to put it mildly.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I'm with Unknown. I'm well endowed and VS bras are a joke, just tape some black lace over the girls and you'd get about the same support. This guy is a skeezy, slimey, passive aggressive, date raper type. Force complimenting, force dating, bring me some cookies, what an immature, scary, weirdo. This guy is an idiot but also really strangely aggressive for no reason.

  9. @Dewie: nobody s name is mentioned so unless she wrote all this to get Enty s attention ...
    Very decently managed from the reader but I wouldn t even had bothered replying to this thick dude.

  10. I'm pleased you called him out.

    I'm small breasted but I don't get the Victoria's Secret love which is so prevalent. Seems tacky, average and over priced.

  11. I have met lots of guys like this, I would say this is normal behaviour for a lot of guys. Age doesn't have much to do with it either.
    I used to give these chumps the benefit of the doubt, thinking they had awkward social skills and they would become normal once they were less nervous around me. I finally realized that was who they were. Icckkk. Guys like this are from another time, they don't respect women at all, they just see walking vaginas waiting to be stuffed. These are the guys that cheat on their wives and girlfriends without a second thought. There will always be a women who has low enough self esteem who will put up with it though.

  12. Dear "Me,"

    this is just boring. seriously, WHO CARES????

    and why you would continue to text the guy after his first offensive text is beyond me. are we readers supposed to be outraged?! seriously?

    just for a few seconds, you should consider all of the poor people who are suffering in ny and nj. people who have lost loved ones, homes and businesses. and who are without electricity or heat or food, and the temperature went down to the 30's last night.

    then maybe, you'll realize that if you've got shelter, electricity and food, stupid sh-t like this doesn't really matter.

    1. "Me" did not, in the slightest, imply that she was a victim of a catastrophe or that she was dealing with a major socio-political issue. Just because there's a tragedy some place else does not mean that asswipes crossing your path is no longer a reality.

  13. Uugghh overbearing, clueless guys who can't take a hint are the WORST. This post just brought back so many memories. Fuck.

  14. Wow, way to feed into a stereotype, ladies. You don't have to like her responses, but come on, ganging up on her for speaking her mind back to a misogynist?
    Do you also believe that if a woman wears a short skirt, she was asking for it, too?

    1. +1000 .. Way to women bash ladies

    2. +1000 .. Way to women bash ladies

  15. I don't think attacking the reader who submitted this is appropriate, if you ignore the text you will be labelled a bitch, if you politely reply as she did, she's still labelled an attention whore. It's a no win.
    Many women flaunt their girls, it would be easy for a Neanderthal guy to assume all women are looking for the same thing. Sometimes when you are a bigger chested girl you can't help but flaunt them simply because they are there, even a turtle neck doesn't help.

  16. This post has nothing to do with Hurricane Sandy.

  17. Annabella, don't you think anyone reading this is here as a diversion from the stupid hurricane?

  18. Really Annabella?!? like, really? you brought up a disaster in NY for what reason? she's not allowed to share her experience because of a natural disaster? this could have been sent to enty AGES ago. If you care that much about whats happened in NY get off the Internet and do something instead of having a go at someone sharing something on a GOSSIP site. fuck me.

    and yeah the guy sounds like a dick, but sometimes you want to respond just to see what other dumb shit he'll come out with?

  19. So for those of you with your judgy pants on, posting that she brought this on herself - no. It sounds like you've never been in an awkward position with a friend of a friend. Good for you.

  20. @The Black Cat right on! For a lot of women, 'backing away slowly' is how they handle unwanted attention from a man. Because if you're rude upfront, you can anger them quickly. So, you're polite, hoping you're dealing with someone reasonable who'll get the hint. When they don't, then you end, like this woman did.

    Also, this Colin was a friend of a friend, so add that in as well.

  21. I've had similar text conversations like this. I think it took me one or two times for me to realize DON'T RESPOND. These guys get off on any response even if she's pissed off. I'm willing to bet that this was her first experience with this special type of loser.

    Add me to the VS bras are overpriced pieces of lace and satin seen together beautifully, but offer zero support and unless you never wash it, not even in delicate, the seams come apart. I LOVE cacique bras from Lane Bryant and I'm sad that pretty soon their smallest size will be too big for me.

  22. Wow, this is so similar to texts that a former co-worker would send to me. He had a girlfriend but would send me inappropiate messages that I would never respond to. He still kept sending them. Damned if you respond, damned if you don't.

  23. This is so, so bizarre. Why is this posted? It's not funny or entertaining. It honestly seems like it was written by someone who finds themselves much more interesting than they actually are. Complaining because you only look 18 and have massive boobs, oh, how tragic. Sorry, but this just seems like such a bizarre post.

  24. Why must "real names be used?" I didn't get that part.

    I found this kind of boring altogether, though. Maybe I just know a lot of asshats, but this wouldn't be a top 20 story in my friend group.

  25. He reminds me of the type of guys I use to find on the Internet dating sites. I'm not saying all the guys on the Internet are like that, but a good majority are.

    I would have blocked his number after the first offense, but it's like a car accident you can't stop watching.

  26. Forgot to mention it, but I would wonder about the friend who is friends with this guy. Birds of a feather flock together.

  27. I don't think it's judgy or attacking the reader to suggest to her that she had every right not to respond further. If anything, it's kind of empowering to not give this creep ANY kind of know, the power from thinking that he's gotten a rise out of her. That exchange took a lot of negative energy, after all, so how did that benefit her?

    Lately I've been trying to live by "never complain, never explain" and all that. It's very empowering and freeing to ignore rather than fight and/or bait.

  28. Anonymous11:53 AM

    It's been my experience that, all things being equal, girls/women prefer confidence (even assholish OVER confidence) over lack of confidence. Girls get tired of wishy-washy Hamlet types (and in a few years they're gonna be REALLY tired of 'em, since geeks/nerds/scottpilgrim-types are being overdone right now, ha ha). I was not confident for the majority of my twenties. Then, one day, I decided to just start faking that I knew what the hell I was all about. And instead of over-thinking and fretting and waffling about shit, I started pretending to not give a fuck. The difference was startling. I had a beautiful, seemingly well-adjusted 20-year-old just randomly start hanging out with me (in my mid-30s). I had a drop-dead gorgeous model (now working in H'Wood) pretty much ask ME out. Also, (again, all things being equal), and again, just in my experience, most women prefer being ogled over being ignored. It shakes their self-image and self-esteem if guys aren't treating them like sex objects. They (women) would rather have lots of assholes around for them to reject than to be surrounded by dudes who treat them with respect and not as a (potential, at least) conquest. Watch the remake of "Bedazzled" sometime (the "beach" part of the movie): there's a lot of truth in that scene. Anyway, I'm digressing, but yeah, as at least some people have pointed out, even though the girl in this posting got attention from a total dumbass, it WAS attention and she (IMO) played into it. If a total jerk had thought her beneath his notice, you can bet she would have REALLLLLY been pissed, ha ha...

  29. Creepy. Reminds me of the asshole who asked me what I thought about living together on the second date.

    Um, who said this was going to go that way? I wasn't even that into the guy; the date was something to do.

    One of his next comments was about why girls wanted to get married.

    I was all of 22 or 23, but I saw my future if I continued to date this ass, and it wasn't good. I would be dumped once I was "past my prime" at 27 or 28. (Meanwhile, he was in his 30s. He shaved FIVE YEARS off his age, which I didn't know at the time, btw.)

    I dumped him.

  30. My only question is why keep answering his texts.

    Other than that I think the guy is truly clueless and sad.

    You must love VS because all women do?

    You should bake for me on my birthday and I will take you shopping?

    Have you ever done "friends with benefits"?

    Let's talk about your boobs, their size and how you are "flaunting" them.

    BTW, If you have big boobs it's kinda hard to hide them. So I guess that equals flaunting?

    Still would have blocked him after that friends with benefits text.

  31. He sounds like a real winner (kidding).
    Good for you lady for standing up for yourself!

  32. Post this in !

  33. Annabella,

    Stick up your ass much?

    I live in NJ. Posts like this are a freaking fun diversion. Nothing more or less.

    I lost a lot of sleep and my nerves are still a bit frayed. I wasn't even in a hard-hit area.

    I need to laugh. This gave me a good one. So take the holier-than-thou righteousness to some news site comments section and let the rest of us have our laughs, thanks.

  34. For those saying she should block his number, it's nt that simple. I'm pretty sure on my AT&T plan, blocking a number is about $6 a month. An annoying creep isn't worth that monthly reminder on my bill. Just like my grandma said about my teeth, "ignore them and they'll go away"

  35. Jesus, since when is everyone here such uptight assholes? It was funny, exasperating and all too true. Who hasn't met a guy like this who thinks he's hot shit despite no supporting evidence that he is?
    Nicely done----even if he doesn't get it, most of us do and can have a good laugh at this ass clown's expense.

  36. You really brought this on yourself, you hussy! You should have put your tits in your back pockets for the duration of your shift and not flaunted yourself like the jezebel you apparently are.

    @ Lioness - +1. And I can't believe all the vitriol behind some of the posts, especially the ones about making it up so we'd think she's young and hot. SHE'S ANONYMOUS! So much for the warm CDaN community.

  37. This is what it's like to date in LA. Big fucking UGH.

  38. intresting fishing technique, hi are you up for giving me free sex? no, how about sex with a gift after? no ok how about i try to shame you into sex? no, ok how about i annoy you into sex? no, ok ill text you later, to see if you still want to give me free sex

  39. Personally, if a friend of a friend started texting me like that, I'd most likely respond, too - for two reasons:

    1. They're a friend of my friend and I don't want to be impolite. But when it escalates...

    2. Bullies and jerks need to be called out. Maybe it doesn't work some of the time, but when people ignore that kind of behavior consistently, the jerks think it's perfectly OK, they're not being a jerk because someone would have said something, right? I'll call them out maybe once or twice, then I would do *exactly* what she did at the end: elaborate on his assholery and then tell him to never be in contact with me again. (Then I'd tell mutual friend what a jerk he was. It's my experience that good guy friends are rather protective, so he'll get a double beat-down).

    Oh, and I got that his real name had to be used because sometimes "Colin" is pronounced the same way you'd pronounce "colon" - e.g., the highway to the rectum.

  40. Wacol and Hanes (that's for the boobed amongst us)

  41. @Mango...

    Are you doing okay today?

  42. @Andreak -
    Please direct to me the comments made by the guy in question that indicated he was a misogynist. Misogyny is a hatred of women. Being clueless or a pest is not misogyny. Please use your terms more appropriately.

    @KLM: You nailed it. The woman is question wants attention, pure and simple. Otherwise she would have a) blocked this guy early and b) Kept the exchanges to herself.

  43. Women handle things differently than girls. I would have probably done the same as our reader when I was a clueless young lady than I would today. Live and learn.

  44. @Timebob, LOL!

    I just had an experience at trivia. I have been going to trivia for a very long time. I was there alone as my friend was going to be late. Normally there are 4 of us, but my husband is working, another friend was babysitting & I thought I might have just been playing by myself. I had my wedding rings on, a novel, and jeans and a 3/4 top that was not tight or revealing. I sat at the edge of the room, out of the way. There was one drunk guy who decided he would stand near my table & harass me. I tried to be polite but rude. Answered questions with one or two word answers, read my book & didn't make eye contact etc. One of the ladies who works there asked if I knew him & I said no. They cut him off (from alcohol) after that. I sat there debating whether I should be more aggressive towards him, but didn't know how he would react. Later he was standing elsewhere & complaining he got cut off & knew I had something to do with it. Good, hope he leaves me alone forever & a day. People don't ask for it, some of us just seem to have a weirdo attractant.

  45. "Me," great story! Please ignore all the judgmental asses. They are the new trolls around here.

  46. Hi Lola,

    It's warm and sunny today. Sometimes I'm only as good as the weather. I'm going to go sit outside with my iPad. Thanks for asking. :)

    1. Mango, sometimes all you can do is live in the moment of a single day. I've been thinking of you.

  47. DewieTheBear:
    According to wikipedia, "According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women..."
    I think his fixation with her boobs and asking completely inappropriate questions about them would constitute as sexual objectification.

  48. I agree with both Dewie and the Black Cat.
    I loved attention when I was that age. I would have done the same thing 15 years ago.
    Now, no.
    And yes, the guy obviously loves women. He just sounds like an idiot creeper, not a rapey women hater. He is probably the same age as her. A boy.

    1. But it is an amusing story. I would have told all my friends.

  49. Hey Sherry,
    I hope you're well hon.
    I know what you mean about push-up & padded bras for larger sizes. Really? Why, because having double letter size breasts aren't big enough? Too bizarre.

    1. Hey Rox: Thank you for well wishes. Kind of you to shout out. From your Sister in grand boobage!

  50. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This was silly and fun to read. I'm glad she told him he is an asshole

  51. This is the type of guy who will tell you up and down that he gets screwed over a lot because "women don't like nice guys". "Why don't women like nice guys? Maybe if I was a jerk women would like me more." :( Because you aren't really a nice guy. You are an asshole masquerading very poorly as a "nice guy". Way to go, reader!

  52. I'd love to know who sent this in...

    My favourite part was " well my birthday is coming up. You should totally bake me a cake or cookies. If you do that for me, I'll take you shopping or whatever ya want." What a pig! But yeah, I don't really rate this story. Better stories have happened to other people for sure. I would have rather Enty put up another blind reveal from 2007 than this post...

  53. This happens a lot. Where I live, a majority of the men are like this. After it happens a while, it's fun to put an asshole in his place.

    I found this very funny and appreciate her sharing this with us. This douche needed to hear this and hopefully learn a lesson.

  54. OMG I thought this was so funny I just had to share.

    I just drove up to the McDonald's near my house to pick up a couple of double cheese burgers. I must have had this post on the brain because when I pulled up to place my order, I said:

    Me: "Hi, I'd like two of the Double D's."

    Employee: "Um, what?"

    Me: I'd like two of the Double D's... you know, the double cheese burgers on the dollar menu."

    Employee: *pause* "Do you mean the McDoubles?"

    Me: "Um, yeah. The McDoubles."

    I laughed all the way home.

  55. @Mango, that's awesome. Perfect way to end this thread!

  56. I've gotta say, weekend comments are way snarkier. I'll preface this by saying that I was not the reader who sent this in (I'm a 34c on a good day), but I think that whoever did send this in enjoys all the folks here and wanted to share it with them, in hopes that her dating pitfalls could at least provide all of us with a little chuckle. But the way people tore her apart is just ridiculous. She sent it in anonymously and therefor was not trying to get attention - some of you guys are really vultures, picking her apart for this. Get over yourselves.

    1. "I'm a 34c on a good day" - love it @Cathy. I'm only a B on a good day :(

  57. More losers need to be called out for this type of behaviour, otherwise they will assume its acceptable.

    I don't feel she was garnering attention, women are trained to be polite, not to speak up when disrespected, it's time we changed that bullshit.

  58. @timebob - Nice translation :)

    @Mango - LOL, I'm totally going to think of you when I see a McDonalds.

    I loved the responses by "Me". There is no way I would have had the willpower to NOT respond to this Colin fool. And I love when people send these in.

  59. I agree with Cathy and Astrogirl.

    Also, a man who starts a conversation inquiring about the possibility of a friends with benefits situation is either married or engaged.

  60. In my experience, people without boundaries have radar for others without boundaries. Only way to shut down a person without boundaries is to not respond and back away.

    1. SeattleMarge, I like that response.

    2. A innocent little story of a jerk texting creates that mess of a thread? Jeeez
      Blackcat and Seattle Marge have the best outlook on it. Out of shyness and lack of boundaries, I did give the time the day to dafties like that in the past before learning to be what ppl call a bitch (laying out my rules at the first whiff of transgression and not wasting a calorie of my energy on idiots). Jerks disappeared and were replaced by much more interesting specimens.
      Still the OP has not done anything wrong in my book and does not deserve to be called names. There s a difference between the "not the most ideal" and "plain wrong".

  61. What a first-class douche!

    I don't believe for a minute, that the OP sent this in to brag about her figure. Just about every gal I know has some story about a clueless or worse guy that acts completely inappropriately.

    I've two such stories: One, I was in a waiting room and in tears, and some guy started hitting on me. At first it seemed like he was just being nice, but that didn't last.

    A worse story: My old neighbor decided he was in love with me, after talking to him twice. He would get drunk and high, and took to sitting (or peeping!) into my windows and yelling my name. He brought a butterknife to chip away the windowsill, so he could open the window and come on in! I told him to go away, started nicely, but finally had to scream at him and call the police.

    Note: I love guys! But treating women as objects to be plucked from a store shelf and taken home has gotta stop. Too many forget that WE have a say in who we date.

  62. Why not just text "sorry I'm not interested." It's even easier than saying it. It's not that hard to do.

    What you're doing is stringing him along. That's why you get dicks, because you act like one. Show people some respect.

  63. This guy sounds like the biggest toolshed. "ZOMG, your boobs are awesome. Can you pencil me in for a FWB situation? Also, I'll take a dozen cookies for my birthday."

    "Fuck off, asshole."

    "Geez, I was just giving you compliments!"

    Does this guy picture every girl as an X-rated Mrs. Fields? He sounds like he's never talked to a girl whose number didn't start with 1-900.

    I appreciate her attempt to educate him, while also recognizing the futility.

  64. LOL@MannyV. I don't think it's possible to "string someone along" for merely the length of one unsolicited text conversation.

    Let me guess, you've tried the "bake me cookies show your tits" technique to no avail...why doesn't that ever work?! Women are such mysteries.

  65. Telling a guy you are not interested can lead to "oh did you think I was interested in you? Don't flatter yourself". Then it goes downhill from there. Sometimes the least messy way is the way to go, it's usually not the direct or fastest approach but it's what I found worked out for the best in the long run for me. Being direct with a strange guy is asking for trouble in my experience.

  66. Well said timebob! VS is over priced and cheaply made. Their days of glory have long since passed. Enjoyed the post, not so much of the snark. Bitch or door mat gets old.

  67. His kind are the worst. Stay away. Far far away.

  68. What Cathy said. And I hear ya MissPeg, I'm also only a B on a good day. Fist bump ;)

    1. Fist bump right back at ya @Colleen! Hurray for the bee stings!

  69. Why would anyone engage this d-bag? I would have cut him dead after the first offensive question. Why continue to answer texts from such an asshole?

    I have no idea why women today think they have to be "nice" and "polite" to disgusting cretins. He was a stranger - she owed him nothing, not even civil answers. Utterly baffling.

  70. I would be questioning my friendship with anyone who would so randomly give my number to someone without asking me first. That being said...this must be something younger people do...they get a text and respond automatically no matter what the content or who it is, as I have watched my friends' daughters do the same thing and have a melt down over what is coming back at them. If you don't know the person it is perfectly ok not to respond to a text. It isn't being rude--it's called being smart and safe.
    This guy really needs to work on his technique. Too bad there aren't classes for that sort of thing.

  71. I've had one text conversation like this, and I have to agree. Don't respond to a guy who's saying things like this, you don't have anything to prove to this sociopath. He's trying to bait you into responding, with the hopes that he can badger you into meeting him. He's a creep.

    Also hate Victoria's Secret bras, any one I've ever bought has fallen apart very quickly.

  72. Did anyone think maybe the poster stayed anonymous because she didn't want anyone here to think she was bragging? Sheesh. We always slut-shame our own here, huh?
    As a (former) longtime waitress & bartender, I had many many many opportunities to have these sorts of conversations in person, as well as on the phone. I have also met my share of seemingly decent guys who turn into kinda-stalkers (not really dangerous, but can't take a hint). I am firmly in the 'back away slowly' camp. You learn that the hard way.

    Btw, 34/36 C here....a bouncy c! And Victoria's Secret is AWFUL! They make all their money by marketing to young women who want to feel 'growed up', and don't know any better from quality. Their stuff is all made by Asian children, I would wager. They are a terrible company!

    1. The new Genie bra is my new best friend :)

  73. As someone with a hot temper and who likes to put douchebags in their place, I could easily see myself responding the way "Me" did.

    FWB? Fuck you! Bake me a cake so maybe this will turn into FWB? Fuck you!

    She should have sent him a You Tube link to Cee-Lo's "Fuck You".

  74. This story waa pretty damn funny, and I didn't think for a second the poster was bragging. But bitches gotta biyatch.

  75. I used to work at Victoria's Secret in college - I still shop there, since my chest is very moderate in size, so they have plenty of options that fit me and I enjoy having a little padding up in there (okay, a lot of padding). I will say though that they prey on very young adults with their credit card, since they're too young to realize how damaging that stuff can be to your credit score.

    Also, for anyone having trouble with bras not lasting, try washing them inside an old pillow case.

  76. @MadLyb
    Ain't that the truth! I told off this guy on an online forum about that behavior, and he tried to turn around on me.

    He was going off about how "American woman" were materialistic and money grubbing, whereas women from his home country, Lebanon, were not. That's why he was single at 50!

    I so relished in telling him off!

  77. VS stuff sucks ass on a good day, but their catalogues are a hoot. My mother has better photoshop skills and she doesn't know how to turn on a computer.

  78. The ONLY thing I like in the VS catalog is their Pink Boyfriend sweats.

    Nothing else they make are for curvy gals like me. I haven't bought a VS bra in years. They make 'em for young, thin college girls, NOT 38C+ women in their 40s!

    (Their bras were well-made and comfortable when I was in college, but that was 20 years ago.)

  79. Lol. I had no idea this was going to turn into me showing off. I never said what the rest of me looked like and I left the size in there because he was way off. This was my first experience with a guy like this and I didn't want to be flat out rude to someone I possibly might see again. I texted back Bc I honestly didn't know if he was being serious Bc it was so ridiculous and I wasn't going to pay to block him. He texted me more when I didn't answer, actually.

    Lol. I think it's so funny that this somehow turned into me wanting Enty to think I was hot and young. Maybe I should send him a picture so I can find out who mv is ;)

    Oh, and I've been here for 4 years. Everyone just says what I want to say so much more eloquently so I hardly post.

  80. @manda_kitty - first of all, i thought it was a great story. ignore all the negative nellies - if you haven't noticed, there are a lot of weekend commenters who seem to have sticks shoved way too far up their asses to even walk upright. (maybe just sour grapes that they don't have anything better to do on the weekends than tear anonymous people apart on a website?)

    second - i think it is awesome that you came on here and owned it. i've submitted stuff and wasn't that brave after the weekend commenters ripped me apart.

    you seem like an awesome person and should definitely post more here!

  81. and keep us posted if he does/says anything else crazy!

  82. Thanks Cathy! I forgot to say, I think he took my number off of our friend's phone bc my friend had no idea about it.

    All he's done since is send one last apology text a few days later. This time I ignored it :)

  83. @manda_kitty - a couple years ago, this totally weird guy was moving to chicago (where i lived at the time), so he looked up people from a mutual friend's fb page to find people living in chicago and friended me. I saw that we had a mutual friend, so i accepted. right away, he started messaging me, coming on very strong. i told our mutual friend about it and she had no idea that he had fb stalked me from her profile. he was really weird, but i HATE being rude to people. every week, he'd send me a new message, asking me out. sometimes i didn't respond, sometimes i responded (as abruptly as possible, to show i wasn't interested), and at one point i even told him that i really didn't think we had anything in common. he responded by saying, "well, let's just wait and see." And then he launched into a story about how he has a methodist friend who met a catholic girl on eharmony. WTF? No, we will not just wait and see; I've told you that I am not interested.

    It's an awkward situation though, when you have mutual friends with a weirdo, because you don't want to be too harsh, but at the same time, you aren't a doormat either!

  84. ugh Ive had that done to me, the guy could NOT take the hint for a week!!! And he was soooo offended when I finally totally flat out rejected him. What young girl like me is gunna go out with a fat balding almost 40 year old. Who rents a room in a house.

  85. @Cathy! Oh wow, that's kind of creepy. I have no idea what religion and e-harmony has to do with you and him, but Hey, he saw a connection! Lol.

    That's exactly how I felt. I really didn't want to be rude and thought maybe he was kidding and I was overreacting, but his questions just kept getting more absurd. I found it kind of funny bc he was so bold. I think he's around 25. All I really know about him is he's a former cop. I only answered his text the first time bc he asked if it was me and I thought Maybe someone from work wanted to switch shifts.

    @cinephreak - Lol. I definitely find that way worse than a guy who texts constantly asking Stupid questions.
