Thursday, November 08, 2012

Girl Meets Lion


  1. Goes to show how slow-motion and scary music changes the entire feel of things.

  2. Awww...lion looks a little sad at the end.

    "Don't run away! Awww...Everybody's scared of me. :("

  3. while i get the cute/schtick factor of it all...little girl is a cutie, baby lion is a cutie...this is disturbing. the adult recording it all is incredibly nonchalant thru-out. i'm not saying there's a need for complete and total flip out, but surely a little more awareness. dnl.

    i obviously have no sense of humor today, but likey.

  4. No Aslan NO!
    Kidding. There is no way that isn't either staged or the animal isn't tamed. Think about it, what zoo/animal park have you visited that allowed lions to roam?

  5. @ABlake - you do realize there's glass between them, right?

  6. I thought so too! Poor lion. Why everyone so mean.

  7. What a sweet kitty!

  8. Yikes know, I didn't. :(

    If anyone needs me, I'll be in the corner.

  9. Pookie- there's a glass partition.

  10. ^ooh, thank you, jax! i totally missed that. (hmmm. could be a sign i need to get my eyes chked. eep.).

  11. that video is depressing. that lion looks so sad like please let me go home and not leave me in this cage. i dislike this. like zoos and the circus.

  12. The lions aren't in a cage, the people are.
    The lions are in a large outdoor enclosure with trees & grass to imitate their native life.
    There is also a den they can go to in bad weather.
    Don't feel sorry for them, they will live a lot longer at the zoo than in the wild!

  13. It's not about that they live longer. It's about where they ARE living. She is a beautiful lioness.

  14. I too thought the lioness looked sad. She is a beautiful creature. But she is wild. And although I am sad they are in a zoo they will live a better and longer life than their wild cousins. NOT saying cage them all just statistically.

  15. Hubs and I took our youngest boy, who is deaf and has other disabilities, to the National Zoo. (He was like 7 at the time, but was small for his age.) Son caught the attention of one of the male lions, and no matter where we walked on the outside of the enclosure, that lion followed. We decided to move along to another part of the zoo - just because they say the animals can't escape, doesn't mean that a security measure couldn't fail.

  16. Anonymous6:04 PM

    i thought the same thing, the cutie looks so sad, curious little cat! (that would have def eaten the kid if it had a chance but still cute).

  17. kids, it's what's for dinner
