Saturday, November 03, 2012

Honest Trailer - Spiderman


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I was never a fan of the Spiderman movies. And they seem like the same plot line that has been rehashed over and over and over. I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices these things.

  2. And Lindsey Lohan- if she had better parents. So true so true.

  3. These always make me laugh.

  4. Funny! Andrew Garfield is cuuuuuuuuute.....

  5. lol that was hilarious!

  6. OT, dunno if its been posted in other comments but if not I just wanted to share. I almost wish I had booked my flights, there's plenty to do and it's good shit is getting organised.

    Had horrible news today, and it really brings home how tragedy holds the bonds of human nature to show it at its best.

  7. My thoughts are with you Miz.

  8. Miz - I volunteered with them today! Thanks for posting - donations are desperately needed, especially blankets and coats.

  9. Nope, that's fantastic, good for you! Wish I was able to do more than post links, but people like you restore my faith in humanity :)

    Smash, thank you. It's been an odd and heartbreaking day, my best friend's mum passed away quite suddenly. She's been my honorary mama in law since I was in high school, so it's hit me harder than I thought could be possible.

  10. I'm sorry Miz- big hug to you.

  11. Haha - Babyhead & Charlie Sheen's dad.

  12. "Seriously, no one thought that was odd?"

  13. Miz- My heart goes out to you. My best friend's mother is like my own and I (luckily) have not experienced the loss that you have. It may not mean much but I extend my hugs and sincerest love towards you and all who are experiencing this loss. I hate people touching me and visa versa so please take this with the utmost truth and honesty that I can publish in text. I hope each day is better than the last and at the same time I hope that you can never forget the amazing person that you lost. No matter what their life goals, they have made a lasting impact on at least two people (I am assuming more but only going by what I can glean from here) in a way that can never be reversed.

    Sorry for being extravagant but Miz really touched my heartstrings. My personal losses have crossed my mind multiple times this past week and I cannot pass it off as coincidence.

  14. Thanks again Smash.

    Jsierra, thank you so much. Your words have have truly touched me, and I appreciate them. The smallest thing is setting me off right now but it's beautiful how the shared pain of human loss transcends all else. I hope that you don't need to experience this for a very long time. Alice leaves behind her husband, shortly after they celebrated their 30th anniversary, 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren, only one of which understands what is going on. She is my best friend's daughter, my honorary niece, and she's holding up beautifully. Her extended family, and local community (where she lived for over 30 years) are also mourning her loss, while rejoicing in the fact she is at peace. Although it was sudden and quite unexpected, she has been ill for quite some time. I think it was just that she was always a fighter, always pulled through, that it was a shock when she went downhill so quickly. She was ok, then rushed to hospital, then just gone. With my own mama living in Wales (over 400 miles away) since I was 16, Alice was where I went for advice, when I needed a hug, and when I needed a swift kick up the bottom for being a drama queen. She was the kindest, craziest and toughest woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing, and it was a honour being under her care and being a part of the family. I'm trying to be there for them, but my most selfish thought is that she won't be at my wedding next year. I just took that as a given.

    I'm sorry guys, sorry for being so off topic, I'll get back to snarking soon. Thanks again.

  15. Thoughts and prayers for you and your friend's family, Miz

  16. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I'm so sorry for your loss Miz. My condolences and prayers for you and your family.
