Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kelly Preston Blames Food And Chemicals For Her Son's Autism

Kelly Preston is on The Doctors tomorrow and on the show discusses the death of her son and his autism. She says that autism is caused by chemicals in the environment and food. "I strongly believe as a mother, as does my husband, that there are certain contributing factors that lead to autism and some of it is very much the chemicals in our environment and in our food." I don't agree with her, but I also say she can have her own opinion. What makes me upset about what she said is that if autism is caused by outside factors such as food and chemicals than why did they hide it from the world? Scientology would be ok with autism if it were caused by the two factors that Kelly mentioned. The reason they hid it for so long though is because Scientology does not recognize autism. They say it does not even exist. This leads to Kelly always saying that Jett had Kawasaki Syndrome despite the fact that it does not cause seizures and Jett died of seizures. If you want to go on a show and talk about autism then do it. Tell the world your son had autism and help people deal with it. Go on the show and tell the world that your son had autism and that your religion which you promote everyday tells the world that autism does not exist and that you are breaking free of the religion because you have seen and know that your son had autism and he tragically passed way because of seizures related to his autism.


  1. Personally, I'm not interested in what any Scientologist has to say about anything.

    1. Cosign. her and John Revolta can go jump into a bottomless pit.

  2. Ugh. Can't stand her or husband. Poor kid. God knows how she can look herself in the mirror each day.

  3. I just wish she could be her true self. I wonder what scared her enough to hide behind JT and scientology? Was it Charlie Sheen?

  4. It does sort of make you wonder though why suddenly the explosion of both autism and peanut allergies in kids today. When I was a kid growing up in the 70's I never knew anyone who had either and now it's just so common. Is there a possible link to the environment, the chemicals, the pollution, or even the increased number of childhood vaccines today as compared to in the past? It just makes you wonder.Why the sudden increase compared to the past? There must be a reason. What has changed?

    1. Doctors knew less...a lot of kids would be diagnosed a mentally retarded even though today they wouldn't be

    2. Back in the 70's and 80's a lot of people 'hid' children with disabilities, sending them to institutions and such. I know because I have a brother and sister who both have mental disabilities. my family were seen as something strange because we kept them at home and were, and still are, very proud of them.
      Its sad but true, especially here in Ireland.

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  5. I just wish she could be her true self. I wonder what scared her enough to hide behind JT and scientology? Was it Charlie Sheen?

  6. I really hate when these shows give ill informed (or ignorant in COSbots case) celebs a platform to spew their views as fact.

    ::cough:: ::cough:: Jenny Mc Carthy.

  7. I would like to know how she even got onto a show about Doctors since everyone knows Scientologists and medicine don't mesh well together. I'm curious what the Dr said back to her.

  8. According to the E! Online post about this, she is quoted as saying that he had Kawasaki when he was younger, but died of Autism/seizures.

    That Jenny McCarthy stuff was based on a BS study the people came back and said was crap. I wish people weren't raising/treating their children based on what a celebrity says.

    1. Well. That may be, but her son got ill and susquentally exhibited signs of autism after his normal shots were given. So that how it seems to her, and i wld never say that isnt true since thats exactly what happened to her son. It stinks and its heartbreaking. I hope they find a cure. And i wldnt apply what happened to her to every kid. Findings are kid gets ill with virus, and then starts showing signs of autism. Its all they know right now.

    2. I've never heard of any study showing autism appears after a virus. Not saying it doesn't exist...

      Kids often start exhibiting signs of autism around the age they get whichever vac it is that people are all up in arms about. No link has ever been shown that vaccines cause autism (except very very rarely when there was already an underlying condition). Corollation =/= causation

    3. Im trying to say i wldnt agree with, but wldnt argue with a heartbroken mother either.

  9. One reason for the increase in the diagnosis of autism is a change in the diagnostic criterion. Disorders that were not once considered to be autism are now classified as related to autism or on the autistic spectrum. The definition is much more broad than it was 20 years ago.

    Kawasaki Syndrome causes heart problems I believe... It's just sad that Jett didn't get adequate treatment. I've read a few interviews over the years which suggested that he spent most of his time with attendants who kept him occupied and out of the way.

  10. Okay, so why didn't "the doctors" on the show correct her?!

  11. Autism is based on missing genes that you are born with. Kelly/John can go fuck a duck because they are spewing bullshit. Autism runs in my family & I hate that this bitch is talking about it.

  12. Oh yes & Jenny McCarthy .. dont get me started on that dumb twat. She was called out about 3 yrs ago about the bullshit she was spewing too. It actually made headline news too.

  13. And I agree with everyone who says that you shouldn't get your medical advice from celebrities. Halle Berry did not cure her diabetes and cleaning products do not cause autism.

  14. I love the Doctors! But I will not be watching if they have a scientologist on the show.

  15. My niece had Kawasaki's when she was an infant, and was quite sick. It does affect the heart - for a full year she was watched very closely had monthly cardiograms.

    Today she is a very healthy adult.

    As far as Kelly blaming other things for Jett's illness, people often find it easier to do that, rather than accept the cold, hard truth.

  16. The fact is that they refused to treat their son for the condition he had because the cult they are intrinsically tied to didn't believe he was really ill. The fact is that Kelly worked her ass of to get herself into a position where she could marry Travolta and have people think of her as a woman who has it all. The fact is that Jett died and even that didn't shake Kelly or John from their brainwashing.

    For this I cannot ever find anything worthwhile about either of them. At least Jett isn't suffering now, unlike those of us who have to deal with these two lying constantly to stay relevant.

  17. It's not that there's more people with autism now, it's just that it's more readily recognised and diagnosed. My friend's son has Asperger's Syndrome and 20 years ago you would've just said he was smart but socially awkward. I feel sorry that KP and JT lost a son, but they (and all other ignorant, uninformed celebrities) need to keep their scaremongering opinions to themselves.

    It's OK to have those opinions, I'm just saying if you have access to a worldwide platform maybe you should have some facts to back it up before you go scaring the bejeesus out of pregnant women.

    1. Maybe dead Jett got an STD from Kirsty Alley screwing John Revolta at that time....

    2. Whiskey...Tango...Foxtrot.

  18. I think I read somewhere she has another son with autism with her first husband, but signed all rights & everything away. It used to be on her IMDB page and was taken off. I wish I could find the links.

    1. Whoa. I didn't know this so I did a bit of research and it turns out the rumor is definitely out there that her 1st child had down syndrome and she gave him up. Didn't she "have" a baby recently... How come you don't hear anything about this baby at all?

  19. Yes, miss, i was thinking about her first son too. Mb its hereditary? Mb its the chemicals and envoirment, who knows? Cant hurt anyone to eat healthier and not use cheicals to clean either way. She can say whatever she wants, and if anyone, ANYONE, is getting medical advice from celebs, they derserve whatever the fallout is. Very ignorant.

    1. IIRC, if you have one child with autism, the chances go up for susequent children.

  20. These folks in denial crack me up. Why not read medical papers? It's all right here on the Internet for everyone to see. It's genetic Kelly. You did this to your own kid. Live with it and help him. He needs help now more than ever.

  21. Oh look, still lying to themselves and others. Business as usual.

    Don't they get tired? Okay, well we know that John gets tired.

  22. You don't get autism from shots or a virus. It is a stupid, stupid urban myth.

  23. I know a couple of families with autistic members, but none of them have any health problems related to it. Can someone please enlighten me on how Jett's autism might be related to his death?

    Or is it just that they never talked about it until his death? What's the deal here?

  24. Seizures are caused by abnormalities in the electrical activity of the brain. Those on the more severe end of the spectrum of autism are just prone to having greater abnormal electrical activity. It is typically not seen in people diagnosed with Asperger's any more than it is in the general population. Asperger's, controversially to some, is actually being taken out of the DSM V manual for diagnoses; there are many people who were diagnosed with it who are in fact just socially awkward and have no underlying etiologies.

    You do not get autism from vaccines. If so, the spike in cases would have been 50-60 years ago, not within the last 25-30. A lot of speculation in the community now is on mothers who have been long term users of certain types of antidepressants. To me, that's a potential causation that bears investigating, because while those class of drugs are very helpful to some, they too are very over prescribed.

  25. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The reason that she is so into scientology and is Travolta's beard is because she is a hard core lesbian and they promise to cure homosexuality.

    And the reason that autism is blamed on vaccines is because there was a vaccine preservative named thimerosal that was filled with mercury that has since been removed from vaccines. Mercury being a heavy metal the thimerosal/mercury would become superconcentrated in the last dose of the vaccine bottle, which many autism-mothers have testified that they remember their child receiving the last dose of the vaccine. By the way Congress passed a law protecting the makers of the vaccine and preventing parents from suing over mercury poisoning and possibly causing autism. Interesting isn't it? The symptoms of mercury poisoning mimic autism, and many many autistic children see a major reverse of their symptoms with chelation therapy. Chelation is a doctor regulated process of taking a supplement that removes mercury and heavy metals from the brain and body, thereby oftentimes completely removing the symptoms of autism. According to Moms and experts, the child is then able to read, speak, digest, relate and function normally in society after using chelation therapy.

  26. No idea if stress on a fetus can cause mental disorders, but maybe they should look into that: daddy is a closeted homo who cant stop assaulting men, while mommy covers it all up and gives away her handicapped kids. Stop blaming food, take a look at yourself miss Preston -,-

  27. @Robert Exactly. Scientologists will not take advantage of new technologies that are available, and they are already operating in a crazy belief system.

  28. It's tough for these parents. There's hundreds of billions of dollars spent on losing campaigns but not a fraction spent on health issues.

  29. I worked in pediatric cardiology for 20 years - saw a few kids with Kawasaki syndrome but don't recall any correlation with autism or other mental (as opposed to physical) problems.

    I agree about autism being better diagnosed now. Mr. B and I have wondered if we have Asberger's just because we're both pretty smart but we both have terrible social skills (we really are a match made in heaven!). And wasn't there a story in the news last week about pregnant women with flu symptoms and fevers having a higher incidence of kids with autism? Maybe all the chemicals we deal with now hurt kids in utero - needs a lot more research.

  30. Enty, you just did a post lamenting the closing of Hostess Co. I think we know where YOU stand on this issue re: food doesn't cause autism.

    Imo the global discrepancy in autistic cases insists locally embedded factors (e.g lifestyle, food culture, pollution, etc) are in play.

  31. I must absolutely nuts! I read the back of cleaning products, and they all say the same thing. Do not drink, do not use in enclosed space, do not inhale...all that sounds kind of dangerous. You have proven me wrong, there is no science in to having chemicals inhaled into your body while your developing a fetus in your body. There is no relation to what the mother does to ultimate health of the baby, I love the western doctors the best. I love all the side effect that come with miracle cure pill. But then, I use vinegar, lemon, baking soda and rubbing alcohol..coming from someone who NEVER gets the flu, colds - what do I know? Nothing

    1. You have an anecdote. That is all. I use all sorts of cleaning products and also never had the flu, or get colds. Also, my child? Not autistic. See how this works? My personal anecdote cancels out yours!
      We both know nothing!

  32. Funny the way I remember it, it went something like this:

    Jett died in a small closet after having a seizure while his father was fucking the male "nurse" (with no medical background) in the next room. He wasn't discovered right away and was not able to be revived.

    Anyone else remember this or did CoS manage to deep six the whole story back then before it came to light?

  33. Vaccines don't cause autism. Like the rest of you, that makes me crazy when I see it (usually on tinfoil hat sites). Just as many kids 20-30-40 years ago had autism; they just didn't have the tools to properly diagnose it like they do now.

    Don't look to quack health sites or quack celebrities for the truth about vaccines - side eye at Jenny McCarthy.

  34. @ Pogue

    There is no "sudden explosion" - they just didn't know what to call it before the 90's. My son is autistic and I believe he inherited many of its characteristics from his father who is in his mid 50's. They didn't even recognize mental illness 45 years ago, much less Autism which would be why he was never diagnosed. Autism, as well as other mental illnesses go back 100's if not 1000's of years.

  35. Food allergies were caused partly by overuse of antibacterial cleaners. Kids' immune systems didn't develop because they had no exposure to ordinary household germs.

    I didn't know anyone who had food allergies when I was in school. Fast forward 30 years, and each class in my kids' school has four or five kids who have a bunch of allergies. One kid is allergic to grapes! Grapes are mostly water! How does that happen?

  36. CarmeliteLady - I had heard about thimerosal in vaccines before, thanks for clearing that up. I don't think vaccines cause autism either, but I sure as hell wouldn't want my baby (or myself) injected with mercury...

  37. I honestly believe that all the chemicals we pump into our bodies have something to do with the fact.
    They might not be a direct cause, but they sure don't help... All the people I know who lead hardcore holistic lifestyles almost never get sick/have health problems.

  38. The only reason John even admitted to Jett having autism was because he was forced to on stand due to the trial of those idiots trying to blackmail him for signing some paperwork that would make him look bad. Otherwise they never, ever would of admitted to Jett having autism. I just wonder how the latest kid is since I haven't seen hide nor hair of him either since the birth announcement. But they have no problem schlepping the little girl around since she doesn't have any disabilities.

  39. @Jax - I thought he died in the bathroom.

  40. This WAS on Kelly's Wikipedia profile. I figured she'dhave it taken down, so I copied it. Personal life
    Preston married actor Kevin Gage in 1985 until their divorce in 1987.[13] Their only child, born during their marriage, is disabled.[citation needed] However, Preston refuses to acknowledge the child's existence in public, due to her beliefs as a scientologist.[citation needed] She also had a relationship with George Clooney,[1] who gave her Max, a pet pig that he kept after the couple split up.[14] She was briefly engaged to Charlie Sheen in 1990,[1][15] but ended the relationship shortly after he accidentally shot her in the arm.[15][16]"

  41. CarmeliteLady, I have to undergo chelation for the next year or so. I'm not sure how helpful it is or is not. I'm truthfully not sure I buy into the theory of heavy metal toxicity. My doctor, however, very kindly told me that if I didn't do it (and pay her out of pocket for the treatments), then I would have a child with "autism or worse" (her words, not mine). Sigh.

  42. Kloie: You need another Dr. Or at least a second opinion.

    1. Tried that, got nowhere. It's a long story. But I agree.

  43. It's called NWO. Population control. Monsanto. Follow the money.

  44. I heard that he had a seizure in the bathroom and hit his head and was in there a long time before being discovered. I don't know if death was from a concussion or from bleeding.

    One interview I read was JT talking about how his people take him to Disneyland several times a week. He sounded very detached as he talked about him. From what one of the family members said, they let him eat junk food and watch tv all day because the Scientologists consider him degraded and could get better if he wanted to (something like that)

  45. When I hear these people spew horse puckey I just have to keep reminding myself that they are celebrities and not scholars. You barely have to breath to do what they do.

  46. The Travoltas.....evil people who live a lie. The irresponsible way that they and other SciBots have lived their lives is beyond redemption. I hope karma makes them suffer (just not the children).

  47. I thought Jett was in the bathroom?

    I read the interview with Kelly and she's quoted as saying that before he died Jett was "beginning to come out of the autism." So, it's that easy, huh?

    I'm beyond sorry that her child died, but shit like that pisses me off. And I'm talking to you too, Jenny McCarthy. Let's recap here...all we have to do is not vaccinate our kids, eat healthy and joila no more autism?

    Wow, I don't remember Kelly having another child.

  48. I remember read a Good Housekeeping article MANY years ago... Kelly talked about after the carpets were professionally cleaned, that's when Jett started showing signs of a problem. She blamed it on the carpet cleaning chemicals.

    I dunno....

    But I feel heartbroken for any parent who has to try and find a reason for the things that go wrong. Sometimes it just isn't fair....

  49. @Kloie..I hate to argue but I agree with Sherry. You need another doctor. There is a reason chelation therapy is not covered. It has been proven to be a scam and is promoted by the same guy that said vaccines (read: thermisol) causes autism. He has since been disgraced and stripped of his medical license after it was found that he falsified data and had a monetary stake in the outcome of his study. There has not been a single, accepted study that vaccines (thermisol) cause autism or that chelation therapy cures or prevents autism. Not a single one. None. Zero.

    The companies that make vaccines are rightfully protected since the monetary return on the manufacture is so low that if they were sued willy nilly they would stop manufacturing vaccines. There is a vaccine court that hears cases where people have been injured by vaccines.

    This continued misinformation, that flies in the face of science, makes me crazy.

    1. I don't disagree, actually. The trouble is that I have chronic Lyme and treatment options are limited due to the politics of Lyme. I'm afraid that if I tell her to screw off that I will be out of luck.

  50. @crapbag - I think she IS being her true self.

  51. Kelly and John are living a lie regarding Jett's death all in the name of Scientology. I hope someone on that show isn't afraid to stand up say that Jett had autism. Austistic people are not something to be shunned as Scientologist believe. They are just as human as the rest of us, even though they see the world differently than most.

  52. @Kloie...are you in the US? I believe that your doctor is TELLING you that but I also believe (sorry) that your doctor is taking advantage of you.

    In the US (and any country I would assume) it is totally unethical for a doctor to tell you that you must pay, out of pocket, for a dubious treatment, or else no one else will treat you. That sounds like a threat to me and if you live just about any "free" country, I'd report her to the medical board.

    As far as I am aware, Lyme is treated in its early stages with oral antibiotics and in later stages with intravenous antibiotics (sometimes several courses). Despite the "politics" of chronic Lyme, there are many physicians that believe the diagnosis exists and treat it. I would urge you to find a doctor who will not take advantage of you. You might start by contacting the doctor in this article (obvs the one that believes chronic lyme exists) and see if she can refer you to someone:


    Her contact:


    Good luck.

  53. When my son was born I debated about getting him vaccinated because there was a barrage of information out there- and it was hard to decimate what was real and what was fiction. My son's doctor recommended the vaccines, and told me that they were working on a study, because there was a theory that in children that children who already had signs of autism were effected more by the vaccines, than those who did not have autism. The theory was due to the way their brains and immune systems handled things, and this could explain why some people noticed a change in their child after vaccinations. Has anyone else heard of this?? I haven't heard about it since and am curious if it ever went anywhere.

  54. The sole approved reason for chelation therapy is to remove heavy metals from the body.
    Metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, copper, iron & even gold.
    It's even been used to remove radioactive americium, uranium & plutonium.
    The best example of mercury poisoning is the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
    Hat makers used mercury in the making of felt & went insane from the poisoning. If mercury was a cause of autism, you would think that hat makers would have had children that were autistic or whatever they would have called it 150 years ago due to mercury being brought into their homes on their clothing after work.

  55. I thought it was common knowledge these days that autism spectrum disorders and ADHD are hereditary. Like, more hereditary than depression, anxiety or any other psychological condition.

    DH and I are pretty seriously ADHD with some Asperger's tendencies. Low and behold, our 4-year old child has been diagnosed Asperger's, just like his uncle and his cousin. Watching him interact socially is like looking in a childhood mirror for me, but I was never diagnosed Aspie. It wasn't a diagnosis in the 1980s - I was just smart and kinda odd.

    My kid never got the MMR or flu vaccine (which still has mercury BTW). I never took prescription meds. I never had a fever during pregnancy. He's never been exposed to any cleaning products because everything in our home is from Seventh Generation. I make our food from scratch, all organic. I even make many of his clothes from organic cotton.

    Maybe chemicals would make things worse (that's why I've always been so careful) but what I DO know for sure is - he inherited it!

  56. Speaking of people with disabilities.... ENTY do you know that about 10% of people cannot read white text on a black website background without immediately seeing lines??? Talk about things that cause seizures...

    1. Lila, try this : http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/?m=1

  57. Lila - I have to change my browser settings to read this site, because of what you describe. It "buzzes" when I read it.

    Re: Vaccines - This growing trend of not vaccinating kids is scary. I somewhat sympathize with folks who heard the Jenny McCarthy debacle and believed it... but my sympathy ends when people refuse to accept the author is a complete, admitted fraud. Someone's kid might take a trip to a foreign country and contract Polio or diptheria.

  58. Thanks, Lola. Yes, I am in the U.S. I will look into the person you linked.

    1. @Kloie...good luck. Please don't think you EVER have to accept the word of ANY doctor or go without treatment. You may have to look around, but there is someone out there who will treat you ethically. It might just take some time.

  59. As someone may have already said, the study that vaccinations caused autism was fraudulent, and it was one study. That's certainly not statistical significance, and the results couldn't be replicated. I honestly do not understand how medical professionals could have ever perpetuated that concept. They have found that a common factor is a slight GI swelling but nothing predictable.

    And, no one knows exactly why autism seems to "turn on" around age 2, because usually they develop normally until that point. What I thought was interesting is that several football players have children that are autistic, wherever on the spectrum they may be. Besides, Einstein had Aspergers and the man was, literally, the bomb.

    I know a lof of JT hate or disgust, but for some reason, I just cannot dislike him (unless he was forcefully having sex with an unwilling partner, and we'll never really know anything for sure). I remember seeing a picture of him not too long after Jett died at a place in Florida eating. He looked so incredibly saad my heart broke for him, and I remember for months he wasn't seen too much. Despite their beliefs, there are also faith beliefs that refuse blood transfusions, ect (no, I'm not a Scientology endorser AT ALL).

    Any parent that loses a child is forever scared, despite what we view them in public. See it in my parents' eyes after my brother died, and in the clients I see. And as much as Joaquin Pheonix can be an ass, seeing your brother die is forever seared into someone's brain.
