Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kim Kardashian Weighs In On Middle East Conflict

Despite the 5,000 people in London who showed up to see Kim Kardashian, she knows, and the rest of her family knows that she is struggling to find relevancy or new crowds of people to like her or buy her products. Apparently yesterday she decided that she was some kind of Middle East peace broker or thought that people around the world would care what she had to say about the situation there. She sent two tweets, the first, telling people to pray for people in Israel and then another telling people to pray for the Palestinians. When her Twitter exploded with people trashing her and telling her she didn't know what she was talking about she deleted them. Later she posted an apology to her website and said she should have explained further before Tweeting. Or she could have just stayed out of it and killed another 10 or 15 animals so she would have something to wear tomorrow. Whatever plan she and her mom hatched at the beginning of the year is clearly not working and her decline has begun. The thing is the decline has not begun for her sisters which is interesting and which probably causes her to scream and yell every night and tell them how much money she has compared to them and how she is her mom's favorite. Until she stops earning the most.


  1. Kim, no one care what you you think ?

  2. being famous for nothing can't last forever, eventually the mob bores of you and moves on...

    Just ask Paris, and everyone from MTV

  3. I despise her, but I read the original tweets on a news site and didn't find anything offensive. Evidently she tweeted first to pray for the Israelis and when she caught hell for that, tweeted to pray for the Palestinians. I won't knock anyone suggesting prayer. I give her a pass on this (and that's the first and only time that'll happen)

  4. It's a conflict that has been going on for about a hundred years now, I doubt KK is going to solve the problem...but hey, you never know.

    1. @Brenda l, if there's anything that can bring those two groups together its the hatred for the Kardashians

  5. when you take a hyper sensitive subject and you make an empty blanket statement, people are going to be outraged at flippant responses due to lack of knowledge or understanding over it. Pray for peace y'all!

    Look at the arguments that go on in here over certain subjects.

  6. Oh, please, she's a talentless, entitled, spoiled loser who thinks she's a superstar because she's a one-hit-wonder porn chick, but all she said was that she prayed for peace.

    Is there anything in that to criticize? Are you really coming out against peace and in favor of war?

    Let's get a damned grip here.

  7. I think she's pretty simple in the brain. That's all.

  8. I couldn't care less about any of the K's. At least whoever wrote that last tweet was very eloquent and wrote a message of caring.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Not a bad publicist letter really. But why are we surprised? The Ass didn't put on her thinking cap before tweeting about Israel vs Palestine? I'm shocked! Kim has been creating an international hooking career for herself that should pay her well for the rest of her life. She's pro bearding for Kanye until she gets a new John. Her only talent is prostitution, that's what she was raised for, that's how she dresses herself, that's it. She should have gotten new management long ago before she became so overexposed and viciously hated. You nailed it Enty. It's all about who's earning the most for Kris. I feel sorry for the other sisters. Money and family do not go together. It's awful to have a mother whoring out her daughters like this. I understand that in her mind she's just trying to ensure the financial success of her family, but there's other ways to make a buck than on your back, or selling videos of your daughters on theirs. How does she sleep at night? Knowing that she's done this to them? She cheated on and had a child by her hairstylist. Then when divorcing asked for huge, huge amounts of money and said that her and the girls had to be kept in the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed. She's no better or brighter than Kim, they're just all so incredibly dimwitted it's amazing. Forehead meet palm.

  10. She is a dumb ass and Karma is a bitch. Her day will come. Just sit back and enjoy the implosion.

  11. In an effort to prove she is more than just a 'pretty face' or a big ass she does this kind of it matters at all. I say the US should send her over to the middle east so she can be the mediator in peace talks. Maybe she could try to sell them her clothing line, or one of the many other products she is shilling all over the rest of the world. I just feel the Middle East is missing out on the frenzy of K fever and maybe if they had something else besides bombs and war to focus on they wouldn't be so angry at one another.

  12. Ordinarily anything Kuntrasian is ignored, passed over by me. However, Kim's downfall will be a most wonderful thing!

  13. The only time I ever know anything about these losers is when I read about it on this site. I'm glad I'm outside the Kardashian bubble.

  14. She should weigh her giant ass on the conflict and crush our enemies!

  15. Let's face it, if a religious leader requested prayers there would have been no backlash. That she's catching hell attests to the fact that the public has had enough of these whores. Thank you God! There's my prayer of appreciation. Amen.

  16. oh, Kimmy, we already have too many problems of our own. we don't need another one - which is you.
    Hilla from Tel Aviv. :D

  17. Apparently Kim got herself invited to a Marine Corps Ball so she could pull a Mila.

    Except she only stayed two hours. You may think she was there from 9-11pm and had an early call the next day. No - the event was a dinner dance and she was there from 6-8pm. Dine and dash.

    Thanks for your service, Kim.

  18. I don't necessarily like her, but I must admit, she is groomed for PR. She is always posed, dressed nicely, etc......

    Kim and the k's, go under the radar and start a PR company for film stars/musicians/etc. You guys are overexposed but you have the knowledge and connections to make things happen for others... I can be your first project O:)

  19. Wouldn't that be hilarious if the only person who could broker a peace settlement id Kim Kardashian...

  20. No kidding about Kris Jenner. She's in some late-night commercial for Zestra (or similar named) -- some kind of female enhancement lube.

    I just wonder how long it'll be before they make a "director's cut" of Kim's pr0n tape that has a bottle of Zestra sitting front and center!

  21. Of course the whole family are intellectual featherweights, but praying for peace is nothing to bitch about. Im not hating her for that at all. However, she has become a frowsy looking bar whore. She looks old, used up and trashy. That i wld work on.

  22. Why is this a story?

  23. I saw Kim K's old meal replacement shake mix at the checkout register of the dollar store yesterday.

    That is all.

  24. Okay that's not all. Sorry.

    I don't think the bitching is about her message to pray for peace but rather the insincerity of it. It's crass to use prayer as a publicity stunt and that's what this clearly is IMO.

    But what do I know? Her family does have that tax perk church of theirs...You know, the one they can use to donate Kim's wedding $$$ to "charity" but really keep it for themselves. She must really be praying there and we're all wrong about her.

  25. I hate the Kartrashian's as much as the next person but the response to her prayers for Israel was over-the-top outrageous.

  26. SHUT UP. No one gives a SHIT what you think about World News.


  27. Wow. The only decent post I've seen is from SusanB. Why the hate? Yes, it's unfair that someone rose to fame under shady circumstances but I don't hate her. I don't wish her ill will. The family has created a business that the public is willing (and continues) to pay for. Just like Jay Z. She simply asked to pray for peace. No harm there. I'm not bothered.

  28. Yeah I'm on the no hate bus for once. She's not the only celeb tweeting about this and as far as I can see she simply prayed for peace. The fighting isn't going to go away unfortunately, on the word of one person, but she shouldn't be vilified for what probably was a genuine, if not well thought out, tweet to show support for the victims of this heart breaking situation.

  29. agree with the feeling here, I dont find her tweets offensive. After all she's brought relevancy to the situation in the Israel/Palestine area right now, which is threatening to become a full blown geopolitical disaster. Ill take a wild guess that some of her followers may not even know where to place the area on a map

  30. Hey she's smarter than all of you and myself. She's figured out a way to never have to work an honest day in her life without college degree and she's wealthy, hangs out with Celebs and we all know her name!

  31. Hey she's smarter than all of you and myself. She's figured out a way to never have to work an honest day in her life without college degree and she's wealthy, hangs out with Celebs and we all know her name!
