Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Kittens Watching Tennis


  1. I'm a sucker for a good cat video! But what was that bizarre shrieking in the background? Was it the equivalent of grunting?

  2. Cute kittens, but what an annoying tennis match. Not that I've ever found tennis all that interesting, but seriously.

  3. Behold! The power of the mute button! :P

  4. That's Maria Sharapova, she shrieks like that on every point in every match. It is the reason I refuse to ever watch her on TV.

  5. they are so darn cute

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    For real, why the side effects? It's like those gross guys that yell and grunt at the gym when they're lifting heavy weights. Am I supposed to be turned on by their caveman grunts? Do not get.

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    sorry meant to say sound effects.

  8. Ha I immediately knew it was Maria, she played a semi with another player who also has very loud sound effects more like a grunt song. I couldn't watch it and I LOVE tennis.

    I like Maria and she does know her grunting is ridiculous but thats how she learned. They've now implemented a ban for all the new players.

  9. Wait..That sound was a tennis player on the tv? Oh my..At least the kittehs were cute..Makes me wish my cats were kittens all over again. Then I could have them for another 18 years and love them longer. I am seriously gonna be a mess when they go.

  10. Thanks for posting it, love the kitties!!

  11. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love watching tennis, but I just can't listen to it when Maria's playing. The grunting is ridiculous, and the players that do it act like they're being told to stop breathing if anyone dares to complain about it. They're really snotty about it. For my money, Victoria Azarenka is the absolute worst. She sounds like an extremely loud dying bird. It's very annoying and ruins the match for me. Michelle Larcher de Brito is really loud, too. Luckily she sucks, so you don't have to hear her on TV too often.

    Also, kitties! So cute!

  12. So effing adorable.
