Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Make Sure You Tip Your Pizza Delivery Person

Chloe Teply decided that when she ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut that she was not going to tip her delivery driver. Apparently the driver was not happy about that turn of events and as can be seen in the video below took matters into his own hands so to speak and peed all over her doorstep. Teply says she did not tip because she does not have the money. But she has the money to have Pizza Hut to be delivered to her house? The guy did something horrible and wrong and was fired for it and even came back and cleaned up his mess, but Chloe's excuse seems wrong. If you can order Pizza Hut to be delivered you can spare a buck. It is not like you were driving to Little Caesars and getting a $5 pizza to go or going to the grocery store and getting three pizzas for $5.


  1. And no offense but mama could afford to skip a Pizza Hut delivery every now and again and have a salad instead, SMDH.

  2. not excusing him but if you can't afford to tip the delivery guy, you just can't have a pizza. end of story. shame on her.

  3. It is baffling to me that so many people feel as if they do not need to tip for good service. We're they not taught that was the right thing to do? It is also beyond my comprehension how someone thought it was justifiable to pee on someone's doorstep because they didn't receive a tip. What the heck is wrong with people?

  4. If you can't afford a tip - go get your ass some totinos.

    1. I love the party pizza. Comfort food

  5. I've done delivery service - and because of that usually always tip well.
    The only time I don't is when ordering online and the site says something akin to "15% of your order will be added as driver tip"...
    I don't double tip.

  6. aaaaaand this is why my family shops at Aldi, never goes to a restaurant, etc... bc we need to pay our bills, not eat processed, greasy, nutrition-lacking food.

    why isn't common sense more common?

  7. Did you guys see the article last week about the woman who had a $130 meal bill and wrote 'single mom, can't afford a tip' in the tip box? That is ridiculous.

    1. Yep, I was going to mention that story, too. Sickening.

  8. Quick question re tipping - I never thought about this, until a couple of years ago (probably because I'm terrible at math). When I get a restaurant bill, I look at the bottom, do 10% in my head, double it, and round up to the next dollar. A couple of years ago, one of my friends said that she only figures tips on the pre-tax total.

    What's the norm? Maybe it's because we're in Chicago and we have relatively high taxes? I had never ever considered that.

  9. I always multiply by 2 and then adjust for service...my cousin who is a stinkin rich doctor taught his kids that 10 percent is the baseline. If I don't have money for a tip, I don't go out.

  10. If you can't afford the tip, then you either don't order the pizza or you go an pick it up yourself. Why is that so difficult for some people?

  11. While I agree that one should absolutely tip, there are likely plenty of times people under tip and others where they over tip. Sometimes you just have to take it on the chin and let it go.

    1. I agree. When I've ordered pizza online I've included the tip to make it easier. Less hassle if I don't have cash on hand (which I usually don't). If I do have cash at home, then I leave the tip off and give cash to the delivery driver when they arrive.

  12. I usually multiply the pre-tax total by 2 and if I round up or down to the nearest dollar depends on the service. But I also don't tip less than $3 on a meal... so if I order a meal that was only 6.99, I leave more than 20% because it still takes just as much work to bring me that meal as it does to bring me a $20 meal.

  13. @Unknown - I always tip on the after-tax total, and I round up. But I also have weird things where I need the end total to be a round $$ amount, and if it's not ridiculous, multiples of 5. LOL.

  14. people who don't tip and use some lame excuse like hers are just aholes. no question.

    I saw recently on some website, maybe jezebel or gawker, I don't think it was here, that a woman racked up a $140 tab and left no tip and the excuse she used was that she was a single mom.

    they are just selfish entitled aholes who are trying to get something for nothing.

  15. Man, where do you live that you can get 3 pizza for $5 at the grocery store? That's awesome.

  16. @jules -- yeah i saw that! some people were wondering if it was fake. I mentioned it to a friend and he said many of his female friends in the service/restaurant industry have seen SO many ugly/tacky/classless non-tippers.

    It shocked me. Even though I don't have money, I still know to tip if I'm getting waited on. Baffles me how low people are...

  17. hmmm, i think tipping is a very american thing. i don't think anyone tips the delivery person when we get take out in Britain, or very rarely does anyway. if i'm eating out i'll leave 10% of the entire bill. seems reasonable, no?

  18. I think it's an asshole move if you don't tip but not everyone can afford to tip. We don't know this girl, we don't know what really happened. Maybe she thought she had more money than she did and realized too late, we don't know.

    I just get aggravated because not everyone has the money to shell out for the tip others think they deserve. Yeah she should have eaten something else, not ordered pizza, gotten it herself, etc but there is no need to publicly lynch this chick.

    And yeah, the guy should not have pissed on her doorstep. I would fire anyone who pissed on a customers property intentionally, regardless of why they did it. Save the story and bitch abuot it later, don't deface and abuse someone's stuff.

  19. Being able to afford a tip or not - tipping is NOT mandatory! If it's mandatory, it's a service charge and you are told about it.

    Do I tip? Yep. EVERY SINGLE TIME. And more than a dollar. Do I HAVE to? No. So I find his behavior even more inexcusable than hers. That sense of entitlement, that sense that I can bully you or harm you if you don't tip or don't tip enough, is intimidation for money. Usually criminal.

  20. I'm in Chicago where we have 9.75%. I still calculate the tip after taxes.

    Oh, and when we get delivery specifically from GrubHub) we try not to put the tip on the credit card and instead tip with cash. We think that the delivery guy appreciates the immediate cash instead of having to wait for the cc to be processed.

  21. Wow after rereading that I realized that I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

  22. I worked as a server for years. Most of the time the people that expect the most from your service are willing to give you the least in return.
    There are really people who get off on bossing you around and knowing that they are setting you up for failure so they can justify withholding compensation.
    Someone mentioned a doctor, they are one of the worst tipping groups of people, I think a lot of them feel that their work is important and yours is insignificant, and probably feel like servers are among a group who don't pay their medical bills or something.
    Sometimes it's people who don't have power anywhere else, they like feeling in charge.
    Either way, if someone wanted to withhold a tip for ignorance or spite, so be it. I remember some nasty people writing in very offensively small tips (like a quarter on a bill over $50) and I would not enter the tip in the computer or take it. I would rather take no tip than a tip meant to insult me for hard work.
    As someone working for tips you need to decide if you have class or not. You can be vindictive, or you can be better than them. Can't be both.

    1. @Sarah, I respectfully disagree with your generalization. My father was a doctor, he always tipped at least 25%, we ate out with his colleagues all over the country often while growing up. They taught me how to tip, and why. Not only that, my father would tell anyone that he believed Americans should be required to spend one year in the service industry because it teaches empathy and people skills.

    2. @Sarah, I wanted to add that I, too, waited tables and tended bar in my twenties. And I can't think of a single "group" who were awful tippers. Some people just don't tip.

    3. That's too funny, my friend and I were talking about how doctors are often terrible tippers. My friend is married to a doctor, and said that whenever he goes out with his partner and his colleagues, he's often embarrassed by their behaviour. Funny you said thatwhen I was JUST having this conversation haha.

  23. I guess I'm the odd one here (hey I'm European). I hate the idea the tipping anyone is compulsory. Tipping should be an extra and someones income is the responsibility of the employer not the customer. People shouldn't feel they are entitled to it. I once took a taxi to my NYC hostel. The driver took the entire drive to complain how awful it was he had to drive me all the way to my hostel (in Harlem) since he wouldn't make any money during the time he was driving me and at the end he demanded a tip.

  24. pizza hut drivers have to use their own cars, pay for their own gas, and don't make much. People are just greedy and cheap. I make it a rule now to only walk to get a pizza and my pizza hut charges a fee for delivery, but it's not a tip to the driver that is seperate. I tip at least 5 bucks to the drivers when I did.

    I figure if i only can walk to the place it cuts down on ordering crap food.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I'm with you, timebob, pizza delivery is a $5 tip, unless the total is $13 or $14 and then they get more, because I give them a $20. Like you said, they use their own cars and pay for their own gas, as well as those pizzas that are ordered, then not accepted. Being a good tipper is helpful in many ways. I used to live in an apartment where the lizards got in all the time, and I'm terrified of them. So when I got a lizard in the house, I'd order pizza and the pizza delivery guy would remove the lizards for me as well. :)

    2. +2 I'm a $5 pizza tipper every time

  25. @MacAttack, it's an American thing, mostly. When I went to Ireland last year, we were told that tipping was not expected pretty much anywhere--but it was so hard not to do.

    In restaurants in the US, servers make $2.15/hour and get tips on top of that. I think in Britain, servers are paid at least the minimum wage so they don't rely on tips like servers do here.

    1. Here is Washington State there is no server wage, so wait staff make minimum wage (a bit over $9 an hour) plus tips. I know servers who make more waiting tables than I do working for the state in a job that requires a college degree. As a result I don't feel bad if I get poor service and don't tip. In states where they do have a server wage I ALWAYS tip.

      I am also more likely to tip generously in a small local business than I am in a chain restaurant (and yes, I know some of them are local franchisees). For example I always add a buck or two to my coffee in a local shop but I never tip at Starbucks.

  26. @tealily - I have to watch the grocery bill (unemployed forEVER) and Safeway has sales like that. No joke. The pizzas are about two bucks each. However, they're cardboard.

  27. I hate the whole tipping thing. Pay people a decent wage so they arent dependant on some one's whim. I always tip 15 to 20% or more. But let me say thus. Her not tipping is NOT the issue. The delivery guy had no right, no business whatsoever to urinate on her front door!!!!!!! HE is the asshole, not her!! His punishment was swift and just. Now he better think of another way to channel that anger. You deal with this all the time- people in jobs they apparently think they are too good for, getting all attutude-y about it. Sighing, ignoring u when u speak, shoving your merch at u. If u hate the job that much, dont take it. It may not be yo dream job, but dont take it out on me! Ive had crummy jobs, u just do best u can til something else comes along. And all my jobs, inc 10 yrs cust service, front desk at dr's office- hv dealt with public. I know how frustrating they can be. But i hv never urinated on anyone or anything!!! Im n ot a dog for godssakes!!!!!

  28. Also, I worked as a waitress for a whole three months (I know, tons of experience here) and people will absolutely be that shitty in regards to tips. Some people will be really kind and generous, but the nasty ones stick with you.

    Now, I always figure out 20% on the pre-tax amount and (like others have said) round it up or down to the even dollar depending on service. If service is bad, I'll take it down to 15%.

  29. ALWAYS tip.

    NEVER expect a tip.

  30. In Europe you have the VAT - none in US

    Sorry if you can't tip then get up off your ass and get it yourself. Pizza delivery people have to pay for their gas., as doe other take out delivery.

  31. $2.15/h?!? really? is there no minimum wage in america? that's ridiculous! i think people usually get payed minimum wage here, which is like £6 which is like $8/9 plus they usually split tips with the whole staff. A lot of places higher 16/18 year olds though as i think the minimum wage for them is like £5 or something but that's still $7!

    plus tipping isn't a right, if i feel i had a really good meal and decent service i'll leave a good tip. if it was shit, or the service was poor i'll leave a poor tip or even nothing at all if it was that bad.

    1. @macattack We do have a minimun wage, which is I think $7.25/hr.
      Servers get $2.15/hr because it's assumed they can make enough in tips to make at least the hourly minimum wage. If they don't, the restaurant is supposed to reimburse them the difference, but most servers don't even know that. A lot of times when they do know & try to get paid correctly, they will get fired for made up reasons. (This info based on what has happened to friends of mine, I'm sure there are some restaurants that treat their employees better.)

  32. If you cannot afford to tip your delivery person, you cannot afford to order food. If you cannot afford to tip your server, you cannot afford to eat out.

  33. Oh and like others said, if you order from the same places, by tipping fairly you'll get your food nice and hot!

    Wait people, devliery, are HUMANS who are working for their livelihood. Just like you and me.

  34. Personally, I hate paying for delivery...both the charge and the tip so I make myself get up off the couch and bring it back.

  35. I tip well unless the service was bad. As far as pizza delivery, if I'm ordering from a new one, I'll ask about their tip policy. I was used to free delivery and always tipped the driver. Where I live now, a service charge is tacked on. I don't want to pay a tip on top of that so I pick it up instead.

    Anyway, drivers can do more to earn a good tip such as making sure the order is accurate, bringing extra condiments and being pleasant.

  36. My mom loves to tell a story about when I was little. I came up to her crying and complained that my older cousin had 'hit me back'. It seems to fit in with this. She was wrong not to tip, but he had the opportunity to be a bigger person and blow off his steam with his co-workers. Now they both lose.

  37. There's a diff' between not tipping be cause you don't have the money, and not tipping because you're cheap. This lady is a repeat offender from what i read on another site.

  38. Lay off her guys, she's in mourning because she was Mr. Pink's fiancee.

  39. Tipping is not required. Sorry, but it is not. You should absolutely never expect a tip, either. If you do not have a job for which you are paid a living wage, you should consider obtaining another. If that is not a possibility, you should re-evaluate your life choices. I say this as someone who did work as a waitress in college (for the first degree). I generally tip well, but not all people can afford to, and not all service deserves a tip. To say that if you cant afford to tip, you shouldnt eat out is ridiculous. The client pays the restaurant for the food and the experience (from which the restaurant pays staff), anything else that they choose to pay is on them. Especially interesting is that many pizza places also charge a delivery fee.. why should the client be expected pay extra for a service that they are already paying for?

    1. Lori, where are these jobs that servers can magically obtain?

    2. I think its time for you to get some friends in the service industry. Maybe you have been out of it for too long. And if you feel this way talk to your government for making it legal for an employer to pay $2. 13 an hour.

  40. I have lots of friends who deliver various types of food. The majority of them do this regularly. Door knob, car door handle, plants.

  41. only in america huh? everyone seemed to be money obsessed... Tip is not necessary, this guy is paid by Pizza Hut.. for heaven's sake, it IS HIS JOB to deliver the pizza, give the woman a break.. in europe there is no urge to pay for tips not even in cafe or resto.. give up the entitlement attitude already! if you want more money then go find a better job

  42. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Two wrongs do not make a right.

  43. @Karen- That is not true for all states in the US. In california, all servers are paid at the very least, the state minimum wage of $8.00/hour. It is against the law to pay less and they can not factor in potential tips.

  44. So many ignorant, misinformed comments here, I don't even know where to begin. I've never even worked in the food industry, but I can only imagine how degrading it could be for your income to DEPEND on the generosity of strangers. Yes, this driver was paid by Pizza Hut, but as others have pointed out, it is far below minimum wage and not enough to survive on alone. And I don't care what this woman does with her money - I'm not saying that she shouldn't eat out, but if you can't afford to tip the driver, then you should not have your food delivered. And I am stunned that someone would even suggest that if a person can't get a better-paying job, then they should evaluate their life decisions. Perhaps you've heard of a little thing called the economy?

  45. I agree that one should tip but, maybe she thought that the delivery charge was his tip? I dont know how pizza delivery works but does the delivery guy get paid an hourly wage as well or does he just work for tips? Does he get anything from the delivery charge or does pizza hut just get that money?
    Never the less he shouldnt have pissed on her door step.

  46. I stand behind my statements. I am neither misinformed, nor ignorant. I know people who have worked, or are currently working, in the food industry. I did at one time, too. It's a job and we all have choices. If we dont like a situation, we have it within our power to change what we dont like.

  47. To add my two cents, I worked as a server for about 3 years and tipping is expected but don't ever assume it will be included. I had some people tip zero and then had others tip up to $50. It happens, but realize that the person who is working for that tip might snap and who knows what the back story of the driver is...There were plenty of times where I had to go to the back of the house during my shifts to either breathe, scream, or cry because of the stress or anger I felt during my shift.

    This driver took it to an extreme but I'll admit the place I worked at I saw plenty of people retaliate against bad tippers and people who wee just assholes..they just didn't know about it.

  48. What I do hate is that every time the tip argument comes up, it inevitably brings about a certain amount of disdain for tipped employees, as if they are begging to be slandered due to their "poor life choices" as Lori kindly pointed out, or "money hungry" as Jane Rodney surmises.
    Many people work in the service industry because you can work a flexible schedule.
    Everyone wants to see the tipping standard go away, but if it does, the service that goes the extra mile goes with it. If I was paid $10 an hour without tips, there is zero chance I would have gone as far as I have to make my guests happy. I'm not saying I'd have done a bad job, but people have come to expect much more from servers, especially in finer dining.
    Ther argument will always exist, but if you go out and don't bat an eye at at a $15 cocktail or a $7 bottle of water, the tip shouldn't offend you.
    On the other side of the argument, I will never be okay with retribution for a bad tip or no tip. It's all karma, keep doing your job and the money will flow if you do it gracefully and without expectation.

  49. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I have never commented on this site before but I read often and I felt the need to comment on this story. I deliver for a living, being that I am a college student, I am not that ashamed. I will say this while what this guy did was not right in any sort of way, I can understand his frustration. First of all, we are paid way under minimum wage. Second of all, that "delivery fee" that someone mentioned goes to the store, or the majority of it does. I worked at store where they charged $2.50 for delivery and gave the driver $.90. So yeah you're not giving that to the delivery driver. I will also say this we remember those who are habitual non-tipppers. It is so degrading to have to be nice to someone when you know it doesn't make a difference and they're not going to tip you regardless. It is true that you don't have to tip but almost every american knows that delivery drivers and servers are tipped well under minimum wage. I would never pee on someones house, but I have done other stuff. I'm not proud, but it is what it is. You get mad and stuff happens. Another thing that really pisses us off is pre-tipping. People order online and pre-tip, we can see that. I literally had one person pre-tip $.03.

  50. I dont have disdain for tipped employees at all. If you dont get paid a living wage and so depend on a $3-$5 tip that you are willing to urinate on someone's front porch out of anger/spite, then you should absolutely re-evaluate your life choices. It's ridiculous to be that worked up over a few dollars.

  51. Ordering in food is a luxury, not a necessity, and if you can't afford a few extra dollars to tip, then you shouldn't be ordering in. Period.

    Most people I know (myself included) tip before tax. The price you see on the menu is before tax, so wWhy would you tip on tax?

  52. My Daughter worked as a waitress while in college, she was paid 2.15 an hour. She was very friendly and got to know all the regulars and got large tips. A lot of the people knew her Dad and I think tipped because of him. She had a family that always came in 2 times a week with a mentally disabled daughter and my Daughter would always speak to her and treat her as a person. They liked my Daughter so much they always tipped $50. It helps just to be friendly to everyone. She had nights she came home crying over what some asshole did. So her Father and I made our present known. In other words starting going there while she was working it made it much easier for her. What people go through who work with the public is mind crushing. When I worked in the State Parks I thought tourists were the worse people in the world. That is the American Public I am talking about.

  53. Apparently enty has never heard of ordering pizza online or paying with a credit card over the phone. I ordered by credit card last night and scrapped together enough change for a $2 tip.

  54. Lori said...
    I dont have disdain for tipped employees at all. If you dont get paid a living wage and so depend on a $3-$5 tip that you are willing to urinate on someone's front porch out of anger/spite, then you should absolutely re-evaluate your life choices. It's ridiculous to be that worked up over a few dollars.

    ^ THIS.

    The sense of entitlement from some servers is just fkn gross. I tip on table service and only do pickup. I have zero interest in being charged $5(!!) for a delivery and then tip on top of that. My $12 pizza just became a $20 one and it still sucks balls.

  55. Add Florida to that list, I got paid $2.15 when I first worked as a server, the 2nd time around it was I think $4.23 or something like that. Minimum wage in Florida is about $7.60.

  56. Redneck, backwards, shotholes? Thanks for being completely offensive for no reason whatsoever. That helps a lot.

  57. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Maybe the guy was at his wit's end. It happens to all of us, whether we admit it or not. Some days, you just don't want to deal with someone else's BS. I'm not saying what the guy did was right. But I understand.

    I doubt it was the money that bothered him so much. It's the lack of respect. And no matter what job any of us have, we all have had to deal with that.

    It's not as simple as saying 'get another job!' We don't know what's going on in this guy's life. At least he was willing to work.

    How hard would it have been for her to come up with a dollar for a tip? A little kindness goes a long way.

  58. ALWAYS tip. Always, always, always. I appreciate good service and we frequent several restaurants and are usually remembered. One restaurant we go to, the waitress we usually have came up to us and said she was sorry she didn't have room in her section for us and believe it or not, we got crappy service from our waiter. As in, didn't even get what we ordered. On the way out, we asked if we could request a server next time (and why) and they said yes. Good thing, too, because when we told the manager what happened, he seriously pretended to not understand what was wrong. How do you not understanding being served something other than what you ordered? Seriously. We love that place, mostly because of that waitress!! Wow, I need to lay off the caffeine today.....

  59. The tip is for the service provided, so calculate your tip on the services, and not the tax.

  60. Yawnathon- I shouldn't have included that with my earlier comment, I realized that after hitting the publish comment.
    I worked very near several hospitals, and it was unfortunately a very true generalization for the doctors who dined at my place of work, but that certainly doesn't account for everyone and I know that.

  61. Lori- I never implied that you held any disdain for servers, I referenced your post for one point only, which was that people often criticize servers for their life choices or lack of education instead of talking about what is fair.
    The rest of my post had nothing to do with you.
    Clearly the driver was out of line and there's no excuse for his behavior. It looks bad for the whole service industry when some idiot gets caught pulling a stunt like this.

  62. People who are too greedy, cheap and uncouth to tip for a service should seriously re-evaluate their life choices.

  63. Well, just because it only happens in right to work states doesn't change the fact that it's the truth for many, many people.

    And thanks for teaching us all that almost 50% of the country is a redneck, backwoods shithole. I had no idea!

  64. off topic: Right to work keeps the costs of everything down. Some jobs really don't need/justify tons of money/hour. IMHO there shouldn't even be a federal minumum wage.

    RTW also helps keep away corrupt unions that will harm the economy (sag, uaw, etc).

    It's only your own responsibility to take care of yourself. That's it. I echo the comments about the entitlement attitude.

  65. On another note: It is very cheap to make your own pizza.

  66. My goodness, Lori, it certainly appears you've led a charmed life with lots of choices. Your complete lack of empathy for people who may not have oodles of opportunities at their fingertips at the moment speaks volumes about you.

    I've waitressed & bartended for a few years a while ago and it never ceased to amaze me how many people considered me inferior because I did so.

    My favourite waitressing story is from Mary Steenburgen. She waitressed at a NYC restaurant for eight years while trying to make it as an actress. Every Sunday, a woman would come in alone and order a glass of red wine and chicken caccciatore. She didn't even bother to look at Mary when ordering, and refused to acknowledge her in any way, let alone say thank you. She NEVER tipped. Eight years, every Sunday this same scenario would happen.

    A few years later, Mary had some measure of acting success & fame, and was at an arts event. A woman came rushing up to her, and excitedly exclaimed how much she loved her and had followed her career etc.

    Guess who. Yup. Asshole customer from the restaurant who paid so little notice of her server of eight years, that she failed to recognise that she was now her favourite actress.

    Mary looked at her and said, "red wine and chicken caccciatore".

  67. For those of you who think people who work for tips have an attitude of entitlement, I'll leave this as my parting thought. Yes, every time I worked hard for a tip I felt entitled to receive payment for services rendered.
    I also felt grateful for every nice tip.
    Do you feel entitled to your pay at the end f your week? I'll bet that you do.

  68. I always tipped well when we had pizza delivered. I appreciated thei time effort gas and energy to bring me a za and I didn't want the reputation of being a bad tipper. I know mysterious items can end up in your food and I'd like to avoid that.

    I also tip 20% when going out. My mom and brother both worked food service and told me the horrors. Even if I get bad service I figure they are having a bad day.

  69. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Here's a tip, most delivery drivers are paid minimum wage and are responsible for providing their own vehicle, insurance and gasoline. Don't be a dick. Tip. Or don't eat away from home.

  70. Here in Switzerland, service staff has decent salaries. That means more security for the service person, and no social awquardness regarding tip. I am happy to live n a country where service (including waiters, hairdressers, nail artists) is worth something regardless of tips. I interact with service people on a daily basis and for their good work, they should be able to support themselves and have a good life, independently from somebody feeling obligated to give a tip or not! (And I tip anyway)

  71. @ yawnathon
    Groups who don't tip? Secretaries. They don't tip, or tip very poorly. After making you work your ass off.

    If you work in a restaurant, don't piss off the host. Otherwise your section will fill up with secretaries, old people, and parents with very young children.

    Older folks generally require more time/service. linger at the table thus preventing timely turnover, and tip 10%. Not all, but a large majority are like this.

    Young families - no issue regarding tips, but again, usually require a lot more time & service.

    Secretaries... sorry, as a group, they are the effing worst to wait on. I presume it is because they get dumped on all day at work, then look for someone 'beneath' them they can take it out on.

    I remember three in particular who used to make my life miserable and leave a penny. Oh, and would complain about me every second day. My manager, god bless him, finally banned them from the restaurant.

  72. Anonymous1:20 PM

    @Lori, you're an asshole. You are. Seriously. A big hemorrhoid on society. And you sound like a young, know-nothing 20-something who doesn't have two fucking clues. And if you think for one second that the places you frequent don't pick up on your shitty, misinformed, elitist attitude, you're kidding yourself sister. You've probably eaten piles of bodily fluids and trash. Hope you swallowed it down with some humility, asshole.

  73. I find the whole tipping concept very intriguing as I'm from Aus and we are not required to tip here. Is it compulsory to tip? Or is it just the nice thing to do? What happens if you don't tip? And if there are no consequences, why does everyone tip? I usually tip taxi drivers but I'm under the belief that people are paid fairly here and don't rely on tips plus things are seriously ridiculously expensive here. But I do understand people are paid really poorly in America.

  74. I tip on the tax because I don't want to under tip.

    1. I've always tipped after tax. Always.

  75. Read about half these comments-
    I only tip at a restraunt IF your service was great, and I felt valued and appreciated for eating at your work, and you really deserve it. Nobody is entitled to a tip, and if you fuck up my order or give me attitude, or just act like Im a bother to your whole entire day, then no youre not getting one.

    And no I dont tip delivery drivers, when the whole reason they have that job is to DELIVER the food to the customer. Why do I *have* to tip him for doing his job. Why am I an asshole if I dont? He gets his paycheck, I'm not stealing money from him. I've worked tons of customer service jobs, never got tipped. Shit nobody tips me for doing what I have to do.

    And demonizing her for buying a pizza if shes so broke... Come on FFS, Im sure all of us have splurged once and a while on something we knew we dont NEED but want.

  76. I completely stand with Lori.
    Also suppose the bill was 9.50 or whatever and she only had a $10 on hand. Or she prepaid with a debit card and had no cash.

    If your job pays so shittily that you depend on the graciousness of others, and will get WORKED THE FUCK UP over not getting that GRACE, then you do need to re-evaluate. Get a second job if you have to, find a job where you make more money.

    I went thru that, I wasnt making shit, so what did I do? Went thru hell finding a slightly better paying job, AND got a second supplemental job.

    Oh yeah and Im a full time college student, who is broke 99.9% of the time. Am I a bad person if I order a pizza and dont tip too?

    Some of you need to come down off your high horses, not all of us are as financially secure as you, and that doesnt mean we must eat pig slop and live in squalor.

    1. Your mum obviously taught you no shame. Smh

    2. Didn't teach you about no shame.

  77. Way to let the whole world know you're a lousy tipper.

  78. My kid is a server and makes $9.25 an hour plus tips. I was floored at her wages and very happy for her so not all servers are paid $2.15 an hour.

    My hubster is a big tipper, at least 25% and as much as 50. I go for 15 to 20. We always say please and thank you, acknowledge service such have our glasses refilled and never use a cell at the table. If we receive exceptional service we take time to let the owners and managers know in person or writing.

    Any delivery is at least $5.

    Here is my conundrum: last night we ordered delivery and there was a $5 delivery fee on every order whether it was a $10 order or $100. Do you tip another 5? Seems like I'd just pick up for that.

  79. Cinefreak, you're not an asshole because you don't tip. You're just an asshole.

    1. Yeah. I'd love to see him not tip on a date. Girls big turn off is a cheap person.

  80. My brother is a pizza delivery boy! I would always tip delivery people.

    I do think this guy is sick for peeing on her porch and I bet he did things like spit in the food if he was mad at somebody...glad I never ate at that Pizza Hut.

    If you can't afford to tip then pick the food up yourself.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. ALSO, for the longest time I didnt have a car and when I had no food was forced to order out. Fucking sorry for being an optionless broke ass student.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. nevermind i read that wrong

  85. Some people do not have the education or resources to pay for more education (including accessing loans) to improve their job prospects. These people still work hard and deserve to be recognised for the service they are providing you.

    These people don't have the luxury to re-evaluate their life choices. They are working their asses off to keep their heads above water.

  86. This has turned ugly. Why must one name-call?

  87. @Chilie - I have made my own opportunities. I worked 2 jobs and did a ton of volunteer work while attending college. I currently am working one demanding job, while working on another degree full time and volunteering at a free clinic on the weekends. I worked (and work) very hard for what I have, so that I could provide for myself and my elderly father.

    I have empathy for people who work in the service industries. And, as I stated before, I have worked in them too. I have friends who currently do, as well. One is happy about what she does because it allows her flexibility in her class schedule, others see it as a means to an end and are actively pursuing other forms of employment. My only point is that we make our own decisions and if we are unhappy with them, we have the power to do something about it. If you can pay your bills, and you are frustrated in your job, you should look for another.

    @ therealjadedentrepreneur- As assumptions generally are, yours are entirely incorrect. Have a fabulous day.

  88. I dine out often and whilst I don't expect my waiter to smile, I do expect politeness and a good knowledge of the menu.

    I will tip anything from zero to 25% depending on the level of service I receive.

    Here in Australia our minimum wage for wait staff is around $20 an hour. Tips are not compulsory so it's simple.

    When a restaurant makes a huge profit then refuses to pay decent wages, it's not up to the customer to make up the difference.

    I have experienced the worst service in my life in an upmarket NY city restaurant. She was rude, she muttered under her breath, she practically had to be tackled to place an order, and got the orders mixed up.

    When I paid the bill (no tip) she chased me to the door and tried to stop me leaving, barring my way saying stop you have to tip me its the law. I said I will give you a tip. Have a better work ethic. The manager came over, she started on me again I said to him you better call the police then because I am not paying another dime. He shrugged, I left the restaurant amongst applause, and smiles from the other diners. A waiter like that wouldn't last five minutes in a similar Sydney establishment..

    The reaction of the other diners showed me that its not only tourists who are fed up at the entitlement for shoddy service, shown by some in the so called hospitality industry.

  89. I always tip. But NO ONE is obligated to. Ever.

  90. @Lucas - why? You realize your loose change at coffee shops goes directly to the bitchwork-doing broke-ass students on shift at the time, right? Why do the local coffee shop slaves deserve more than the Starbucks slaves? You're punishing the wrong people there. I worked at a Starbucks-like chain in a big city and the extra $200 I made a month from people's loose change was the only reason I could pay my rent.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Most servers and bartenders make less than minimum wage because they do receive tips. At one point, I made 2.36 an hour plus tips. I think it is crass to order take out and not tip. I have given the delivery person $2 or $3 in change that I shook out of every pocket, purse and between the couch cushions. I felt ashamed because it wasn't enough and in change but the delivery person appreciated the effort. I also made it up to them next time.

    Tip your servers and delivery drivers well people. They remember.

  93. Am I crazy or don't delivery folks make min. wage?

  94. Don't get me wrong Jennmcn, I always tip. I understand these guys/gals are using their own vehicles, etc.

    At the same time I think people may be confusing them with servers.

    Waiters/Waitresses 2.15 hr + tips they have to share at the end of the night (bartender/busboy/hostess etc)

    Drivers: minimum wage + tips

  95. @Chilie Thanks for posting that story about Mary Steenburgen - wow, to have seen the look on that woman's face...

  96. Lessons I learned from my parents: Make eye contact. Say hello. Be polite and say please & thank you. If you make a huge mess, clean it up. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Be thankful for the food, period.

    I try to incorporate all of this into my daily interactions. I fail a lot because I'm human and I get caught up in mundane bullshit. I feel like I'm going to get flak for this post, but I wish for people to have some compasssion in social situations instead of contempt.

  97. I worked as a waitress all through college and made $2 an hour. I was glad I didn't have to depend entirely on tips to pay my bills b/c the money was unpredictable. I always tip 20% because of that experience. I figure if you're waiting tabes or delivering food, you need the money like I did!

  98. @Chilie - LOVE that story about Mary S. That is AWESOME.

    My husband & I start at 20% and then will go down to 16% or from 20% based on service. We never NOT tip because we understand that everyone is entitled to a bad day, may be new to their job, they're just the messenger sometimes, etc.

  99. @ABlake I know there is a different pay scale for servers and delivery drivers but they use their own cars. Plus they can only deliver x amount of pizzas an hour. They are not going to make $20.00+ off of 4 or 5 tables.

  100. I hear ya. Plus delivery people don't have the chance to interact with customers (as a server would ideally be able to do). They have to drop it off, get paid and then haul ass to the next delivery.

    I'm not saying don't tip delivery people, I just think some folks may have a view that they are like servers ($2.15/hr) which is completely incorrect.

    Drivers are paid minimum wage (at least)

    Servers are not

  101. All my friends who are servers here in cali at least make minimum wage ($8) if not more.

    That being said y'all made me feel so fu**ing guilty I tipped $9 dollars on a $32 dollar bill at Applebees tonight.

  102. It's completely fucked up when everyday citizens have to supplement other people's incomes because their cheap arse employers don't pay them enough.

    My sales job is simple. If I don't exceed my budget I don't get paid commission, and if i don't make budget at all, I will be managed out of the business. I go above and beyond to make my customers feel special because at the end of the day they can buy their stuff in a number of places, but because of my relationship with them, they choose to buy through me.

  103. I don't get why one has to tip. It's not optional? That being said I do always tip because I think people is the food service industry get paid way too little. But I resent that it's not optional.

  104. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Driver are seriously not paid minimum wage. At least at my company. I get paid $4-something an hr. Not anywhere near minimum wage. I rely on my tips to make ends meet.

  105. I just checked online, a pizza delivery driver here gets around $14/hour plus $1 per drop off. That's a decent wage since most of them are students working night jobs.


  106. Most people are generous, but there are a very small number of people who just can't give up that five dollars. These are some of the 'takers' in life...

  107. Tipping is not the law in the U.S. but it's one of those things that, IMO, one *should* always do, like covering your sneeze, using turn signals while driving and flushing after using the toilet.

    I always tip, 15-20% pre-tax, based on service. If the service really sucks, 10%. I don't think I can recall a time than I have had to make a point of not leaving a gratuity for the server.

    I always tip delivery drivers because they pay for their own gas, etc., but if the restaurant tacks on a delivery charge I ask if that goes to the driver (normally it doesn't) and I factor that into his her tip.

    @ cinephreak - I'm just curious. What would you have tipped your server, if you *hadn't* felt guilty? At 20% pre-tax, your server should have been tipped $6.40. If you gave your server a $9.00 grat for a $32.00 bill, that's (if my math is correct) right around 28%. Not astronomical and consider that it makes up, in a very, very small way, for the times that you didn't tip when you should have.

  108. Yeah I must be 'ignorant' or whatever the buzzword is for people who disagree, but I'm from Podunk town Australia and tipping is not done. whenever I go overseas I rely on the service charge coz I just don't know how its done, when or whatever. I think its up to the govt to make sure workers have a decent min wage so they don't have to beg for money from customers. I've worked in the service industry and I'm not putting down workers. this is a problem for govt and management. and I know nothing about economics so u don't have to tell me that either!

  109. It's nice hearing from folks from Switzerland, Australia, and the other developed nations where living wages are mandatory. It's sad to think so many Americans think the U.S. is by far the bast place on earth, yet we're just fine with paying people less than $3.00/hr and then complain that they aren't doing enough to take care of themselves. This should be an embarrassment for any American.

  110. Oh this topic again! It's always fun to see people justify why they shouldn't tip. And I understand other countries don't do it this way, but if I'm traveling to another country on vacation, I typically want to fall in line to what is "customary" in that country, but that's just me.

    I waited tables in college and even before that, I've almost ALWAYS tipped at least 20%. Even when I was a secretary (and made no money) ;-)

    I think the reason wait staff service industry is paid so little is b/c that means employers are paying them for the service they provide to ensure they are getting good servers. Good service = good tips, in theory, although we all know that's often not what happens. From a restaurant owner standpoint, I guess this is how he/she keeps the costs low. Not all restaurants are created equal and someone working at a diner isn't taking home the same tips as someone in fine dining.

    On the flip side you CAN make a ton of money waiting tables. I know people that have quit their office jobs to do it full time b/c they made more money waiting tables. I know many teachers who do it in the summer to supplement their income.

    @therealjadedentrepreneur - I had to laugh at your rant, which is one I've given to low tippers before. :)
