Friday, November 30, 2012

Michael Jackson's Dad Suffers A Stroke

Late Wednesday night or early yesterday morning, Joe Jackson, the father of Michael Jackson, suffered a stroke. Apparently Katherine is on her way to see him in Vegas and hopefully while she is gone this time her children will not try and stage a mutiny. I'm not sure why she is still married to the guy or exactly how a marriage works when you live five hours from each other, but apparently this is what she likes. he can sit by the pool all day and tell a bunch of 18 year old women that he can make them famous if they will just rub his bunions and Katherine can just stay in Los Angeles and take care of her grandkids. I always wondered that if Joe Jackson had died before Michael did, if Michael would go to Joe's funeral. I know the rest of the family would have, but I think Michael would have stayed away.


  1. I have a theory that Michael Jackson's plastic surgery efforts were to try to make him look more like Katherine and less like Joe. If you google pictures of Katherine/Michael, you'll see what I mean.

  2. Now if only Dina Lohan would have a stroke, then maybe Lindsay could get her life on track.

  3. That family gives me the heeby jeebies

  4. i think jehovahs witnesses do not agree with divorce. but separation is ok depending on the circumstances of the marriage. they havent lived together in ages...

  5. Karma? Hope it hurt.

  6. Strokes scare the hell out of me. I think I'd rather have a fatal disease than a stroke. Just my personal fear.

  7. @SusanB: Same here. I saw my Grandpa have a stroke when I was 5 and 45 years later that memory still haunts me. But what was worse was the aphtermath. He wasn't my *Geepa* anymore. I have tears in my eyes typing this. It's a horrible thing. I know Joe was a piece oph shit human, but I can only hope he's not suphphering.

  8. I'm sorry you had a sad memory after reading this. I don't try to wish ill will upon anyone - but karma is a way of looking at it. I personally dislike him greatly, after reading about how Michael's Autopsy revealed groin injuries consistent with what is known about what Joe and his "parenting tactics" aka abuse - He prostituted his kids for fame & fortune like many child actor's parents did/do but again for those who do love him, I can understand its terrible to see someone you love, suffering. So I only hope that he does get better, maybe becomes a better person.

  9. I wouldn't wish a stroke on anyone but I have zero sympathy for Joe, he was/is an abusive, controlling monster.

  10. I've always thought along with physically abusing them he sexually abused them!

  11. is someone different writing this blog?? cause it doesnt seem the same and the content has become so annoying lol

  12. Speaking of family and mutiny, Janet has been MIA for quite a long time.

  13. What do u say about a nasty, mean, abusive, whore chasing, opportunistc, parasitic, greedy, child/wife beater when something crummy happens to them? " oh yeah." You reap what u sow.

  14. Great! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving asshole. Hope he croaks.

  15. Suffer evil old man

  16. I feel that his mother would have insisted he go, and Michael would have...for her.
