Wednesday, November 28, 2012

No Criminal Charges For Gabriel Aubry

It would have been really mean to throw Gabriel Aubry in jail and charge him with a crime after suffering the beatdown he did against Olivier Martinez. According to TMZ, Gabriel is not going to be charged with any crimes and can just focus on healing those wounds and going to boxing class everyday. In the next year, Olivier and Halle will be finished and Olivier can go start his treating a new girlfriend badly while Halle can find someone else to suck into her vortex of strangeness. Also according to TMZ, there is no security footage of the fight, The cameras were in the wrong position. You know, because no one covers their front door. Yes, cameras were focused towards the front to catch intruders, but suppose that intruder got to your front door, you don't want to see who it is before you open it?


  1. Really happy about this. What about the restraining order, is it still in place?

  2. This is ridiculous. I highly doubt Gabriel is 100% innocent and a total victim in all of this, but I feel bad for the guy.

    Let this be a lesson kiddies: think long and hard about your mate before you procreate.

    (I totally rhymed.)

  3. Word, Amber. Shit gets REAL when you get and innocent child involved in your dramarama

  4. So many typos - sorry.

  5. DM had pictures of Gabriel's hands and they were clean, as in he didn't throw any hard hitting punches. OM on the other hand is wearing a brace on his hand that he "broke" on Gabriel's face. How is it that he was arrested and OM wasn't? If anything they should of both been taken in to firgure out the details of what happened.

  6. Of course the cameras didn't catch anything. Nothing on the cameras helped the crazy bitch.

  7. I still dont know why Olivier isnt arrested for assault!!!!! In what world is his beating of Gabe NOT assault? I am still soooo Team Aubry. And Team Nahla.

  8. I think Olivier should be charged with assault, and his visa revoked. But hey, that's just me.

  9. @Lotta, yes. Why weren't they both arrested for assault?

  10. This is what happens when you have a kid with a crazy person. It happens really often IRL too. People fall in love with crazy people, before they realize.
    I feel bad for Gabe, because she IS an actress, after all, and I'm sure her privately shared 'victim' stories were oh-SO-convincing.
    Poor guy wants to be a dad, and she won't let him. Awful.

  11. Martinez made a citizens arrest on Gabriel. The cops turned it over to city attorney but didn't recommend charges. They basically said they were both guilty.

    And supposedly, the cameras were facing the fences as suggested by police last year when Berry had that stalker and they never moved them back.

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Amber, while I enjoy all of your comments, I think the level of damage inflicted by Oliver is in Chris Brown territory. Rhianna didn't deserve what happened to her, but I don't think she was 100% innocent either. Prior to the CB beating, I remember reading they had a tumultuous relationship. Saying that, I think Chris should have faced domestic abuse charges. Likewise, Oliver should be charged, too.

    1. Go back an read the CB-R police report and then see if you'd say that a "tumultuous relationship" deserves that.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      NOBODY deserves that level of beating is my point. CB deserved assault charges BUT so does Oliver.

  13. and yes, complete BS on sercurity camera suddenly re set to look elsewhere. Cops should check all the tapes on that camera, and see where it usually is positioned. If every other day prior to that , it was pointed at front door, then all of a sudden repositioned THAT day, wouldnt that show pre meditation????????? If this was a set up, I really want to see justice done- OM goes back to froggyville, and Little miss cant be wrong pays for her drama fest. And Gabe has more access to Nahla than ever before..

  14. Score one of Gabriel. Let's hope more talk (witnesses) come forward with respect to Olivier and Halle's lead up to this fight. I can't recall where but I heard mumblings about words exchanged at Nahla's concert or school event that shed HO (keeping it..Halle and Oliviver's nn) in a bad light.

  15. @Michelle - Oh, I meant in general in this entire ordeal! i.e. I'm sure Gabriel, over the course of their break-up and whatnot, has probably not always been a saint. In this particular instance, what OM did to him is pretty horrific. OM is a trained boxer, which makes him more dangerous than your average thug. If Mike Tyson punches you in the face it's going to hurt a whole helluva lot more than if I do it, yanno?

  16. Look at the pics of Gabriel's hands. They are bruised near the wrists. Team Nahla and Team Gabe

  17. They both should have been arrested! When you hit someonbe its a crime, even in self defense you don't beat the crap out of someone, you extricate yourself ASAP. This criminal case has little to do with the custody order and Aubrey still can't see his daughter so nobody wins in this situation!

  18. Team Gabriel.

    Oliver, while adorable and probably a good guy...he beat the shit out his girlfriends BABYDADDY. With the child is range- and the child will see the photos one day. He needs to be reprimanded and apologize.

    Gabriel was BEAT DOWN for wanting to spend his time being with his daughter- for being a daddy- for having the NERVE to fight for his daughter.

    Halle- get your shit together!

  19. I call MALARKEY!!!! Nice of her to set up Aubry like this. But there's no way someone with a 70 mil worth wouldn't invest a little extra to have a visual of the front door, I did & I'm only a thousandaire. =)

  20. You mean "Vortex of Craziness" right?

  21. @Amy in MI re: the pics of Gabriels hands. As in, those are more consistent with defensive wounds?

  22. The whole story just keep on getting stranger and stranger....

  23. Whenever I think that Halle Berry might deserve some compassion, I look at Catgirl or Gothika and snicker. She's dated well, that girl. Working that moneymaker.

  24. How stupid is Gabriel to NOT have someone with him when he deals with the 'crazy' woman who bore his child that you all keep calling crazy?
    How is it that everyone but him knows how potentially dangerous both Halle and Oliver are, but he fails to take a body guard or a COP for god's sake WITH HIM TO GET HIS CHILD?
    In real life this stuff happens...yes, we know.
    WE also know that Gabe can afford protection and if necessary an entourage to either help him or record what is done to him...but he hasn't.
    This story was interesting until I thought it out for ten seconds.
    If Gabe wants to insist on going it alone toward his own ass beating, I have to allow it.
    Halle/Oliver are not so important that someone...her family, her potential employers, her neighbors, the law can afford to allow her carte blanche in dealing with an ex who is her baby daddy.
    She, to me, is not crazy; she's a control freak who knows her limits and then pushes them a little further every freaking time. And so far everyone allows it; she gets called crazy, and then it goes away.
    Crazy is no excuse; if I were Gabe, I'd get to the point and demand total and permanent custody.
    That's done in real life too. It's time he stopped allowing Halle to manipulate him so completely, nut up, and take that child to safety.
    And the person writing this rant is a mid 50s black female who used to like the entertainment industry before she started reading this blog years ago.
    Now they all make me sick. All the Halles, all the Kim Ks, all the fucking and the fighting and the lying and the stealing is finally too much for me after all these years.
    I chose not to make my life a sewer and yet all I see online is the filth and the sewage of other people's lives.
    As of today, I choose not to view it anymore; regardless of how much I enjoyed the comments and the blogs themselves. I already hated people for who and what they are, but reading this and other web sites just make me hate more. And that should have been hard to do!
    I'm Team Stop with the Drama.
    Good night/day, and good luck.

  25. @Jocasta - I understand the point you're making. I have a friend whose ex was basically trying to extort more "child support" from him (he was already giving more than he had to) by saying if he didn't give her more money she'd take the kids away from him. He let her push him around for a few years, because he was afraid he wouldn't get to see his kids. Finally I talked him into at least TALKING to an attorney, and they drafted up a letter and his ex backed off.
    When looking at these situations from our own calm and rational perspective, it's easy to see and recommend what someone should do. However, all to often fear and emotion handicap the people dealing with it.

  26. Man, Gabriel Aubry is gorgeous.

  27. It's a sad world when you need a bodyguard to pick-up and drop off your own child.
    Oliver should not be at the house when Gabe is due.
    And have you seen the photo's of Oliver he's getting ugly...
    Halle def set this up, didn't work, and now they have have to drop the order of protection against Gabe...
    It's far from over.

  28. Gabriel threw the first punch. That probably has a lot to do with O not being charged.

  29. Jocasta, i understand what u r saying , but will miss u!! I guess abry just doesnt roll with an entrouge, didnt think it ness, but im sure he will now!!!! At least one impartial person. Really, halle. Has. To. Stop. Now nahla has to interviewed by cops again. She shldnt hv to go thru that!! And halle, honey, its YOUR fault. I had a friend in messy divorce situation, with custody issues. She had to swallow a TON of shit - for the sake of the kids!!!!!! Thats what good loving parents do!! I used to sputter to my friend " thats so unfair!!", and she wld say it isnt worth upsetting kids about. She even made sure and shopped for christmas and fathers day gifts for him!!!! Now thats magnanimious!!!

  30. Happy Dance! And thanks for that pic instead of a recent one.

    Hopfully this is the first in a long line of wins for him.

    And where are the criminal charges against Olivier. You know, the poor baby with the sore hand.

  31. Jocasta - sometimes you don't realize you need security.. Until you actually do. I've had an insanely tumultuous ordeal with my ex husband for years. Our son is now 8. While I wouldn't put it passed him to wile out in front of our son he hasn't .. So doing the weekly exchange of child , though usually done somewhere neutral like school, sometimes can't be avoided in person..and until there's a real issue there would be no reason to bring a third party into it. It usually only causes more drama. Now Gabe knows.. And knowing is half the battle ..

  32. @Christine, in what world is Olivier "adorable" and a nice guy? Word is that he's an asshole through and through, no exceptions. And frankly, I think he's just ugly.

  33. my two cents is that they are all crazy, Gabriel included.

  34. They had way too much time in that house before the cops came to review the footage to erase or "claim" the cameras weren't pointed at the fight. According to reports the first thing Gabriel did was say look at the security footage. If he threw the first punch he wouldn't of been saying it. Neither will be charged it will be he said vs. he said and the police are saying it is mutual combat. The prosecutors won't have enough to go on to charge anyone.

    All this guy wants to do is have a relationship with his daughter, he hasn't (to my knowledge) hooked up with any rich woman to pay his way he and Halle split in 2010. I don't think he is a gold digger trying to coast on Halle's money with child support besides give his daughter the same life style she has with Halle.

    I would love for Oliver to be charged and convicted of a felony to kick his ass out of the country.

    Things seemed calm between Halle & Gabe until he entered the picture and stirred up the crazy in Halle.

  35. My understanding was that Gabriel always met with the nanny, not Halle and definitely not Olivier. And, even if he did throw the first punch (which seems to be because of verbal antagonism, supposedly) Olivier did waaaaay more than just defend himself. The bruising on Gabriel's wrists seems to suggest he was held down, and the lack of any marks on Olivier could even be because the first punch never even landed... I dunno, they're all crazy bitches. Liked Olivier in Unfaithful, hated how he treated Kylie Minogue.

  36. If he's dating he's keeping a very low profile, he knows how crazy and vindictive Halle is. She will freak if she thinks he's moved on with someone he cares about.

  37. Here in Brazil if someone is/was a professional boxer or had some kind of professional training, their hands are considered a "white weapon". And beat someone out of a ring has the same impact as shooting at this person. So is not a simple charge is more like a "murder". Don't USA have something like that?

  38. err timebob, he admitted he threw the first punch after getting mad at the conversation.
    We don't know what is going on with all of this, for all we know he could be trying to get more money etc. It appears that he cares for his daughter but again, we don't know to what end. I'm not going to demonize him but I won't glorify him, either.

    I'm team rhinovodka, they are all crazy. Gabe had zero problems getting Halle pregnant and staying as long as it was profitable. She's nuts. Crazy doesn't grow overnight. Like the old tale of the farmer and the snake "You knew what I was when you brought me home"

  39. Natália
    I'm not clear on the letter of the law here in the states but I do know that some people have to have their hands registered as lethal weapons. My stepfather was a pro boxer for a while many moons ago and he had to do that.
    At the same time, if you just box for a hobby or whatever then I'm pretty sure it's not required.

  40. Sorry but instead of thinking "long and hard about who you procreate with" it should be think long and hard who you allow around your child.

    That wasn't self defense, that was aggravated assault. How is this little girl supposed to live with a man who beat her Dad senseless- in HER home?

  41. I could say crazy doesn't grow over night, BUT it can show only after.
    My best friend is a guy and he has this girlfriend for almost 3 years, she was always a little too jealous in my opinion, but he could manage so it was ok.
    After he broke up with her she become way more crazy and bitchy about everything. She started to chase him and secretly enter in his house when she knew he was working just to mess with his things. I was there once taking care of his dogs.

    So sometimes people get way more crazy when they're hurt.

  42. @ABlake Thanks. :)

  43. Oh please. If it were all about her best interests she would be removed and placed somewhere normal with parents that didn't see her as a pawn.

    Legally, O has every right to defend HIS property. G struck first.
    So can we stop with the 'he's so handsome and we've seen pictures of him with her and we all know Halle is batshit so..handsome wins!'
    He's an idiot.
    O is an idiot.

    No winners here. As a matter of fact, that little girl is the one who loses the most.

  44. Apparently, Gabriel's hand have zero evidence of. Hitting anything or anyone, and the DA believes that he never threw a punch at all, but was just a punching bag. Gabriel told the police over and over to cease the footage before it was tampered with. There are three separate cameras that would have caught what went down, but Halle claims all her cameras are now pointed at the street.

  45. :) Natália
    My above response was for Jax, didn't want you to think it was aimed at you.

  46. On, and the custody agreement clearly states that the daughter is to be handed off to the nanny to avoid interaction between Gabriel and Halle. Halle was nowhere to be found during the incident, as she previously claimed, and now Gabriel has a restraining order against Olivier.

  47. whocaresnow12 that's probably because he hits like a girl.

  48. Enough....Oliver has not married Halle, it's not his house, his money or his child....he needs to butt out.
    Someone once posted that neither Halle or Gabe were too bright...but nowhere have I ever read or heard that Gabe is a mean spirited person. I tend to think if Nahla was never born he would be living in New York, he's in L.A for his child.
    With all the deadbeat dads he is a blessed relief.

  49. ABlake no problem... :)

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. You know what this reminds me of? The late 1980s, when the first reports started to leak out of OJ Simpson beating his then wife, Nicole Brown Simpson.

    OJ was insanely jealous, he was not getting his way, and somehow Nicole started 'walking into walls' on a regular basis.

    Abuse starts out like this, escalates, and ends up where?

  52. Halle is pretty much a textbook case of Borderline Personality Disorder, ain't she?

  53. They are trying to redefine BPD to...."Emotionally unstable personality disorder"....

  54. Gabriel is a pretty man......What were we talking about?

    Oh, I've always thought that Halle just wanted some nice looking genetic material to make a beautiful baby, but because she is crazy girl, the drama took over.

    I'm equally sure that anyone Halle is with is also crazy. A sane man would run from her.

  55. Ah yes but first you have to see past that beautiful face, and by then it can be too late.
