Saturday, November 10, 2012

No Moving To Paris For Halle Berry

I was really looking forward to Halle Berry moving to Paris. It would have been a very special House Hunters International. "Yes, I know Ms. Berry that you have $30M to spend on a home, but in this market, things move fast, so you will have to compromise." I'm not sure if Halle Berry really wanted to move to Paris, but a judge yesterday said she couldn't. Oh, I know she filed the paperwork and she saw everything through, but that is only because she is stubborn. Do you think someone who loves seeing herself in photos almost everyday wants to move far far away from that and not be recognized except by drunken tourists who want her to pose like Catwoman or make jokes about Living Dolls. If you think that Halle does not want to get her photo taken, then ask yourself why she always shops at places where paps hang out rather than in the places they don't? Why does she take her daughter, who, she so wants to protect from photographers to the pumpkin patch that is thicker than mosquitoes in a Minnesota summer with paps when she could go to one 10 minutes further away which is bigger, better, less expensive, and where no one would take her photo.


  1. Score one for the dads!

  2. Halle is an attention junkie, which is why she's always knee deep in drama. With all the shit she's been through over the years, I would never trade places with her. Having her life would make me stroke out.

  3. So. The plot thickens. I knew a judge wldnt let her take nahla away from her very involved daddy, which she shld be so happy for nahla that he is such a good dad. And i cld never see her living in paris. I mean, its not she goes there every chance she gets. And why take her little girl away from everything she knows? Oh and ps, i highly diubt shes gonna marry oliver. She'll say the not being able to live in paris drove them apart, but i dont think she has/had any intention of marrying him. I hope we wont get the inevitable stories of his cruelty to her and name calling. Mb get back with gabe, he lasted theclongest.

  4. Halle has diabetic psychosis and the same problem "keeping a man" that Taylor Swift does: crazy bitch, all about her.

  5. There's something about her that makes me say hah! when I read this story.

  6. I think she should have the freedom to move where she wants and she pays her ex something like 20 000$ a month(even though they weren't even married and he's a grown man and perfectly capable of getting a job and supporting himself; why does she have to support him,anyway? He's just a mooch!) so there's no reason he couldn't afford a plane ticket to fly over and visit their daughter any time he wants. She shouldn't be shackled to him for the rest of her life.She should be able to move on with her life and nothing's stopping her ex from visiting their daughter in France.

    1. Why shld he hv to fly all the way to france to see his daughter? Thats bullshit. She pays him b/c thats california law. And mb he's pissed off too, after fathering her child, she tried to toss him aside like a used tissue. Not right!

    2. She DOES have the freedom to move wherever she wants. She just can't take the kid with her. The only person subject to the custody order is the daughter. And if the judge had allowed Nahla to leave the jurisdiction, I'm sure there would have been an order providing that Berry pay to have him visit her. But let's face it, flying to another country to visit every once in awhile isn't really the same thing as parenting. By the way, one of the biggest factors in deciding these moving cases is whether or not the parent with primary custody facilitates the relationship between the child and the noncustodial parent. From what I've seen, this chick is constantly throwing obstacles at this guy.

  7. @Land Manatee - me too (and cool name)

  8. "She shouldn't be shackled to him for the rest of her life."

    That's what happens when you make a child with someone. Yor lives are entwined for AT LEAST the next 18 years.
    There are plenty of women out there receiving child support from men they were never married to, it shouldn't be any different when the roles are reversed.

  9. I always thought that Halle told the paps when & where she & the daughter would be so she could stage her histrionics against the paps.
    There are dozens of actors, some far bigger stars than she, who manage to live their lives in LA without being the objects of obsessive paparazzi attention.
    I'm guessing that the judge also figured this out.
    Plus there are rumors she & the Frenchman are about to break up.

  10. What kills me is Halle cries on cue about not having a relationship with her father but has no problem recreating that scenario for her own daughter. Her baby has a loving father that wants to be involved and she throws every roadblock she can find in his way; who does that?

  11. Living Dolls ruled! I think, I haven't seen it since it aired.

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  13. seaward: Just because she had a child with her ex doesn't mean her life should have to be entwined with his forever.Why suffer and be limited the rest of her life because it didn't work out? He can still visit his child (and non-custodial parents fly to other cities and countries to visit their kids all the time)and be involved in her life but it shouldn't mean Halle should be prohibited from living wherever she wants to.
    AuntLiddy: California law is stupid if it allows a man to freeload off a woman and take advantage of her just because she is wealthy.He should get a job!He doesn't even have custody so why is she even paying him anything?

    1. So it's ok that there are a ton of WOMEN who free load off of men because they got knocked up but not for the reverse? BS, women scream for equality all the time so here you go. Same rules apply to both genders.

      And before you try to say I must be a jaded father I'll throw it out: I AM A WOMAN

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  15. yes, because she had a child with him her life is entwined with him. ITS RIDICULOUS TO SAY OTHERWISE. I feel like pogue's a troll

  16. Halle CAN move wherever she wants to. Her child canNOT.
    If Halle wanted to avoid all of these messy father and custodial issues, she should have gone to the sperm bank.
    She's hardly suffering. Her choice to move is totally voluntary and she has the means to live anywhere she wants. And yes, many parents visit their children in other countries. Many of those custodial parents have had to move for jobs, etc. The standard is the same whether you are a millionaire or a military brat. This chick tried to make her move about the safety of her child. The judge didn't buy it (nor do I).

  17. Gabriel was a working model into all the shit hit the fan. He wasn't even going after Halle for child support until she started accusing him of mistreating their daughter and got the nanny (her nanny on her payroll) to make accusations of neglect. Which child services announced to be false. They did note they both have tempers and need counseling to deal with it.

    Halle wanted a child and eye candy on her arm. Insstead of being pragmatic about it and going to a sperm donor. She wanted to play the "i have it all game" well she didn't and she doesn't. You don't get to drop the baby daddy when he doesn't fit into her bat shit crazy world.

    Gabriel isn't getting money to spite Halle it's to keep their child in the same lifestyle she is used to. Yes, MOMMIES get the same money when the father makes more money. Halle was always the breadwinner in the family and supported them. Which is fine until you want him out?

    Pogue I see your point, but you can do to men what is never done to women.

  18. Melissa, while one might not like Pogues statement she isn't a troll. Let's reserve that for the true trolls.

    Yeah Halle shouldn't move for THAT man anyway. Horrible serial cheater. And yeah Nahla needs at least one stable influence in her life. Let's not forget both parents go before the judge and they base their decision on the welfare of the child.

  19. Visiting a child is WAY different then being a supportive dad and being for her when she goes to school, leaves school, recitals, etc. Tthat would be awful to the child to move her to France. It shocks me hat people would thnk that is ok... Do you have kids???

  20. And being there for her
    Sorry about the typos, I'm provoked by that ugly statement

  21. Kelly Rutherford has been put into this position. Her kids are in France and she is in America. She is going on every news outlet balling that she doesn't have a meaningful relationship with her kids, and now her son doesn't want to come back to America.

    I don't have kids but I can't imagine the heartache of knowing your child is on another continent and you can't see them regulary as you would like to becuase one parent is richer than the other.

  22. I believe they share joint custody. She may have primary physical custody but she doesn't have full legal custody which is why she couldn't just go to France without a judge's okay.

    @timebob...I kind of feel like Kelly R. dug her own hole (just like Halle dug hers). While it is sad for her (and the kids) that she has to visit them overseas, it is because she wanted to cut the father out of the picture that circumstances are what they are. She thought she would get her former husband deported and then she would have the kids to herself and she could punish him. Luckily, much like in Halle's case, the judge saw through the pretense and did what was best for the kids.

  23. Melissa: Just because my opinion differs from most doesn't make me a troll and I have the right to my opinion whether you happen to agree with it or not.

  24. @Lola yes you are right, Kelly tried to play the system and it played her right back.

    Every situation is complicated when kids are involved.

  25. Nate Berkus was willing to be Halle's baby daddy. Big mistake for her she turned him down, but great for him that he avoided getting sucked into Halle's world.

  26. I am glad that people are defending the dad. He did nothing wrong and she is trying to take their hold away, to another country. I lived in another state from my dad and don't have that great a relationship. I couldn't imagin if my mom moved us to Canada or even further away.

    I am also really happy a judge saw through her games. Score one for Justice!

  27. Child away to another country not hold! New iPhone tomorrow!! Yeah!

  28. Since she found Oliver cheating I doubt she really wants to go

  29. ok, pogue. you're not a troll. but it's not really your opinion that i have a problem with. it's your REALITY. you have a child with someone and split, then you still have a child together. unless the guy is an abusive asshole, he still has the right to see his child. for mom, that very well may mean she can't just fly free and live wherever she wants. it's no longer about HER---it's about the child they had TOGETHER having both parents in his/her life. it shouldn't create a hardship for the father, having to fly thousands of miles, to even see his daughter.

  30. if you say so sherry, I just feel like all of her posts try so hard to be controversial. we must just have wildly different opinions on life. you have a kid with someone, you're entwined with them: period. while there are exceptions, in this case I see no need for halle to make her former lover, the father of her child, fly all the way to france in order to be the child's parent. shes messed up you guys, and this was nothing more than a power play and an attempt to hurt/punish him

    1. With that I agree Melissa and Nancer. Coming from a family where I would have loved to have my father be involved but he elected not to do so, I hate when women pull that shit. Men can be excellent parents just like women. They should have every right to do so.

  31. also everything nancer said

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  33. "(and non-custodial parents fly to other cities and countries to visit their kids all the time)"

    I wanna live in your world!!!

  34. Halle is freaking crazy. This has been obvious ever since she caused a hit-and-run accident about 10 years back and then tried to act like *she* was the victim.

    Halle should be happy that Nahla's father wants to be in the picture. There are so many deadbeat dads in this world who could not care less about their kids. Instead, Halle WANTS the guy to be a deadbeat dad and never contact her child! Unbelievable.

    As for Kelly Rutherford, she makes herself out to be an innocent victim, but it's been reported many times that the real reason the judge let her ex take the kids to France is because Kelly did everything she could to keep him from seeing their kids, and even tried to get him deported so he could never see them, and it backfired on her in a big way.

  35. It's a shame you don't give your own kids any trust or freedom Pogue.

    Weren't you boasting on another post recently that your kids were home schooled and they weren't allowed out to date until AFTER the finished high school.

    Like that's gonna end well.

  36. I just cannot believe what I'm reading here. If you choose to have a child with another person, then YES, you are absolutely entertwined with that person for the rest of your life. A child is not a piece of property to be split in a breakup. If someone, like Halle, is so shallow and selfish and just plain mentally ill to not see the damage they do by trying to keep a child away from a parent, well- there are just no words for that kind of monster.

  37. I moved to Paris 2 years ago and the only thing I could have said to Halle is "Don t do this!!! Paris is great for a holiday but it s very cold and very dysfunctional at any other time ..."

  38. I think pogue, like lots of others are a part of the 'me,me,me!' mentality. luckily family courts try to do what is in the child's best interests, rather than their selfish, thoughtless parents.

  39. So Enty has been to Minnesota and seen our mosquitoes, eh?
