Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Paris Hilton Is Insulting Mecca

It turns out that Paris Hilton insults the entire world with her presence and not just the English speaking world. Somehow Paris Hilton found someone dumb enough to let her open her own store. I can't imagine she put up her own money for that because even she known her bags and shoes and accessories are crap. Anyway, instead of opening one of the stores in a place we are all familiar with, Paris decided she should sell them where she felt loved. Mecca. Yes, the same place that is the holiest place in the world to all Muslims now stands a Paris Hilton store. Granted, there is an entire mall in Mecca, but still, it is Paris Hilton. Thousands of Muslims have taken to protesting this on twitter and feel that because of her sex tape, and drugs and stealing and criminal record that she is insulting Mecca. I don't think it is really limited to Mecca. I am just dumbfounded still that she actually has her own store. Seriously, have you seen the stuff she sells? It is so bad that she doesn't even wear it.


  1. No comment, other than 'no comment'.

  2. There's a mall in Mecca? They should be protesting the entire mall not just that whore. That's like having a mall at the Vatican and Catholics getting pissed off because there's Planned Parenthood office there.

  3. Seriously? There's also a KFC and Burger King in that mall.

  4. It's the Saudi royal family who are turning Mecca into Islamic Disneyland. Including, yes, a gigantic mall. Nothing wrong with a little Paris bashing but it's the royals who are defiling Mecca, and they are literally supposed to be defenders of the faith.

    1. Right? It was ok to plow down Muhammad's house, but a store run by an asshole in the MALL?
      Get me my pearls, I need something to clutch!!

  5. So, are the Muslims going to go all jihadi on her or what? Bet that video would top the one night in Paris sales.

  6. I know that she and the Kar-name-that-shall-not-be-spoken are mortal enemies, but it would make so much sense if they banded together and pimped each other's stuff.

    You can't tell me the K stuff doesn't fit in with P's crap and brand image.

    Also, I think at this point if they were at the same place at the same time some sort of black hole of ego and grossness would form and they would be zapped to another dimension. A dimension where I don't have to read about them ever again.

  7. Maybe this is how the Israelis and Palestinians can bond. Join forces to destroy her store and all have a good chuckle afterward.

  8. She could very well get herself killed doing this. I don't think.she considered the ramifications of a loose, western woman coming into Mecca to peddle her hootchie goods.

    Of all the crappy littlestores in all of the world, she just had to choode Mecca. What was going through her brain??

  9. If the various STDs hadn't already riddled her brain with holes and lesions, she should have opened her store in Itaewon in Seoul. Her shit would have blended in perfectly. They fucking love her and the Kuntrashians over there.

    1. Oh vicki, i love it!!!! You rock!!

  10. Amber..I love your Mid-East Peace Plan..It's something we can all get behind..And are there that many women in that part of the world that need huge shoes? Hmm..perhaps a secret cross dressing society?

  11. Paris Hilton and Mecca is a bit of an oxymoron.

  12. Paris Hilton and Mecca is a bit of an oxymoron.

  13. Tacky, tacky, tacky!

  14. Why is the blame falling on her and not whoever it was that gave the go ahead to do it? Oh wait, because she's a woman.

  15. I'm no fan of Paris Hilton, but come on. They need to get over themselves, and suck it up. She haas every right to have a store there, and if they don't like it, they have every right to not shop there. We don't have enough time to talk about what these religious zealots should actually be focusing their outrage on...

  16. hahahahah- I love that they are all protesting. Awesome!

  17. A mall at mecca. Now i hv heard everything.

  18. They need to be protesting the entire MALL... ugh >.< This is getting attention because she has a famous name.

    Also, her perfumes and her shoes are actually good. My favorite pair of black pumps are from her brand.

  19. why only blames her? she has one store in a huge mall

    @seaward: totally agree

    @crazy/beautiful: +1

  20. Anonymous9:49 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Yep, must have been a trade with a john. Something like "Eh Paris, I'm having a little trouble in paying the rest of my bill, what do you say I give you a retail store in some commercial property my family owns and we call it even?" Good.

  22. As a Catholic I assure you we'd be just as pissed off if she opened a store in Vatican City. But someone in Mecca must have given her a business license or something so she could open that store. Blame them!

  23. Anonymous10:23 AM

    For me, this goes on the list of "Things I never would have imagined, because they are too perfectly hilarious". Reality is indeed stranger than fiction.

  24. Who is Paris Hilton you speak of?

  25. Omg I remember when her line came out in macy's and it was the most ugliest and narcissistic thing I have ever seen. The shirts had her face on them and the leggings were gag inducing. Did she really think everyone wanted to walk around with her face on a shirt. I bet she thought she was god back then. Oh and don't even get me started on the cheap looking handbags.

  26. All Paris does is sign licensing deals, she isn't an entrepreneur she isn't a businesswoman she just signs her name to a contract and that's it. Whoever licensed her name for the crap bags and shoes opened the store in Mecca hoping the middle east tweens would want to buy something "American" identifying it with Paris.

    Ugh, she is gross.

  27. T.E., shame on you for buying ANYTHING of hers! She is a racist piece of SHIT!

  28. Yeah yeah... I know she's not a good person.

    But like timebob said, she just signs a piece of paper giving someone the legal permission to put her name on something.

    If I like a product, I'll buy it. NBD.

  29. Our niece wanted a Kartrashian wallet for her birthday, we got it & I told my husband that it summed up everything wrong with his family. Having written that, the wallet turned out to be really nice, & the niece was genuinely excited to get it.

  30. I've been putting off my Hajj (spiritual pilgrimage to Mecca), but now that I can do both that + pick up a genuine Paris Hilton bag, I think I am going to get going.

    I wonder if Paris is offering any all-in-one travel packages for this.

  31. I hear that lots of baggage get lost there, maybe she is trying to fill a gap in the market, since no one else in the world wants to buy them.

  32. Hey, guys! What's the difference between Paris Hilton and her great-grandfather?

    One made a fortune inviting strangers to their beds for money. The other is the founder of Hilton Hotels.

  33. "granted, there's an entire mall in Mecca", but no, let's blame a woman y'all dislike.
