Saturday, November 17, 2012

Raising Sextuplets Mom Is Pregnant

Jenny McClendon has been pretty quiet since she got married earlier this year to the guy she was cheating on her husband with. Of course her husband did beat her, so I'm glad she left him. Anyway, Jenny was on the show Raising Sextuplets. That was at the peak of if you have multiples we will give you a television show and they had one and it was pretty interesting. Jenny is now 30 weeks pregnant with a boy and says that even though she has 6 kids of her own and her current husband has 2 kids of his own that they knew right away they wanted #9. Apparently Jenny has also been pushing to have a new reality show and was disappointed that a network didn't want to follow her once she found out she was pregnant. It kind of makes you wonder if this was a reality show thing or a wanting to get pregnant thing.


  1. I'm so sick of these look at me and my litter of children shows. Glad that trend is finally dying.

    Once theses personalities get a show they will do anything to hang on to it. I don't think she got pregnant for a show (unlike the teen moms who do) but she was more than willing to spin it to her advantage. Happy she got shut down.

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It is not an unusual accomplishment to have a baby, look around. I agree Timebob, it's just a look at me and my litter of puppies, er, children. It's not cute, it's sad, and I sympathize with the children for having the misfortune to be born in to these families. How can a child get the individual time, attention, resources, care and love that they need when they're one of ten? It's simple math people.

  3. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's....

    The Super-Uterus Gang!

    1. LOL Artemis! I love this!

      SUG :)

    2. artemis - that is SO bad! **snort**snort**giggle**snort**

  4. I actually watched that show and it was a train wreck. She met him via correspondence while he was over seas. They ended up getting married and couldn't conceive naturally so they did IVF. She got pregnant with 6 and almost died during childbirth. The show while the kids were toddlers. The dad was super scary, yelling a lot at her. Saying how he's the man and the king of the castle. She supported everyone while he got his Series 7. He got it, and then wanted to move everyone to FL from AZ. Away from family because they wanted to do it on their own. He couldn't get a job out there. That's where the show stopped. By the time it was over, he was arrested for Domestic Assault and threatened to kidnap the kids. Classy guy.

  5. I'm ten weeks pregnant and the LAST thing I'd want it a camera in my face all the time. I see nothing interesting in recording fatigue, flatulence, Morning sickness ( in my case all day ), daily whining about the fact I'm already looking round and the myriad of other complaints I give my acupuncturist every other day. I'm already driving myself crazy.. I'd choose to spare the rest of the world my ( not so much ) drama.

    1. Sorry Alicia. I hope your lady can cure you. Morning sickness like that is no fun.

      Congrats on your new little one! I know it will get better.

    2. I, and evrryone who carried a baby and been so sick, empathizes with you. Feel better soonest!

  6. Alicia: Congrats I guess :). Sure you'll enjoy the baby and when your little love arrives it will be worth it all. Hang in there sweetie.

  7. Pisses me off because in the long run, WE will pay for this. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow , but $$$$$ . These people should be financially tracked over the years, it would make a fascintaing follow up story down the road.

  8. Sherry - thank you! We are actually really happy and excited .. I'm just noticing the huge difference between having a child at 36 instead of 27 ( age of my last pregnancy ) .. It's rough this time around! I'm just hoping lots of acupuncture and regular yoga will see me through this hard part:)

    1. Alicia: having borne no chirruns of my own (I'm sterile of my own choosing) I can imagine it's not easy and it's a singular experience for every woman. Some women just lllluuurvvvee being prego and for others it's the pay off. Seems like you're doing whatever you can to lurve the experience while waiting for the big day. I applaud you. May your baby be healthy. I am sure he/she will be loved. Selah

  9. Bill Maher talked about this in his stand up or on his show years ago. Basically said that we need to admit, some women are addicted to being pregnant/having babies. A gal I used to work with LOVED having babies. I think she had 3-4 boys, and she wanted more. I suppose someone like that feels the need for another baby when the current one is no longer a baby. IDK.

  10. I know someone from an unusually large family, they lived in poverty. At one point lived at a campground until they could get back in a house. None of those kids got the attention they deserved and none of them have fared very well in the real world.

  11. yes, any child brought into a large brood like that will not get the attention he/she deserves.

    I find these women who have multiple babies not because they want to be mothers, but because they want the attention, just gross and narcissistic.

    I'm glad that the trend is dying. every person in a reality show should get a memo at the beginning outlining the 15 minutes, etc.

    I'm sure kim k never thought that she'd be upstaged by a precocious 7 year old.

  12. I think she's nuts, but she has to take of them, not me.

  13. Feeding, clothing, housing, and caring for a family of ten going on eleven people can't be easy. I understand why she hoped someone would want to watch, I'm sure they need the financial help.
    She should have checked out the possibility of interest before she gave up using birth control. If this was a "happy accident" she should have used more care.

  14. I can't imagine not having my tubes tied after EIGHT children. Just cannot. No. No no no.

  15. @Alicia, all the best to you. It's one of the few things our hearts guarantee is worth all the time and trouble.

  16. I started to write this whole comment about how weird it is to see such a "trend" in suburban white America (from my African perspective) but the details to explain why I think it's weird are too convulted and open to misinterpetation.

    Anyhow, sometimes gossip can actually faciliate intellectual discourse-who knew.

  17. Why does TLC think everyone wants to watch women with giant litters of kids.If they never would have given that damn show to Bitchy Gosselein Octomom wouldn't have tried to outdo her by having 8 at once instead of 6.Thank goodness they turned someone down for once. I think TLC stands for The Litter Channel these days

  18. The Litter Channel, haha. Also hate couples who have kids when they marry but think somehow it doesn't "count" until they have 1+ together. Please.
