Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

The end of an era.
Bradley Cooper brings out the tight, shark skin looking suit for the premiere of his new movie.
Chris Tucker was there too.
Britney Spears doing some shopping.
Courteney Cox trails long behind her lunch date. You know, to make it look like they did not go to lunch together.
Chris Martin goes jogging in New Zealand.
Andrew Garfield shows Ellen what he has got.
Annie Leibovitz took some photos for Vogue of the Les Mis cast.

High Jackman
Amanda Seyfried
Anne Hathaway
Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen


  1. Helena showed up late so Annie was like there's no time for wardrobe or makeup just get on set NOW!

  2. THANK GOD! Until they re-release the shitters in 3D.

  3. Hathaway has Matthew M.'s dino neck!

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Cannot wait for Les Mis. These photos are beautiful

  5. Hathaway really wants an Oscar for playing Fantine. Can smell it a mile away.

  6. i hate that tight suit look. a good suit should look elegant and beautiful. he may as well have worn spandex to show off his bod. HATE IT!!!

  7. That is now 3 good pairs: Naomi and Demi; Wilson and Griffith; and Cohen and Carter-you're on a roll Enty!

  8. I like Mickie/Minnie mouse t-shirts myself. I have 3 of them. But I NEVER wear them outside the house

  9. I saw the original Bwy production, my god, I'll never forget it. Ordinarily I would never see a movie made from a stage production, but looking forward to this one. I forgot about Helena and Cohen playing the Thenardiers, and also about Amanda it's pretty much been Anne Anne Anne. I wonder if they'll have Anne lose her teeth too, as in the book.

  10. The Hugh Jackman shot is perfection.

  11. I love me some Chris Martin.

  12. @emeyekay...ditto

  13. give me a break, anne.

  14. love Hugh Jackman, I think I only want to see this because he's in it.

  15. Choen as a Thénardier? Awesome! I can't believe A.L. can take such wonderful photos after such an impressive carreer. Her creative well runnith eternal. Can't wait to see this movie.

  16. I luv the Les Mis pics. Everyone looks stunning.

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I hear he's got a huge ackman

  18. Who is the guy with Courtney Cox?

  19. I guess I didn't realize Les Miz is a farce.

  20. Love, love love the Les Mis pics. She perfectly captured the feel of all of the characters.

    (I wear my Mickey/Disney shirts all of the time, inside and outside of the house. And that is wrong...why?)

  21. Tight suits seem to be the fashion now for guys. Daniel Craig's was very tight on Leno the other night, I didn't mind.

  22. Those suits are plain ugly.

  23. Oh for all that is holy please tell me Helena isn't going to sing again. She sucks! Great actor..horrible singer. Didn't the kid have to sing half her song in Sweeney Todd?

  24. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Helena <3

  25. Kristen Stewart in in the same category for me as Avril Lavigne. Tries soooo hard to be edgy and sexy, just can't pull it off. They both really need to find out what works for them, and stick with it!

  26. Amanda Seyfried reminds me of Sarah Polley when she was a child actress....

    Helena Bonham-Carter looks better than usual...

    Taylor Lautner is so gorgeous...

  27. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Seriously Courteney, no one cares..........

  28. a red and grey mickey shirt with pink vickies secret camel toe yoga pants... even I know "that don't go together" in color choice nor in message to the public.

  29. ...still working on the post production of Les Mis. London premiere on Dec 5th. Keep the coffee flowing...

  30. That dude with Courteney Cox is too old and schlubby to be dressing like that and sporting the ridiculous headphones. All he is missing is one of those god-awful smurf hats and he would look like douche-y hipster living in his mom's basement while he perfects his artisinal tofu recipe. Ugh.

  31. Was that a joke about Courtney Cox or is that guy someone we know?

    Also, not a huge Bradley Cooper fan but that movie with him and Jennifer Lawrence looks kinda good...but that could just be because I lurve me some Jennifer Lawrence.

  32. BEYOND excited for Les Mis.

  33. A farce indeed.

    Anne is an over actor even in photos.
    She reminds me of the too peppy, not that pretty, fake nice drama geek girl from high school.

  34. @goes in circles, that is it exactly!

  35. Courtney Cox looks just like my mommy.

  36. Is it me or does the guy with Courtney Cox look like Eric Dane???

  37. Is it me or does the guy with Courtney Cox look like Eric Dane???

  38. My stomach curdled when I saw the Le Miz photos. Annie Liebovitz is such a HACK and celebrity ass-kisser. Her photos (and the death of Christopher Hitchens) are one of the reasons I let my Vanity Fair subscription lapse.

    @ Momster - You're right - Anne is gunning BIG TIME for that Oscar. She's fairly pretentious and natters on about her "craft" and "oeuvre" and other artsy-fartsy catch phrases. It will be interesting to see her "humble" acceptance speech should she win. She even might do "The Swifty" surprised look!

  39. @Mel-he does look like Eric Dane!

  40. Andrew Garfield should probably never do that again.

    Who is that woman in between Kristen and Rob?

  41. Love the Les Mis pics.

  42. Entry, please fix your website. It repeatedly fails on my laptop, my iPad, my iPhone, AND my Droid (I have a business phone).

    Your website is RIFE with the gossip that I want, but I just can't read it because nothing I've tried will load it.

    Please fix this. We adore you (I know many others have posted their problems too).

    1. Jessica, this works for me on everything from desktop to mobile.


  43. I honestly cannot wait til Twi and all it's stuck up ungrateful moderately talented cast members go away for good. I'm looking especially at you K Stewpid.

  44. What in the name of all that is holy is going on with KStew's breasts? I don't think that's what breasts are supposed to look like.

  45. Gawd I'm already sick of Les Miz and it's not even out yet.

    Ever since AL had her money troubles, she's become such a hack. I guess needing to make a mortgage payment will do that to ya...

    @Jessica: Ad Block Plus (it's free!) will make your laptop troubles go away, otherwise use the mobile site.

  46. I have never, not once, had a problem loading the mobile site on my iPhone.

    1. Neither have I...love the mobile site...the web version not so much but I am fine viewing on my phone.

  47. I like Anne, but I have to agree that he's overacting, even her campaign for this Oscar is being overplayed. Quit showing your hand!!

  48. Love the expression on dude, in the Courtney Cox pic. Is he really wearing headphones?

  49. @Kloie- It's Stephanie -whatshername, the author.

  50. i think the guy with CC is the guy who plays her ex husband in cougar town..

  51. The guy with Courteney Cox is Brian Van Holt, one of her Cougar Town co-stars. She was rumored to be dating him when she was still married to Arquette. Then after they split, she was rumored to be hooking up w other co-star, Josh Hopkins.

  52. Sasha Baron Cohen, go away forever!!!

  53. Thanks, @ Popnursing

  54. "The end of an era"
    Thank God!!!

  55. @Monica: yes and now!

  56. @little miss smoke...thanks for the info...I seriously thought it was some random schlub on the street
