Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

Lindsay Lohan wins worst dressed for a very long time with this dress.

She even killed an animal to go with it.
Long time no see Theresa Russell.
Bridget Moynahan and Donnie Wahlberg at the International Emmy Awards.
The lovely Jessica Lange was there.
Ditto Regis and his wife.
David Beckham looking smug at a press conference yesterday.


  1. Oh my God, is that ass crack?

  2. David always look smug, or smirky, or contemplatively bemused....mmmmhh.

    On that note-night y'all, enjoy your turkey and such! x

  3. Linds is now apparently using Courtney Love's stylist. Tragic.

  4. Why does Lindsay always insist on wearing these silk dresses that just come across as wrinkled and messy. OMG that behind shot is just a crime against humanity. I can get behind her doing a remake of Sunset Boulevard, I believe she is ready for her close up Mr. Deville.

    Now Jessica Lange looks AMAZING in that dress, *sigh* just love her.

  5. Lindsay looks like she should be on some Real Housewives show...or maybe Mafia Wives maybe

  6. THIS is the dress! Do you think LiHo designed it herself? I think it's the tackiest, fugliest, abomination of what was once some pretty fabric.

    LiHo is on her way to Courtney Love-dom. They should start touring together. The Starlet and Tartlet Tour. Sparkly gems for all!!!

  7. Those beads on LL's dress look like fat rolls or something. Weird illusion they create. She is skinny but looks terrible. I like how her pic is featured with pics of actresses who are all way older but look much better than her.

  8. Since the pics are so small I thought that was blood dropping down LiLos chest.
    Enlargement only made me wish I hadn't!

  9. The thing is, when blohan looked in the mirror before she came out, you know she saw some sort of cross between Rita Hayworth, Marilyn Monroe and the divine Miss Taylor looking back at her.

    NOTHING is going to penetrate her delusions.

  10. Lilo looks like a bloated Little Mermaid. I actually gasped out loud when I saw the behind picture. It was so bad I had to show the boyfriend. Even he was like wow wtf.

  11. Are my eyes deceiving me or does lindsay have a sheer patch of fabric over her butt. Is she looking for potential customers with that ensemble. I bet she thought she looked glamourous when she left her home. EPIC FAIL!!!

  12. I also thought the "beads" were a fat roll squished together, and then I swear I see the shadow of her crack in the back, too. No way she's gone commando in this, right? No. Can't be. Agree with the comments about her delusions. She truly thought she was gorge when she looked in the mirror. Just look at her facial expression in the hiney shot.

  13. Glad I hadn't had lunch yet. My. God.

  14. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Having a dress w the bum cut out is high fashion you guys. See: assless chaps

  15. I think the dress would be ok in a different colour, ass covered and on someone much taller. She just makes it look ech!

    OT but it bugs me that animal protesters whinge about fur and don't make a cheep about leather ^^)

  16. If it weren't LiLo wearing it, it wouldn't be the worst dress. Not classy, but a real starlet could pull it off. Unfortunately, on LiLo it just looks like the buttons are screaming to get away, and the back looks like an advert for her next sugar daddy.

    1. At Yahoo they said the bottom cut out showed her naval piercing when she moved. They were kind enough to show a close up.

  17. Please tell me the back doesn't have a gauze window showing her ass. The front wasn't as bad as some dresses I'd seen, but damn, the back.

  18. I thought far rolls too.
    But my first thought was: her boobs are hanging almost level to her elbows.
    Invest in a good bra.

  19. I haven't seen Theresa Russell forever--she looks good.

  20. Jesus Murphy, her FACE in that shot from behind, girl what did you do to yourself! I'm remembering her original face and compared to that this is like 50% of the way to Jocelyn Wildenstein Land :O

  21. Donnie Wahlberg still makes me hot. I'll Be Loving You Forever indeed.

  22. LiLo's dress makes me so excited for Fashion Police this week! Also, is it wrong that I secretly hope Christina Aguilera wears this dress on the red carpet next?

  23. How old is Blohan?! What a disaster.

    Donnie was always my favorite New Kid.

    Who is Theresa Russell?

  24. you guys see the cheezy hem job on the dress? there was just a foot-wide stretch of clearly visible stitches where someone (dina?) hemmed it up so she wouldn't fall. (lilo: the paps tripped me!) Mayyyybe if the dress was a dark jewel-tone green or blue, instead of a silver that makes her skin look like old bloated cheese... But no, the dress is just sooo much fail. The designer should change their name and move to another country after this hot mess.

  25. Okay I'm ready for the stones coming my way...
    It makes me feel sad, LiLo looks happy/nervous in all the pictures from the party. I don't have sympathy for all her dangerous behaviour, but I do believe that she wants people to genuinely like the movie... I think it would mean the world to her if people do like it. I think she has serious problems, as in psychiatric. There are completely different affects from this girl in various situations, which don't seem to be part of a cohesive whole. Yes, I know she was found not mentally disturbed in a court ordered evaluation. I've also watched MDs release people as 'perfectly stable' while we all asked them to be held. Of course, if the person in question is lucky, they live to be admitted. I dunno, I'm probably nuts!

    1. Mari you're not nuts.. You're obviously a good person who has empathy. You see the human in LH when many of us don't. Sometimes it's hard to see past the caricature of a person lindsay has created for herself. Good on you!

  26. @greenmountaingal, Theresa Russell played the femme fatale in the movie Black Widow with Debra Winger in the late 80's. Im sure she was in a few other movies but that's the one I remember her starring in.

  27. I cannot believe they did a "premiere" for this shitfest, when it has been getting slammed in the reviews. You;d think they'd bury it.

  28. Thank you, Enty, for including some Becks to take our minds off of Lindsay's dress. I was loving her hair and then saw the bead thing going. It's like a Twilight dress.

    Mari, I've often thought the same thing. I remember reading about how kids misbehave just to get attention (I didn't get it at the time b/c my parents were frequent riders on the crazy train, and I'd have MUCH rather they ignore me than see me misbehave so the beatings could commence), and you can see that so much in her out-of-control and "look at me" behavior. H'wood doesn't help, they encourage that crap and her awful parents... sigh.

    It's one thing when someone's life is ruined by those issues on a personal level, but when it happens (and is encouraged) in the public eye, the damage is even greater. :(

    (This is not an apology for her behavior - seems to me one of the tenets of substance abuse rehab programs says, "Take responsibility." It's just hard to take responsibility when you're still in the throes of whatever demons have hold of you.)

  29. Whew. LL needs to look into bras, stat. Did you see that horrendous dress she wore to Leno? At least her ass was covered in that one.

  30. You know everyone will be watching this like a trainwreck so RATINGS! I feel sad for that talented little girl from the Parent Trap movie, she had so much potential! But she has made her choices.

  31. Oh my!! Is that dress see-through in the back?? From the front I didn't think it was THAT bad but that ass shot is just a no. Ewwwwww!

  32. What happened to Teresa Russell? Did she retire from acting?

  33. Donnie Wahlberg, marry me please.

    Lindsay's dress is horrible but I've seen others equally bad if not worse recently. If it was being worn by anyone else I doubt it would be as criticized.

  34. The one day she needed a tan...she doesn't have one...She still thinks she's 18....

    When you're 18, yes, all you have to do is stand there. If you've been drinking and drugging since then and are approaching 30, you need to put forth a bit more effort (if you expect the world to treat you as a beauty)

  35. TMZ just did a great piece on their idea of Lifetime hiring Lindsay to play the most hated women of history.....Lindsay as Casey Anthony....Tonya Harding....

    Great career move for her.

  36. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Why does this site load so sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly?

  37. We have way too much proof already that she never wears undies. Her (lack of) ass was the best evidence of how much photoshop went into her Playboy shoot, and it's very clear here. Ick! Nast.

  38. Even worse than the sheer ass panel is the possible ass sweat stain on the sheer ass panel. That's what it is, right?

  39. It looks like she has a little tiny peen in the top pic. Hangin' to the right. If you scrolled back up to look, you're welcome. :D

  40. I love Jessica Lange! She is flawless in my eyes

  41. Ms. Lange looks incredible! OMGoodness!!!

  42. I . . .I . . . I am speechless

    Oh wait, I'm not. My take on what I thought the bejeweled line down the front of her was? A freakin linea negra! Anyone? Gah!

    And the ass panel. Am I having a nightmare? Who said to her, Yeah GO FOR IT! Everyone should show a little gown crack now and then.

    God, let me stare out David to make things right

  43. David Beckham looks like a major douche in this picture.
    Oh Lindsey...why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. We can see your boobs, muff, and ass. Not attractive. I she's a skinny girl, but this dress does not flatter her figure in anyway.

  44. LL's dress looks like she grabbed it before it was finished. It looks like the pattern kept changing frequently, hence the frustrating design. That being said,

    1) I love the dark hair on her. Blonde hair washes her out and makes her look older than she really is.

    2) I'm ready to cut her some slack. I think she can turn things around. People made fun of Robert Downey Jr forever. He was a constant train wreck. It took a while but he turned things around. He inched his way back to fame. So I think that maybe this film can be a catalyst for getting help with whatever plagues her. It will take time but she can make it back.

  45. Dear Lindsay,

    You need to get rid of the yes people in your life. Because of them you left the house in this tragic dress with no bra. Sweetie you NEED a bra. Because of years of not wearing one your boobs sag more than mine do & I'm 39. I'm also a big tata girl. I never leave the house without a bra. Believe it not Fredericks makes really good bras for larger tataed woman. Heck they even have mondo stripper sizes. Had you worn a bra & maybe had someone cover your ass crack this dress might not have looked so tragic on you.

    Second get rid of the drugs. Again I'm 39 & I look about 15 years younger than you do. This is because you're ruining your once good looks with all the drugs. They might be fun in the beginning but you're ruining your life & your looks for a little bit of fun. Is it really worth it? Your career is pretty much a joke at this point. I say go back to rehab but this time take it seriously. Look at Robert Downey Jr. He was a HOT MESS for quite some time. Even worse than you are now. Yet he's managed to make quite a change & look how great he's doing now. His career is flying high. He has a great family & really seems happy.

    So to sum this up. Get rid of the yes people in your life. That includes your toxic family. Wear a bra. Your tatas are so low they're swing in the breeze. Stop doing drugs. They've aged you well beyond your years & have ruined your career.

    Good Luck,

    P.S. Yes I do realize that she probably doesn't read CDAN but I still had fun writing this.

  46. Applause sifichick! That was funny and sweet!

  47. Lindsay, sifchick said all I want to say...I am 33 with 4 kids, and I am pudgy and what not, and I look 1 million times better than 10 year old daughter loves you, because of the few things I have let her see, Mean Girls and Parent Trap...thank god she has other happy crappy people she can look too.

  48. ...but I must say, my Ariel wants to be The Zooey...she worships her

  49. From Scotland to America, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you eat your weight in good food and are surrounded by great company!

    And I can't believe I need to say it but if you're heading out on Friday for the sales, be careful!

  50. Lindsay's been a mess way longer than Robert Downey Jr's "out of control" phase. After being forced to face his demons in prison, he turned things around, did a few flicks that were "beneath his ability", imho, but that re-established his reputation.

    For whatever reason, Lindsay will never be punished for her actions. She will never have to face her demons. And honestly, she has no ability or reputation to get back to.

  51. Just for the record. I'm still discoflux. Discobitch isn't me. I just saw the new commenter's handle and wanted to make sure there's no confusion.

    1. So not only is disco not dead........but it's multiplying.......

      End of the world must be coming

  52. Ha! Well played, IMakeNoSense.

  53. Now playing: The Rear Window starring Lindsay Lohan!
