Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Next week is December which means it's almost reveal time which means it is reader photo time again. If you would like to have your reader photo posted between next Monday and Reveal Day and then again on Reveal Day please e-mail me a photo to Yesterday lots of you sent in photos and this promises to be even bigger than July.

Three parts today.

Does it seem to you that Lady GaGa is having to try harder and harder, but is having much less success getting noticed?

Speaking of wanting to get noticed, AnnaLynne McCord strikes an interesting pose.
Scarlett J did the weather on Today yesterday and for the first time in a very long time, I saw her be actually excited to be doing something and made me like her for the time she was on the show.
Sophia Loren still looks amazing doesn't she? She was at the Pirelli Calendar unveiling with
Stephen Dorff and
Owen Wilson.
Sophie Monk says she looks like a librarian porn star with these glasses. I'm pretty sure that is her next step on the celebrity ladder anyway, so she should keep them.
I didn't realize just how short Sam Rockwell is..
Taylor Swift is still in Australia.


  1. Gaga has to go sing backup for The Buggles.

  2. When did Sam Rockwell start dating Melanie Griffith?

  3. Lady Gaga needs to reinvent herself as a person who doesn't need to reinvent herself every 15 minutes.

  4. 1) I thought Scarlett was Haylie Duff. 2) It is absurd how gorgeous Sophia Loren is still. 3) I have no idea what Sophie Monk is/does, but she looks like she's mucked her face up a bunch.

  5. Oh, and 4) ITA w/Stephy.

  6. Madonna did it bephore Lady Gaga and she did it better. I don't care phor the current Madonna, but give her props: she worked that shit back in the day.

    I thought Sophia Loren was Laura Brannigan. Weird.

    I don't know why, but I have such a sopht spot phor Owen Wilson; I so hope he's doing okay.

    Taylor Swipht. Ugh. Back in my ED days, I wanted to look just like that.

    1. Reeses, do you know that Laura Branigan passed away 8 years ago? Brain anuerysm.

  7. What the hell is happening to Sophie Monks lips?

    Sophia Loren: Forever an Icon~!

  8. @ReesesPeace, I'm still very amused by how you get around the non-working "F" key. :)

  9. Does Sam R. think that his girlfriend is going to runaway - I mean look at the grip he has on her?? I saw the Scarlett thing yesterday and it was very endearing! But I always liked her so I am bias!

  10. One advantage of being short is that men are never smaller than me. (Well, Peter Dinklage is shorter than me, but YKWIM.)

  11. Can we set up a paypal fund (phund) to get Reeses a new keyboard? :)

  12. Is that Phoebe Cates next to Owen Wilson?

  13. Sophie Monk, you wouldn't look that way if you didn't get a ton of fillers/surgery. You fug dumbass.

    I love Owen Wilson. Can't help it.

  14. Gasp! Leslie Bibb is *not* Melanie Griffith!

  15. My god, just gaze upon the loveliness of Sophia, I have a girl crush on her.

    Same here with Owen, hope he's doing OK, the reason we like him is because he seems to be a decent human being in Hollywood.

  16. All I thought when seeing Sophia Loren's pic was that Lindsay Lohan, I mean Liz Taylor, (sorry, I still get them confused because Lindsay did such a bang up job playing her) axed her from every movie she was set to do with Richard Burton so she could be in that movie instead.

  17. A friend was in an elevator with Sophie Monk recently and was shocked at how attractive she was in person. She also had a meeting with some tv execs...maybe for a reality show on her becoming a librarian porn star!

  18. Reeses- I thought your key was fixed! Maybe I imagined it. I had a similar problem as a broke college kid, I would copy and paste the letters I needed from websites.

    Love Sam Rockwell!

  19. I just don't GAF about Gaga. She is just played out. If her next release isn't better than Born This Way. She's done for good.

    Hot Damn Sofia!!!

  20. Also, props to Annalynne for having a sense of humor.

  21. All I have to say about Sam Rockwell is what he lacks in height he MORE than makes up for in talent!

  22. what exactly is being revealed in December? sorry haven't been following lately..

  23. @chopchop, I totally agree. :) 5'2" here. But the funny thing is that I've only ever dated tall men for the most part. Mr. Jolene is 6'2". A few of my husband's tall female co-workers have come up to me at Christmas parties and jokingly said "Damn you short women who take all the tall men!" I find it amusing, but I'm certain they're half serious!

    1. @Jolene the tall women r serious! Im 5 9 and i only like to date guys taller. My friend is 5 3 and only dates guys over 6 0. Its tics me off man! Lol

  24. I don't care how tall/short Sam Rockwell is... I would hit it

  25. Yay for Reveal Day!

    I think at this point, the most shocking thing Gaga could do is whip out a penis. Seriously.

  26. I'm 5'7 and I usually go for Tall guys but my recent luck has been guys my height. Except my current boyfriend is 6'0 but is in a wheelchair so I bend over to kiss him.... It's different but he's an amazing kisser so well worth it!

  27. I'm tall @ 5'9" and I've always managed to attract guys about my height or shorter. The love oph my liphe was about 5'6" and I got some grieph about being with a short guy. He wore it really, really, really well.

    My Christmas present to the boyphriend will be a new keyboard: it won't be what he wants and it won't be top-notch. Yes, I'm a bitch that way. That's what happens when you throw a hissy phit. =) And, yes, passive-aggressive much, Reese.

    1. Reeses I apologize I gave you grief the other day about the F issue. I totally forgot what post it was on so never went back to it but have read of your dilemma. I have been meaning to mention it for the past week! Please forgive me and hope you get a new keyboard.

  28. If you really want to see how short Sam Rockwell is stand him next to Taylor Swift.

    Not snarking. I'm Short (5'8) myself.

  29. I was just talking with my girlfriend today about how unbelievably gorgeous Sophia Loren still is. Stunning!

  30. Reese's I always laughed when I read your comments. Thank you for that :)

  31. Laugh not laughed!!!

  32. @Reeses your posts just make me smile! I don't want you to get a new board, lol. Ha, I know, if you have to have a new one (ha) keep using ph on here! hehe

  33. oh no, don't get a new keyboard Reese! Your comments are classic, it's like you have a typing lisp!

  34. Sophia is still one of the most gorgeous women on the planet!

  35. Amy in mi that's flipping adorable

  36. @netta - Hogwash. I'm 6'2 and I can never get tall girls to date me. They all like cute little bantamweights that are like 5'8".

  37. I can't believe this is going to be claim to fame (ha ha) but Annalynn and her sister were as NICE as can be when they bought something from my boutique furniture store a couple of years ago. Even our delivery guy said they were total dolls (believe it or not, peeps get cranky during delivery time)
    P.S. I do that same pose when i'm papped wearing my Backstreet Boys muscle tee. And when I say papped, I mean my husband sneaking up on me because he thinks it's so lame (yet somewhat endearing)

  38. Oops 2 more things . . .
    1) I think they were the only customers in 6 years who didn't ask for some type of discount. It still makes my head explode that the wealthiest people always ask for a deal from Mom and Pops stores

    2) I love Owen too. I could watch Wedding Crashers every day (plus I think Vince Vaughn is the bomb diggity)

  39. Oh no, Sunny - we're going to have to throw down over VV! Torn apart by a man :-)!!!!

  40. @Fru
    What???? I thought you were a David Letterman/Bill Murray woman. Our mutual love of VV may make us Dun Dun DUNN
    Just kidding. I can't get mad at you.

  41. I'm tall too and always dated guys over 6' but I found the love of my life only an inch taller (5'10"). But guess what? It works really good when we're laying down! Hee hee.

  42. Don't ever be surprised that someone in Hollywood is short. The usually are. Except, thankfully, Ben Affleck. That was a relief. Tim Robbins too, yikes. But everyone else is tiny. Girls, boys... Half the size they are on tv.

  43. I have no comment on the photos, but I must say I too am a member of the Reeses phan club and I will absolutely miss the "ph's" whenever it is new keyboard time! It always gives me a little giggle :)

  44. So glad to see the Vince Vaughn love~that guy gives me the hots! My best pal since 8th grade has given me grieph over it, but I now stand proud! VV phorever and ever.

    You guys are the BEST when it comes to my EPHEPH key! lol You also have no clue how much spelling errors distress me. lol I've been known to tear up a $5 card because oph a single spelling error or rip up an entire letter. When Phacebook put in the 'edit' option on the comments, this gal was ridiculously over the moon. Yeah, I'm a strange gal.

  45. THAT'S Leslie Bibb??? Is she having a horrendous night or something?? She was on one of my favourite guilty pleasures - GCB - so sad it got cancelled.

    She also looks like she would like to remove him with pepper spray and a spatula, which I don't get, he is awesome.

  46. Wait, there's a splashy celeb-laden party for a car calendar???
