Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

 Penelope Cruz looking fabulous again at another premiere of her new movie.
Pink and the family enjoy the record heat in Los Angeles.
Petra Nemcova is asked whether she would ever date James Blunt again.

Robert Pattinson heading into Jimmy Kimmel and
Kristen Stewart headed out.
Sarah Jessica Parker, her son and a violin. Now we just need a man with one red shoe.
Sean Penn teaches Dennis Hopper's son how to pick up strippers.
Victor Cruz of the New York Giants is a pretty sharp dresser.


  1. EW to Penelope Cruz's dress. And I rarely ever saw EW.

    Helloooo Victor Cruz! Why don't I know you??

  2. He's nasty as shit, but that is NOT the body I was expecting on Sean Penn.

  3. Sean needs to lay off the roids...maybe it'll help his temper

  4. My thoughts exactly, that is sooo a roided body @The Dude

  5. Soooo . . . Sean Penn has both a receding hair line and long hair? Cooolllll . . .

    1. That's one way to do a mullett...

  6. Sean Penn is so repulsive. He looks like a convict.

    I like the color of Penelope's dress.

  7. Wow who is Victor Cruz? I hope that he isn't a douche bag.

    This guy is REALLY attractive.

    Penn...just ewww!!!

  8. Victor Cruz plays for the NY Football Giants. He's yummy...and I'm a Jets fan. :)

  9. Sean, the stench of desperate overcompensation is wafting all the way to Canada.

  10. Love Penelope, but her dress is too mermaid-ish.

    If Victor Cruz is on my hubby's fantasy football team, I might start paying attention to games.

  11. Yeah bad choice of dress for Penelope. I don't like the cut, doesn't flatter her body shape at all but the colour is nice...probably a hard colour to pull off though.

  12. Is that Joe Biden behind Victor Cruz?

  13. Victor Cruz needs to make a repeat appearance here (Entward, take note!)

    And Petra, please! just stop with the I have to pee pose.

  14. Love Cruz! You ladies should see his celebratory touchdown salsa moves! Done in honor of his late grandmother who loved to salsa and taught him how :)

  15. I love the color of Penelope's dress! I'm not sure the style is that bad, either.

    SJP = blind answer?

  16. I love the color of Penelope's dress and half of it. The top fabrics is stunning but then it looks amateurish like a student designed it. The one sleeve looks like zero thought went into it other than, it needs a sleeve to be asymmetrical and hold it up and the bottom looks like they ran out of fabric so they had to dye what was laying around to match the top. I can't stop thinking of the white bridal shoes you dye to match the ugly bridesmaid dresses. I love the color and the top half though.

  17. HEY GUESS WHAT - I was at that event with Petra Nemcova & Christopher Meloni last night. Yes, I spoke with both of them, no I didn't ask Petra about Sean Penn.

    1. What did you talk about and why were you so lucky?

  18. I love Chris Meloni so much.

  19. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I really hate it when young guys sag their skinny jeans. It looks so stupid.

  20. I love Chris Meloni so much.

  21. I love Stabler...er, I mean, Chris Meloni, too! What was he like?!

  22. He was nice and accommodating to everyone who spoke to him (including myself) and took pics with those who asked (I didn't).

    Sadly though someone told me they knew someone who had a dressing room right next to him for something and they could hear everything and said he's a real dick. :(

  23. Thanks for the insider info @Hunter!

  24. CRUZ! He is an amazing wide receiver.

  25. Love Victor Cruz! Enty please more pics of him!

    Sean Penn really looks like he' liked his steroids a lot...

  26. Pinks fam looks fab.

    It's almost like pap shots of K and R have to be all "ghetto cellphone stalker in an industrial area"-esq?? Anyone?

    Sean Penn looks SO disgusting, and I have loved him even passed the ScarJo hookup.

  27. Dear Victor Cruz -

    You are hot. Please don't ever date a Kardashian.

    Thank you.
