Friday, November 16, 2012

Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber Are Having Sex Again

And just like that, Selena Gomez has forgiven Justin Bieber for hitting on all the Victoria's Secret models and taking one on a date which he definitely tried to make not platonic. I really don't understand Selena. She seems like she is smart and strong and capable of being independent, but lets a tiny little ant walk all over her and do what he wants, when he wants and she just lets him back. On Wednesday night the pair spent the night at Selena's house and because they didn't have enough privacy they went and checked in at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills yesterday. You know, because Justin likes to get freaky and the walls at Selena's house are not thick enough. Can you imagine Bieber actually getting freaky? The guy has a really bad 4th grade drawing of a cartoon owl tattooed on his arm. Let me know when it says I am the God of Hell Fire and I will give it some respect.


  1. These two suck. Go away.

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Sadly she's young and making poor boy decisions. Most of us have been there.

  3. Gross visual, Ent! Yep, she's young and dumb. We all were at one time.

  4. Guilty of being young and dumb with a douche of a boyfriend.

  5. I can't believe the sex is that good that she keeps letting him come back to get it. She's young though so maybe she thinks it's good.

  6. Can he hurry up & be the next Aaron Carter already!

  7. Ha, what dee123 said.

  8. @ms cool! Thanks darlin'! And happy Friday!

  9. I just picture her jonesing for some of that Bieber schlong and -- I laugh.

  10. Yup, sometimes young girls get their first taste of "love" and think that it doesn't get any better than that. But it almost always does!

  11. You are welcome Em!

  12. Yeah, I'm on the young and dumb train with the rest of you. In the not too distant future she'll wake up and say, "What was I thinking?"

  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Haven't we all gone back for ex sex? When you haven't moved on, and you're still feeling lonely and devastated that it's over? Let's not forget these two are pretty young. They have both obviously been looking for other people for a while now, but they have been a big part of each others lives for a long time. However long they need to let go, I say let them have it. A girl taking back a cheater? Say it isn't so, I've never heard of anything like that before. A young girl being easily swayed by money and someone she thought really loved her for a big part of her young life? Come on.

  14. Been there, and I wasn't even that young or dumb. I'll not judge.

    1. This. A few times. No judging here either.

    2. This. A few times. No judging here either.

  15. Noooooooo Selena. Move on. You deserve so much more than this girly boy.

  16. Maybe a young actress and singer thinks it's best not to anger powerful record label/entertainment executives? If the label thinks it's best for these two to be together, then it is best to not argue.

  17. I think she jumped the gun on announcing the beak up. We all knew this was going to happen.

  18. Girl, please.....go get yourself an actual man.

  19. Remember Leif Garrett and Nicolette Sheridan? The more things change, the more stupid kids stay the same.

  20. I would not wish Aaron Carter's addiction to drugs on anyone, but go away just like he did! I'm still not certain why he is still relevant at this point... (Bieber)

  21. I went back for ex sex and wound up pregnant and stuck with him in my life in some capacity until the day one of us dies.
    My son is the best thing to ever happen to me though, but I am older. I hope they are using contraceptives.

  22. Damn, I went to a bachelor party at a strip club, that my ex and I went to a few times, and she split never to return. This lil 1/2 fag is out trying to bang anything that moves and Gomez splits long enough for him to show a clean STD test then hops back on his dick. Crazy.

    From here on out, she deserves what ever comes from the relationship, because she should know better. Wait 2 more years until he is washed up, bitter and addicted. That is when the beatings will begin.

  23. She knows Bieber has his pick of GFs and even a nobody will have the paparazzi following them. Just ask any of Clooney's GFs

    What are the odds that Selena's next BF will generate any public interest?

  24. leave you fucking homophobic slurs at the door.

  25. I am horrified @ the thought of those two having sex, actual intercourse, I strongly believe this is a PR stunt. Justin Bieber fame is actually dying down. At most I believe they were having a hello kitty sleepover and playing pretty pretty princess.

  26. Been there, still doing that. I'll save my judgement for something really terrible.

  27. I'd like to see a slightly older late 20's B+ celebrity take a shine to her and woo her away from Bieber

  28. Why why why why why, etc. etc. etc. would anyone be attractive to Beiber?!!? It boggles my mind.

  29. I still shudder thinking about the one I was crazy about in my late teens! Selena girl I understand, he was your first and all that but trust me, there is way better out there!

    To be young, rich and pretty in Hollywood! I would be such a slut!! Hmmm, who to sleep with today? Lol!!!

  30. I felt dirty reading this!!! Gross!

  31. ljsmed - You don't have a subscription to Non-Threatening Boys magazine?

  32. My granddaughter has an old Justin Bieber doll. Definitely not anatomically correct. I can't imagine any girl/woman willingly having sex with him. I suspect the real Justin is much like his doll counterpart. Plastic and looks about 8 years old. What do they see in him?!

  33. @All About Eve, me too!

  34. Love the Arthur Brown reference, Enty! He's an interesting fellow. I got to meet him a couple of times in the late 90s because I hung out with his son in Austin.

  35. I love Selena and all...

    But IF he was her first...then she doesn't know any better.
    My ex was my first. I knew it sucked. but I stayed with him.
    Now that I have a friends with benefits, I realize that I should have left my ex MUCH sooner. Not just because of the sex, but because my friend treats me so much better even though we are not together.

  36. @Barton Fink:

    I just want to thank you. Now whenever life gets gloomy and I need to lighten things up with a hearty laugh, I need only think the words "Bieber schlong," and everything will be all right.


  37. Hey, good news for those hoping his "15 minutes" are up:

    I wasn't paying attention, but there was a commercial on TV for some music awards show or concert event, with many "superstars," including many people they named (the only one I can remember is Pink), and then the announcer said, "and more!" as the footage was of Justin Beiber! So basically on this commercial he's the Professor-and-MaryAnn of the music world ("and the rest") instead of a headliner anymore. The end of the hype has to start somewhere, and I think I just saw it.

    This pleases me.

  38. look selena go get a man his a mother f***er
