Friday, November 02, 2012

Your Turn

Do you consider yourself a person who has good luck or bad luck?


  1. after coming out unscathed after Hurrican Sandy I feel incredibly lucky right now compared to other who had everything ripped from them

  2. Good luck. I have a loving family, good friends, a job I enjoy and the love of my life to share it all with.

  3. I don't think there is a such thing as luck.

    Good things happen to people at the same ratio as bad things.

    People who think they have good luck just count the hits and ignore the misses. Vice-versa for people who think they have bad luck.

  4. I think I'm along the lines of "Even Steven".

  5. Good luck, thanks to karma.

    Once I found an envelope full of money outside my bank, I returned it to a teller. Over the next week I found and won over 100 bucks.

  6. I feel like things have a way of working themselves out. Even if something is immediately bad, something comes along that is a better scenario. I try really hard to remember that in the bad moments!

  7. I don't consider it luck. I'm prepared. My fiends who aren't prepared tend to have bad situations happen to them. I happen to avoid them by bring prepared. Call it luck, sure...but it's not really...

    I also found $100 at a drive thru and turned it into the teller. After 30 days when no one claimed it, they gave it back to me. That was good luck or karma, whatever you wanna call it....

  8. well my nickname is Schelprock so......gonna say bad?

  9. @rejectedcarebear - i know a person who found an envelope of cash $500 outside a toys 'r us right before xmas. he returned it to the store and that same day, the person who lost it contacted the store about it. she was a single mother and had been saving all year for that money to buy gifts for her kids. she was so moved that this guy returned the money that she got his contact info from the store manager and sent him a scratch-off lottery ticket as a thank-you. he ended up winning a thousand bucks!

    1. Whoa Cathy, that is an awesome story! I believe I karma and sometimes you actually get to see it happen.

      Personally I believe in luck. I have had so many good things happen when I thought times were bad: broke down on the hiway with no raodside assistance insurance only to limp off right next to the tow trucks that tow for free. Found $200 on my doorstep in NYC just after I asked to borrow the same amount I wasn't sure I would ever be able to pay, etc.

      Call it what you will but I really feel like I have an angel on my shoulder.

  10. Luck isn't something that tangibly exists

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Neither, however I have too much Irish blood not to be superstitious. I'm the most superstitious person I know.

  12. I believe in karma, not luck. And I'm an Even Steven too, @FSP.

  13. @timebob, glad you're ok.

  14. I have always had bad luck follow me my entire life, it's like I'm cursed. I am always that one-out-of-a-million but never in a good or lucky way.I am always that rare exception, unusual statistic,unlikely reaction,strange complication,etc. I have had more misfortune, trauma,tragedy and bad luck in my life than I can count.Having 6 miscarriages,a preemie that almost died, our house burn down, having our son have leukemia, me having liver failure,and also having my gallbladder out are just a few things that have happened to me recently just over the past few YRS.I shudder to think what's coming next and am always waiting for the next major crisis to hit...

    1. Oh Pogue: My sincere condolences on your loss. Sending you a hug. I once told someone who commented that they thought I was having a shitty run that I forgot to ask God to make my life easy, I asked Him to make me strong. Stay strong babe.

  15. I don't exactly believe in karma or luck or anything like that, but I definitely feel that I was...I don't know...born under a dark cloud, perhaps?

    My brother, on the other hand, is famous in the family for stepping in shit and coming out smelling like a rose. All the time. Totally perfect, charmed life. It's crazy.

  16. Meh. It's a wash.

  17. BAD BAD BAD BAD LUCK You wouldn't even believe it if I told you.

    My mother once said if she had been born during in the 17th century, she would have been a slave, her luck was so bad.

    Apparently it can be inherited.

  18. I am thankful my family is healthy and happy, we have so much compared to others who are living through difficult times in their lives. I am unemployed and financially strained, but I have been lucky in love and life, I wish I could be lucky with the lottery but considering all that could have happened I suppose I am very lucky

  19. I'm very lucky because I was born into a loving, financially sound family. My parents did well, which has allowed me many opportunities that others haven't had. I haven't had horrific tragedies happen. Life hasn't been perfect, but I recognize that I have it easier than many.

    Beyond that, I don't know if I believe in luck. I don't win many contests, though I won a bottle of Pliney the Elder beer last week (that stuff is hard to get hold of!). I graduated into horrible job markets twice, but I have still managed to build a comfortable career. Is that luck, or just making the best of the hand you are dealt?

  20. Somedays the cards are in my favor and somedays they are not - it all depends on how I deal with it so - yes I think i am very lucky:)

  21. I have been lucky my whole life, and i am so thankful. I hv husband i love, children and grandchildren i love, a roof over my head, food to eat, running water, coupla bucks in bank, good friends. I've had bad times, like everyone else, but i still feel lucky. I love living, something interesting happens every day!

  22. If it wasn't for bad luck
    I wouldn't have no luck at all
    - Freddie King

  23. Anonymous11:04 AM

    No luck at all. Neutral.

  24. I've had a few lucky things happen but overall - bad luck.

  25. Anonymous11:06 AM

    @ Timebob - I also am in NJ. We were also unscathed except for the power loss !! And the horrible gas situation . Wish us GOOD luck guys !

  26. Good luck in every aspect of my life except for dating.


    I've been trying to fix it.

    spinning and spitting 9 times.
    praying praying praying
    doing the cross sign a lot(and im not catholic)

    But I was born unlucky.
    dark cloud over my head that hovers

    I fear my kids have inherited my luck.

  28. Depends on what happens. I've experienced situations that I've found difficult and upsetting, and then in hindsight realised that I what I thought was a problem actually turned out to be blessing in disguise.

    I'm glad everyone has survived the storm ok - I saw the pictures on the Daily Mail - it's one thing hearing about the devastation caused, it's another thing seeing photos of it. My heart goes out to you guys.

    That's a really sweet picture!

  29. I don't believe in luck or karma. This year has been one large pile of dogshit. Shit happens. Maybe 2013 will be better.

  30. More good luck, especially considering some of the really idiotic things I've done. I'm a mediocre to incredibly boring person, but have had a fairly interesting life in spite of that.

  31. I'm lucky in that I have a wonderful life, but I'm always scared that something bad is going to happen because no one can have it this good for so long. I do believe in karma, though.

    And one of my best friends is insanely lucky. Among other examples, anytime he forgot to do an assignment in college, the professor would push the date back.

  32. I don't really believe in "luck" or "karma" or concepts like that, but if pressed, I would come down on the side of bad luck. I'm a deaf, bipolar (on the depressive end), alcoholic, compulsive over-eater who self-injures. Sometimes it all feels like too much and I want to give up.

    If karma is real, I must have seriously pissed off the gods in a previous life.

  33. Pogue, I'm so sorry. No wonder you feel like you are just waiting for the next bad thing. Wow. I hope so hard for you that the rest of your life is so much better somehow.

  34. If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

  35. I used up every drop of my good luck getting an extraordinarily amazing kid who is more mature, intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful at 12 than I and a vast majority of adults can ever hope to be. She is honestly a better person than anyone I know...and it is all her.

    Outside of her, I am, and always have been, a bad luck magnet.

  36. I am like the Rolling Stones snng...I don't always get what I want but I do get what I need ;>.

  37. Good luck. Always.

  38. Bad luck. If something can go wrong, it will.

  39. I've had lots of bad things happen, mothers' suicide, verbally abusive dad, widowed at twenty, a divorce, medical practice's most painful affliction for nine years, brain surgery.

    I also have the love of the best man I know, great kids who turned into responsible, caring,loving, hard working adults. Somehow extra money turns up unexpectedly if it's needed. I have a great network of friends and a loving relationship with my family and in-laws.

    It's not luck good or bad, it's just life.

  40. Its all how u look at it. :)

  41. Bit of both but way more good than bad. My biggest issue is I won't kiss arse, never have, never will. That may not have worked for me at the time, but in the long-run I have my self-respect.

  42. I like to look at the glass half full in my life - and i have been "lucky" enough to come thru some serious things and learn from them instead of think Why Me. So Yes I feel lucky but more importantly, I feel blessed and love the life i live - good and not so good! It's all an experience that makes me who I am today. PS:and being irish i too am superstitious as hell so now I am looking for wood to knock on LOL

  43. well...there is a saying the chinese have; once bad luck finds you, it remembers where you live. that seems to be the case for most people i know, and then ita not their "turn" anymore. sounds new age-ish and weird, but there you go.

  44. I make my own luck. Usually bad.

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  46. I have had a lot of bad stuff happen but I would say I am no more unluckier than the next person. I have had a lot of good things happen too but I am able to see opportunities better than most people and I am willing to put in the time to make things happen, whereas co-workers and friends will not I have noticed.

  47. ZORBITOR and Tru Leigh already said it for me.

  48. Some people do just live charmed lives. And some people have horrible things happen to them. I guess that is sorta luck. I'd say I'm more lucky than not thankfully.

  49. I don't believe in luck. I believe in faith.
    Oddly enough, the 2 seem intertwined at times.
    "Do unto others.."
    "What goes around comes around"

    Personally I would never base my life on having 'good' or 'bad' luck.

    I just try to do unto others. When I stumble I try to make it right. When I fall I try to make it right. When others do so and try to make it right I do my best to forgive them, as I would want others to forgive me.

    So luck...not so much. Being a human being trying to survive this world is hard enough

  50. Oh and to add to what The Black Cat said: Intuition and intelligence gets you Miiiiiiles away from being self indulgent. I'm not saying anyone here is that way, just dealing with a friend who is that way who refuses to look for a job because 'no one will hire me'. Yeah, it's because he looks like a serial killer and wears a naked Betty Page T-shirt on every job interview. Then he comes banging on my door late at night looking for a "Coca Cola" so he can complain about no one hiring him because he just has "bad luck"

    If you believe in luck, make your own.

  51. It's all perspective. I haven't won lotto, but my husband and I have good, permanent jobs.

    The worst thing to happen in my life (my sister got cancer and died) didn't actually happen to ME, I was more of a bystander.

    I've never been raped, been in a fight, been scared for my life etc. I'd say lucky if it exists, but it could be that it's all just being saved up for a catastrophe.

    No point worrying though - if it's not something you have any control over, worrying is only going to negatively affect you, and who wants that?

  52. I dont think luck is something that happens, i think its the way u feel~

  53. bad.
    sexually abused, life savings stolen by parent, abandoned by baby's daddy & left homeless, part of massive biotech lay-off, no good romantic relationship, miscarriage, abandoned by miscarried baby's daddy.
    However, through all of this I have had incredible blessings. My son that is with me is incredibly healthy, loving and intelligent. I went from being homeless to working at a biotech company making a great salary, I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I have real friends that love me and regardless of losing jobs, I am always able to find one to pay the bills and even enjoy the very basic pleasures in this life.
    When you experience a lot of bad, you learn to greatly appreciate the good that comes to you...sometimes! ;)

  54. Depends on the day.

  55. You win Geebz:) just win

  56. I'm incredibly lucky. I was born in a country where an excellent education was both free and mandatory. I was born at a time and place when women had the vote and were at least moving toward equal rights.

    I was born after they discovered some important basic health care measures, such as penicillin and other antibiotics. Were it not so, I would almost certainly have died of strep throat when I was in my early 20s.

    I was born after electric light and flush toilets were no longer considered luxuries (and they still are, to most of the world's population).

    I was born in the Western world, and I was born to a mother who loved to read and passed that on. How lucky I was.

    I was born white in this Western world. I have never experienced racial discrimination.

    My father came from a poor farming background. The house my grandparents lived in never had plumbing. We would sometimes go stay with them for a week in the summer when I was small. I hate the smell of full chamber pots in the morning.

    OTOH, the air where they lived (outside!) was incredibly fresh. We caught dinner each day fishing, and ate it with potatoes and vegetables that an hour earlier had no idea of their horrible fate. I never ate anything there that was less than delicious. Amazingly, it tasted good without All-Clad® cookware, although I think that stuff is fantastic. A twenty-year-old dented and quite probably dirty pan did the job. I like to think of those years as my “How I built a bullet-proof immune system” period.

    They had an old junker car in the backyard, one step up from a Model T – and we kids adored playing in it. We’d monkey around it all day, trying to figure out how it worked, taking it apart and forgetting to put it back together. Then (nobody called it ADD back then), we’d forget it and climb huge rocks and go fishing, come home filthy and exhausted, eat something scrumptious, and head to bed, toe-to-tail, since the accommodations were a bit limited. We didn’t have to wash before bed. Mother deplored it, but we adored it. Even the chamber pots became fun after a while, when we started to speculate who had done what. We were kids.

    I think my mother was luckier than my grandmother, I was much luckier than my mother, and my nieces are much luckier than I was. That's what my grandmother, mother, and I would have wanted, so we are lucky too in that regard.

    You’d better believe there was the occasional alcoholic abusive Dad and Valium-addicted Mom in that picture. I just thought everyone had those. I was and am lucky. Incredibly lucky.

  57. Is it luck or will, I don't know but so often, I find myself wishing for something which materialises the next day/week/month out of nowhere. This has happened my entire life and I am so grateful and bemused every time.

  58. Where did you grow up, Jamie2 I had a lovely a lovely picture of you growing up even though I don't even know the decade.

    Thank you. You made me thankful for what I have experienced. :)

  59. @Jamie 2, Thank you! We don't have identical stories, but your eloquent, uplifting words have given me something to come back to time after time for inspiration. Your post has given me much comfort. Again, thank you for your post, and I really can't tell you how much it has touched me.

  60. My best friend and I were just talking about this! She says I'm the unluckiest person she's ever known and is puzzled as to why I'm not bitter and jaded and still kind-hearted. lol Just the way I am. I have had a great deal of tragedy and trauma in my life. I just figure that is the way life goes and why be nasty to other's not their fault!

    1. Same here. Too much energy is used when you are bogged down with memories of the past.

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  65. You know, some people think I have bad luck. My son’s autistic, my daughter had cerebral palsy (birth injury) and died at the age of 14. I got divorced. I met a gorgeous man 19 years my junior, we lost our shirts ( around $200k) in a business deal and had to work our arses off to get out of debt. My husband (yeah, the young ‘un) adores me (and I him), we’re doing alright, and I consider myself extremely blessed. All the shit in life – it happens to make you grow, and you can either drown in your sorrows or make the best of it, learn from it, and get on with having a great life. I live in Africa, and trust me, there are millions of people worse off than you – whatever your problem is. Luck, schmuck!

  66. The old me would have said bad luck. I used to call myself "The Shit Magnet." But for whatever reason, life shifted and I now considered myself immensely blessed and lucky.

  67. I just keep the faith .

  68. Mostly good luck.

    I believe very strongly that you get the luck you look for.

  69. Definitely blessed with good luck.

  70. I believe in positive thinking. I believe I have good luck. Often the bad things are noticeable and the good things are a bunch of little things.
