Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An Eagle Lifts A Toddler In Montreal


  1. Fake -!/entry/video-of-eagle-grabbing-baby-revealed-to-be-a-fake,50d1ab03d7fc7b5670b2e068

  2. Holy shit! I saw a horror movie about something like this once. Never thought it was possible.

  3. @J Sara - I got got.

  4. phony baloney. nice work, though.

  5. Is it wrong that I thought this was hysterical when I thought it was real? It wouldn't be funny if it was my own kid, but still.

  6. I don't know why but I thought this looked like a video from the 1970's.

  7. I'm glad that "shit" means the same thing in every language. Makes communicating a little easier.

  8. Hoax or not.. There's golden eagles around where my boyfriend lives and everyone around there knows not to let your pets or young children out without watching them very carefully.

  9. Amber I watched this last night about 10 times and giggled every single time!! Kinda sad its not real! Not that i want this child to be traumatized but come on that would have been a great story for when he was older!

  10. I sure hope it's fake, because I live in Montreal and I have a toddler. I do watch him like a hawk when we're in parks.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Fake, it's all over the internet that it's a hoax, don't worry folks.

  12. Anonymous9:48 AM

    But little dogs and cats can be snatched up and killed by birds of prey. I have friends that bought two pomeranian puppies for their little kids for Xmas one year, they live in a rural area and a hawk killed them. They replaced the puppies and watched them much more closely.

  13. Wow...this is a pretty good hoax for amateurs. It looks amazingly real.

  14. Gawker has determined this is fake.

  15. Love the Yahoo caption that the eagle was trying to "kidnap" the kid..What and demand ransom? Bring is FISH or the kid gets it!

  16. This is a proven hoax, and a very irresponsible one because it causes people to fear and sometimes harm wildlife unnecessarily.

  17. Totally a fake!
    1. It's not a golden eagle, they're rarely seen in Montreal.
    2. There's been snow on the ground in Montreal for two weeks, but this video was only released, without any snow.
    3. This is the only video ever uploaded by the person.
    4. There's a regular contest in Montreal to create the best hoax video.

  18. I was at the Los Angeles Arboretum one time, watching a squirrel run around, when a hawk swooped down and tried to grab the squirrel. I had no idea hawks tried to get animals that big. I have hawks that hang around my house that get birds all the time (mostly Mourning Doves) because I put out bird seed every day so the hawks basically have a "bird buffet."

  19. OMG, so glad it's a hoax because I laughed my ass off until I had tears in my eyes! Soooo, funny!

    No lectures, please.

  20. I want this to be real becuase it's funny, but I know it's not.

  21. Sorry to be a Sally Sadsack or whatever, but i'll agree THIS is a hoax.

    However, I saw a hawk hit/lift/carry away a poodle in downtown Chas. in front of us. I checked w/our vet after that. She said to keep your pets on a leash until they weighed 14+ lbs. Uhh, i guess that goes for babies, too.

  22. this is FAKE people...
