Thursday, December 06, 2012

Ariel Winter's Mom Has Naked Photos She Wants To Release - Quietly

I think it is pretty creepy when a mom has naked photos of her kids. It is just disturbing when the mother wants to secretly release the naked photos to make her daughter look bad. The thing is, this is not the first time a mom has done this or tried to do it. I can tel you right now that a B list actress who was on a very hit almost network show has a mom who was out selling photos of her daughter to make money. I think the mom had taken them secretly with a hidden camera. Anyway, Ariel's mom tried to have a publicist distribute photos of Shanelle Gray, who is the guardian for Ariel. I guess the mom thought it would make Shanelle look bad and then Ariel's mom could have Ariel back under her wings and when she is 18 mom would take some naked photos of her too.


  1. And the award for best mother of the year goes to......

  2. Are there nudies of Leighton Meester? That sounds like something her mom would do.

  3. I know LM had that sex tape.

  4. That's one f'd up mom.

  5. Uggghh. This "mother" is gross. White oprah and kris karcrash should be ringing her for pimping out your kids advice.
    Also what with her shitty name?!

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Great minds think alike, Amber. Leighton was the first name that came to my mind. Her mom seems like a piece of work. Did they ever get the situation with her brother worked out?

    There are strange, sick people out there. :-0

  7. What mother, besides Kris Jenner Kardashian, would even have naked pics of their grown children?? Also if the mother was estranged how did she get them?

  8. @Amber - I think that tape was proved fake.. I could be wrong though.

    This lady is giving Dina & Kris a run for their best ever mom awards. Ariel needs to stay away from her. Glad she has an adult sister to turn to.

  9. That's horrible. Omg.... poor souls. who deserves a mom like that??

    I want LM be happy, Ariel too.

  10. Reading about this girl makes me so sad. She is so talented on Modern Family, and I just hope her messed up family situation doesn't lead her down a Lohan-type path. People suck sometimes.

  11. Dear Mom: Thank you for being a decent and moral HUMAN BEING!!!!

    Good freakin' grief...shaking my head...I'm sputter-typing here. Unfreakingbelievable subhumans allowed to procreate.

  12. @Layna - I know she won the lawsuit against her mom who was using the money for her brother's health care on plastic surgery and stuff, but I don't know if LM got custody of him or not.

  13. The wrong people do most of the breeding.

  14. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Thanks, Amber. I kept up with the story for a while, but then I didn't hear anything and didn't know the outcome.

  15. Well, now it's very clear that the judge made the correct decision. Now the girl needs to go before another judge and force her mom to hand over those pictures.

    It's unfathomable that a mother would do this to her child. If I'd found pics like that, I'd tell her and then advise she burn them, because I wouldn't want them coming back to haunt my daughter.

    I guess it takes a special kind of person to pimp their kids out in Hollywood. It's not a coincidence that almost every child star has at some point cut off their parents.

  16. Dina Lohan move over, there's a new Mom of the year in town. Naked photos from hidden cameras? WOW. Just. WOW. Fing Bitch!

  17. This woman makes Joan Crawford look like mother of the year.

  18. As the mother of three, I cannot even imagine doing something like this. It goes against any sort of parenting grain.

    It has to be a narcissistic disorder of some sort.

  19. Ugh, with Moms like this, no wonder so many of these girls are screwed up.

    The "almost network" actress sounds like Leighton. Her mother is a piece of work. Surprisingly Leighton seems very down to earth and well adjusted.

  20. This is going to give White Oprah some ideas.......

  21. Blake Lively or Leighton Meester.

  22. Blake Lively took nude pics of herself so probably not her.
    My first thought was Leighton.

  23. This is probably one of the most disgraceful things I have ever heard. I thought Dina Lohan was bad.

  24. The goofd thing is, thanks to the ethical publicist, the judge will absolutely give Janelle full custody of Ariel for good.

    1. Er good. Although goofed works for Ursula's plan.

  25. i could see Aniston's mom doing it back during Friends.

  26. Glad she got away from this thing that appended to call herself her mother. Tank goodness she had an older sibling to go to.

  27. ^ decided, not that other word. Ugh!

    1. Well now Ariel is appended to her sister, so it worked!

  28. Anonymous2:07 PM

    jesus christ!

  29. Horrific. Yes, yay ethical publicist!

  30. Women serve prison time for child porn just as well as men do. Hope they take her down before the pictures actually get posted on the internet.

  31. im thinking of vanessa's hudgen's mum as the other blind, or ashely tisdale (does she have leaked pics?)
