Saturday, December 29, 2012

Belgium Could Bring Down Scientology

For five years Belgium has been investigating Scientology. The breakthrough came when the prosecutors stopped thinking of Scientology as a cult and started talking about it as a criminal organization. Federal prosecutors in Belgium are charging the church with extortion, fraud, privacy breaches, and the illegal practice of medicine. The case started when Belgian officials got wind of those billion dollar employment contracts which violate Belgian law. It has taken years of investigations, but this is the big one. Scientology's European headquarters are in Belgium. If a court rules there that this is a criminal organization, then everyone can call it one. Much more powerful words than cult.


  1. Hail zenu!!! This is awesome news!

  2. Woot woot! This could be the beginning of co$ downfall

  3. I love Belgium. Amazing beer and chocolate and now this.

  4. I hope the burn in galactic hell.

  5. One billion years!

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  7. Belgium - fruit beer, chili chocolate, varnished bread - is there nothing you can't do?

    If you ever get the chance to visit Belgium you should - Brussels is a great city, even better now that I know they have the smarts to do something like this.

  8. Oooh. I can't wait for details.

  9. I've been to Belgium - loved it. Wonder what Tommy Girl has to say about this?

  10. I need to visit Belgium they are my kind of people...

  11. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!!!! I have been so pissed off at this horrible CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION and what they do with their "parishioners" marriages, families, their " rehab" facility where they put detoxing addicts in saunas for hours, unexplained deaths, disappearances. Stories of beating, punching, berating, belitting, imprisonment,forced labor as punishment, and many other horrors. See the Village Voice articles for more. Thank you Belgium. Munch is right, Belgium is awesome, Belgian chocolate, Belgian Beer, Belgian Waffles, my new favorite European country.

  12. I thought it was billion "year" employment contracts, not billion "dollar."

    Great news, but Co$ will act like it's business as usual.

  13. Hmmm... The "billion year contracts" would violate US Employment laws too... As well as a lot of other laws that would apply. Wonder how long before there's a RICO act lawsuit filed against them?

  14. Tony Ortega does not seem quite so confident about this but is glad it's happening.

    Interesting, yndy. WHY can't we prosecute Scientology under RICO? We have them on child labor laws, practicing medicine w/o a license (Narcanon), probably extortion, false imprisonment, etc.

    In fact, the Belgian prosecutor's case sounds like a typical RICO case except he doesn't have that law at his disposal.

  15. They get away with a heck of lot because they're recognized as a church/religion.

  16. Eep! I'm surrounded by suppressive people!!!

  17. Down with Co$!!!

    Hooray for Belgium awesomeness! Glad someone is finally standing up to them and calling them out as the criminals they are.

    I hate bullies! Where's Shelly???

  18. About freaking time! It cheeses me off so much that they're a tax-exempt religious. Wtf?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Try Grimbergen Blonde - it's excellent.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. It will be interesting if it goes anywhere and how this will affect its standing in the U.S.

    Plus there are a couple of tell all books of Scientology and one of them involves Tom Cruise and John Travolta

  22. I'm with you Chilie, I'll be buying some Belgian beer to show my support!

  23. If there's one reason to go to Belgium it's for the beer. So much variety. Some places insist on serving each product in its correct glass, which can cause awkwardness when you order the one thing they haven't served in years. Cue the guy spending 10 mins in the cellar just looking for the glass. And I'm not the person who says "Same again". I'll try something else...

  24. CF98 - can you list some titles?

  25. Wow ENT....I feel an overwhelming urge to "like" this post!

  26. About damn time. I wonder how much longer until Tom Cruise becomes too uncomfortable to maintain his association with them.

    1. That won't happen, because he's NOT uncomfortable. He can pretty much do or say anything he wants, he seems to have his OWN set of CoS rules. He can see his kids, celebrate holidays, all the stuff other CoS followers cant.

  27. Interesting tactic. If you can't find one solution, look for another. It worked on getting Al Capone, maybe Lilo and now this. Excellent!

  28. So how does 2013 look? If January is any guide, it’s going to be rough.

    January 7 — John Sweeney’s book The Church of Fear: Inside the Weird World of Scientology hits bookstores.

    January 16 — A TV documentary is debuting that we are not allowed to speak of just yet.

    January 17 — Lawrence Wright’s book Going Clear will ride in on a big wave of publicity.

    January 17 — Jenna Miscavige Hill’s memoir will give Wright’s book a run for its money as the media feeding frenzy peaks.

    January 17 — We predict that Marc Headley will not be making that announcement that so many of you think is happening. So calm down.

    1. Thanks CF98!

      CDaN is a place of many secrets. Feel free to keep that "we" to yourself.

    2. We means Tony Ortega and his sources.

  29. Anonymous12:49 PM

    CF98: Who is the "WE" you are referring to. When "we" all here at least in this comment section are happy that CO$ is falling publicly?

    " We are not allowed to speak of just yet. "

    " We predict that Marc Headley will not be making the announcement that so many of you think is happening. So calm down."

    If you are against the Church of Cash and what it's doing to it's parishioners, or reported to be doing then why are you telling us to calm down when we are all so gleeful that they are being taken down? Hmmmmm CF98??? Who's We?

  30. I C&P from Tony Ortega's blog its from his POV.

    He says this to all his readers.

    It was just easier to do that than to retype it.

  31. THANK YOUUUU BELGIUM!! I don't like beer, so I'll be eating some belgium waffles with beligium chocolate, lol

    @CF98, thanks for that!!

  32. I just thought they were dumb brainwashed wackos before I came to CDaN. It was the report on how the slaves built Tom Cruises custom SUV and the guy described in detail how he cut down a special tree, turned it into the wood paneling for the SUV, had some leftover so he fashioned a pen for Tom. I don't think he had any training before on art or design, maybe carpentry but Co$ forced him into it. As a creative jack of all trades with art and design training, that blew my mind. I don't even think he got paid for it. And then you guys taught me about how Co$ makes people disappear and disobedient slaves are thrown in "the hole". How the hell could these monsters have tax exempt status and be allowed to operate? I just really hope it's not just Belgium that destroys them, I really hope the huge Hollywood A listers see the light and have something to do with it.

  33. This is so awesome!! They are totally losing ground and I love it .. They've had a kiosk in the mall by my house for as far back as I can remember and were notorious for calling you a drug addict if you debated with them about their beliefs.. That kiosk? Gone ! It's an info center now .. Hahah I can't wait to see Muskrat in prison.

  34. I only hope this is the beginning of the end for this evil organisation.

  35. Obama should start taking them down, too. I bet it's one thing the left and right can both agree on!

  36. Hey Katsm I read that too, great article & that guy is super talented so I hope he has found more rewarding work since blowing.

    This Belgian thing is fabulous & a great start. I predict we will see a major implosion of the CO$ & Miscavige's power in the next 5-10 years. Should be juicy & Tony Ortega is doing his part in spades. Whoooooo!!!

  37. to top it all off, my belgian friend claims that french fries were also first made by the belgians. the french apparently just stole them and named them after themselves.

    haven't been to belgium yet. however, I did see 'in bruges' with colin farrell which I would highly recommend watching. its a great movie.

    thanks belgium! and thanks to you too enty.

    1. @anna also, you can spot a true American bc they call them "freedom fries"

    2. katsm, I think you mean a "true Amurrcan" :)

    3. I think the French actually call them Les Frites Americane....

  38. I hope so. Scientology is definitely a criminal organization - extortion, harassment, slave labor, torture - they have it all. Bring them down, Belgium, bring those fuckers down!

  39. Piece of blue sky by John Atak is a great sciontology history book. It gives a really in depth look at L Ron and his followers in the beginning. It was my summer reading book. :)

  40. Annabella, the French don't call them French fries. I think your friend was making a joke.

  41. french fries, in French = patates frites.

  42. @Annabella - fries were indeed invented in Belgium, and croissants are from Austria, as are brioche, beignet and pain aux raisins. A lot of things we think of as French are from elsewhere. I know far too much about food... I sound fat.

    Anyway, yay the Belgians!

    1. We gave the French their freedom WWII.

    2. I love our FrenchGirl and MonaLisa ladies:)

  43. I'm not sure of all of the details, but a lot of stuff is done on their cruise ship, right? Does that allow them to bypass a lot of laws because it's in international waters? I'm really unsure, but was curious if anyone else knew.

  44. Surfer, I think patates is Spanish. I learned it as "pommes frites". Any who, the French sure do a good hot chip!

    Munch - It's always good to have random general knowledge! I'd say many of the Austrian delicacies were introduced by Marie Antoinette.

  45. Jessie - in Quebec, they say "patates frites."

  46. @Surfer, Jessie, katsm0711, never understood why it is called "french fries" in English. In portuguese it's called "batata frita" or "fried potato" :)

  47. @mistang, yes! I just don't know the details, though. I think it's just the higher COS level or something!

  48. I'm not fond of the organization, but I believe that the impulse to destroy or smash Scientology (the AMA first tried this sixty years ago) is one of the things that makes Scientologists so protective and secretive. They didn't sec-check until they found themselves under siege, and they played the game really hard to remain in existence. And, with a handful of members, they've managed to build a huge real estate empire. Trials will result in individual members being sent to prison, but the cult itself will persevere for decades, perhaps longer.

    One of Scientology's tactics is to spread false negative information about itself, so that lots of anti-Scio stuff has provably false allegations within it. The abuses are something that a fraction of the members ever experience, and the bulk of the flock are fleeced painlessly. Can Scientology ever be a force for good? I think not. Some of the tech is interesting, and I urge people to look at "free zone" or non-CoS material (google "the pilot" for his self-clearing stuff, which has been useful to me in my own meditative practice for almost 15 years) -- but the sect itself is a dangerously greedy organization. Will its enemies succeed in smashing it to bits, though? Probably not.

  49. @Barton Fink, that's interesting, about the negative allegations. I guess it might work, but don't see how since even it it's true they would deny it anyway :)

  50. French fries, pomme frites, chips, whatever you call them are indeed Belgian (and Belgium was once the Spanish Netherlands). Supposedly the Yanks were introduced to them during WWI and the Belgian Army spoke French, and the name French fries was taken back home.

    CF98, when doing a copy and paste I would respectfully recommend you cite your source and reduce confusion.

    For others, here is the link to Tony Ortega's blog:

  51. awesome, now if they can just find Shelly

    1. canadachick , love the reference:)

  52. @Redd Penny: I agree that Belgian French Fries are awesome. It is the thing they should be known for, not chocolate or beer.

    I also agree that Tony Ortega is awesome, as in when I linked to his blog @11:19AM per this blog's time stamp. But, feel free to re-post my comments about six hours later. Or you could read the thread already.

  53. One of the ways the Co$ eludes all scrutiny, liability and criminal charges is having much information of the "dead woman/live boy" variety on many, many people - people whom they can pressure into "helping the cause." Why does anyone think that Travolta, Cruise et al are such stalwart defenders of the religion? They know the second they turn on it or try to elude it, all the dirt on them will come out.

    Nice "religion," holding its members hostage in all sorts of ways.

  54. In Australia we call French fries "hot chips"

    Surfer - Ooh interesting. I forget that French Canadians have some different words!

  55. Tony Ortega rocks, as does the Belgian justice system and media who have refused to be beaten by Co$'s usual tricks. Great stuff!

  56. It will be good to see this cult charged and hopefully convicted.

    The only positive things that I've ever read about, as Barton Fink mentioned, are some of their psychological self-help programmes, some of which are similar to biofeedback.

  57. I can't wait for all the juicy Xenu secrets to be revealed.

    Although with my luck absolutely no new info will come from this.

  58. In all seriousness, I love how a posting about Scientology became more about the fr

  59. I honestly thought Americans invented french fries. Not because of any crazy patriotism or anything, I just thought we were the only ones dropping everything we found into hot oil. If it ain't fried, we don't eat it!

    Barton that is really interesting, the stuff about negative publicity makes a lot of sense.

  60. As a Belgian, I confirm that "french fries" are best made in Belgium (I sample everywhere I go). We just call them "fries" (frites).

    We have an amazing array of sauces to eat them with. Our favourite is mayonnaise (but the recipe is totally different from your American version that seems to be the stuff of horror).

    As for CoS, I d wait to get my hopes up, the Belgian judiciary system is not the sharpest... I hope though, I hope ...

  61. Chips and mayo is the best, Babo!

  62. If Belgium can get this through, it will trickle down to the rest of Europe.

  63. I commented a few days ago (?) that Homeland Security is investigating Co$ for human trafficking.

    Love you folks in Belgium. Now, if somebody lives near Néchin, would they kindly deliver a HUGE plate of Belgian fries to your newest resident, Gérard Depardieu?

    Many books about there about Dzogchen to assist in clearing as an alternative to a Co$ source. Mahamudra as well.

    Tony Ortega's Co$ Sunday Funnies are up if you need a laugh:

    Thank you Enty, you have been covering Co$ in your own way since the beginning of this blog.

  64. You can't get rid of Scientology anymore than you can get rid of Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. These people believe in it and in their eyes anything you do against it is simply the expected persecution that comes with their "true" belief.

  65. Remember, for all the COS bashing that this blog does you can thank Matt Stone and Trey Parker originally--and I do mean directly.

    1. B.P., thank you. Hope you got a new bong for Christmas:)

    2. Directly as in they participate here?

  66. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Okay sorry @ CF98, just got a little creeped out by the cryptic "We", makes sense now if you cut and pasted from Tony Ortega. Phew! I thought we had one of their trolls among us. It just really chaps my ass how they brainwash and have created a whole other vocabulary of secret words and terms. Supressive people, "blown" as in leaving, it's all very creepy, creepy. And @ Barton Fink, I do think it's kind of interesting the way that they use e-meters, i.e lie detectors to see where you aren't being honest, with yourself and others, but only as a personal tool. There has to be some good in something that has spread so far and grown so powerful, they're so manipulative I could imagine them circulating wild stories to be able to say, "that's absolutely false" to detract from real scandals. I choose to believe the high level defectors, who's stories all match up and corroborate eachother's.


  68. If you need a laugh, go on EBay and take a look at scientology E meters and other items.

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  71. Every country should revoke their status as a religion, then go after them for fraud. That ought to start the ball rolling.

  72. Exactly revoke their status and here is the thing if they obtained tax exempt status based on fraud do they have pay back taxes, that I would love to see!

  73. But what will the closteted celebrities use to distract us from their obvious homosexualty now?

  74. But what will the closteted celebrities use to distract us from their obvious homosexualty now?
