Thursday, December 13, 2012

Blind Item #1

Which still-in-the-closet B-list actor who is in one of the biggest hit movies of 2012 still has his profile up on a gay webcam site? His publicist, who pushed him back into the closet, ordered him to take it down but so far our actor hasn't.


  1. Jeremy Renner - Avengers is the movie.

  2. Be out, be proud, baby! =)

  3. Lautner seems like a good enough guess!

    I have a question. If you are a celeb, why use a gay webcam site if you're wanting to keep your love of all things testicular on the downlow? If people started screen capping and posting your business everywhere, I'd think that'd be worse than just quietly dating your "best friend/accountant/assistant/trainer".

  4. This could also be JGL...

  5. People need to pick the life they want to live and just live it. If you want to stay in the closet, stay there. If you want to come out, come on out. I tend to not like these closet blinds.

  6. Taylor Lautner is B list? That seems very generous. I would call Renner close to A, maybe a B+ at worst, more of an A-.

  7. Jeremy has to be over B list, right? He has three franchises & two Oscar noms.

  8. Renner is definitely higher than B list, I agree he's B+/A-. He's not coming out anytime soon with his career ascending. I do think a B is generous for Lautner, if he is B, it won't be for long. I don't think he's gonna take off now that Twilight is done like many originally thought. The only reason I think this could be him is the fact that having a profile on a gay cam site, when you're a celeb, seems to be more something that a younger person would do.

  9. Because no one has ever used a celebs picture for an online site before...

  10. Spacecowboy, that's exactly what I was thinking.

  11. My gay bf from high school would always screen cap the webcam chats he had with supposedly straight classmates.

  12. Those webcam sites aren't exactly directed at the face. I'm sure he has a fake name/personality and never shows from the neck up.

  13. @rejected, ive heard from many a friend that there are often many very hetero guys that secretly like to explore... i guess they arent as comfortable being bi-curious.

    who got "pushed back in the closet?"

    was anyone "out" and then retracted it?

  14. I think he should be out too...hasn't hurt Neil Patrick Harris. He did a great job playing a hetero stud (was it one of those Harold and Kumar movies).

  15. I don't think this would be Renner anyway...he has allegedly been in a relationship for quite some time.

  16. @T.E Cuz- its kind of friend wasn't out in HS but everyone knew that he was gay and he was harassed by a lot of guys. He ended up messing around with two of the guys that harassed him the longest! And yes, he had proof.

  17. The awesome Neil Patrick Harris has a stage/TV career - name one out & proud A-list movie actor. Won't happen, too many people can't handle knowing someone is batting for the other team and still have happy thoughts about them.

    Which is kind of annoying since NPH plays the most "guy's guy" thing ever on HIMYM. If Doogie Howser, who has two kids and a husband, can make Barney Stinson legen- wait for it - DARY with the ladies, and Jeremy Renner (if he is indeed gay) can make me watch the Bourne reboot, then *duh,* they're actors.

  18. I think Jeremy Renner would be in two of the biggest hit movies of 2012-Avengers, the Bourne whatever-whatever, and even though it was released in late 2011, you could count Mission Impossible 4. Renner does ping to me ( don't care if he is or isn't gay, just as long as he does his job..) but I think he'd have to be rated higher then B right now. I am going to go with either Josh Hutcherson or possibly...Tom Hardy (The Dark Knight Rises...)

  19. I definitely thought Josh Hutcherson too.

    Lautner has been in the Twilight series for years now, so they would have either gotten him to take it down by now or given up trying. Josh is relatively new to the fame party.

  20. There was a blind item last year about an actor from a franchise who wanted to come out of the closet but was forced by his publicist to wait until the last movie, pretty much everyone guessed it as Lautner. I wonder if he will come out once Twilight has died down.

  21. Is being gay really THIS big of a deal?
    The only anti gay people nowadays are uneducated trailer park a-holes.. Typically from the South =P

  22. Totally Tom Hardy...He sort of came out but then back stepped and I think got engaged.

  23. If it is Tom Hardy, I hope he's bi so I at least can hold on to my dream of one night of semi-violent passion with him. He makes me all tingly and scared when I watch Bronson.

  24. And cue the South backlash in 3...2...1

    @Caitlin take your trolling elsewhere. You know that is only going to rile everyone up

  25. I chose to ignore it, JSierra. It was an obvious troll. I usually ignore most of the stuff she says, anyway.

  26. @DiscoFlux sometimes I cannot contain myself, especially when it is such an obvious one. Usually though the trolls are pretty funny.

  27. Taylor Lautner was my first thought too. I agree that B list seems generous, but it's about right if you consider that he's a main player in a mega franchise. Now, a year from now he'll be C list at best or completely off the radar.

  28. @discoflux and JSierra - I don't think she's a troll, I just think she's an idiot.

  29. Tom hardy and JGL are both bisexual. They can be crossed out.
    I'm going with Taylor fro. Twilight or josh from the hunger games.

    I would say jeremey Renner but he been trying to die the gay rumors since he started. Whether he is or not I doubt it be risk what he is trying to denied by web cam. Don't believe ask Luke Evans

  30. I intitially thought Tom Hardy too, but he's engaged now, so I thought he was working in the otherside of bi at the moment. Maybe he and his lady have an understanding.

  31. Plus like @Jules said anyone can post celeb pics nowadays.

  32. @FSP - I agree completely.

  33. In caitlan's defense, she did add a graemlin.

  34. True, supapimp, but I stand by my statement nonetheless.

  35. I would cross Taylor off since he has been in all the twilight movies as well as his own lead in abduction. Josh is gay as a goose,

  36. Jeremy Renner really doesn't ping to me. I think he is career focused. Even on Datalounge they have no-one who has had any dealings with Jeremy.

    I agree with the Taylor Lautner guess.

  37. Woah woah woah. JGL is bi? There's no way I can compete with both sexes for him!

  38. Woah woah woah. JGL is bi? There's no way I can compete with both sexes for him!

  39. I just want to see the action. HAHAHA

  40. I want to say Luke Evans since he was fully out before being pushed as an action star last year when his publicist pushed him back into the closet. Unfortunately, I just don't think he's B list and his big movies were in 2011 (I don't think The Raven was considered big, was it?), although imdb tells me he's in the upcoming Hobbit movies...

  41. I'm going with Josh Hutcherson.

  42. Luke Evan also has web cam pics,11691388,3

  43. Good guess, @Amy & dragon - this is on wikipedia:

    During his early career, Evans openly identified as gay. In a 2002 interview, he said "[E]verybody knew me as a gay man, and in my life in London I never tried to hide it" and that by being open he would not have "that skeleton in the closet they can rattle out".[9] In 2004, he said that his acting career had not suffered by being out.[10]

    In September 2010, Evans was romantically linked with a female PR executive who stated, "Luke's lovely – we're really old friends and it just sort of happened. ... We are nowhere near engaged but things are really good."[11]

  44. sounds like luke evans is the best fit.

    jgl bi? how do you guys know this info? spill!

  45. Nobody's keeping Jeremy Renner in the closet but him. He freaks out when anyone even hints that he might be gay.

  46. Luke Evans wasn't in one of the biggest hit movies in 2012.

  47. What about Tom Hardy (as much as it pains me). He was Bane in Dark Knight Rises, and hasn't he said in interviews that he's kissed guys in the past. Hence, the kind of out. AND he showed up on the Jack Reacher red carpet in London today to support his "girlfriend" who's in the movie. And that would be the shoved back in the closet.

    Le sigh! Love me some Tom Hardy.
