Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blind Item #2

This A list comedian and B- list actor was having sex the other night with a celebrity in her own country he had picked up earlier in the evening when he got a phone call. He stopped doing what people do when they are having sex and had a 30 minute phone conversation with the person on the other end about mindless things like the weather and where they were going to eat later. After he finished he wanted to start right back up again, but the celebrity kicked him out.


  1. It sounds like this person is in a relationship - is George Lopez in a relationship? He fits the rankings, but I just haven't heard about him dating anyone.

  2. How about Dane Cook?

  3. Jim Carrey and ?.
    He's Canadian so it could be a USA actress (in her own country)
    And he is very douchie like that.
    OR.....Eddie Murphey!

  4. Russell Brand & Chelsea Handler

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I agree with Russell and Chelsea .........

  6. I think an "A list comedian" would do stand-up......

  7. I forgot all about Russell Brand!

  8. From the DM:
    It's Russell Brand and Kate Peck (a celebrity in Australia, despite the fact that we've never heard of her)

  9. I'm not saying its not the answer, but Kate Peck is not well known in Australia.

    1. @Scott - you might be right. Maybe it's just in Sydney. The caption under her picture literally states "Kate is a celebrity in her home town of Sydney and is still in contact with Russell." Maybe only the DM considers her a celebrity?

    2. I live in Sydney and I have no idea who Kate Peck is!

    3. I live in Sydney and I have no idea who Kate Peck is!

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I think George Lopez fits for the personality type that would do this, to be so self absorbed, seeing as how he cheated on and ditched his wife after she gave him a kidney.

  11. OMG I hope he was talking to his mom.

  12. Chelsea is back with Andre, and she has made it clear on her show she finds Russell disgusting with how he treats women sexually.

  13. I read this as a threesome at first:

    - This A list comedian
    - and B- list actor
    - was having sex the other night with a celebrity in her own country

    That said, I got nothin'.

    1. Ha! Me too! I thought I was just having a 'blonde moment'.

  14. Louis CK and Cheryl Cole.

  15. Never heard of Kate peck. Celebrity in Australia my butt

  16. Good for her.

    Don't we all have stories of phones ringing during sex in a "forbidden" relationship, and either we or the person we are with holds a conversation as if there is no sex going on, even as we continue, perhaps more gently?

    Because I sure do.

  17. Louis CK and Cheryl Cole?

    Holy shit, I hope that isn't possible.

  18. I can picture Russell Brand thinking it's okay to take a phone call in that situation. Glad she kicked him out.

  19. I'm Australian and never heard of Kate Peck.

  20. @Harvey Manfrenjensen, I know, right? I know it's unreasonable, but the sheer douche-factor of that makes me more angry than it should. "Thanks for the kidney, here's some divorce papers!" Who the Hell does something like that???

  21. @Mango, it totally reads as a threesome at first!

    No clues but he sounds like a jerk. George Lopez ticks me off - I thought he was quite funny and then he pulls that crap on his wife.

    If it's Chelsea, wouldn't she also be called a comedian? Lopez wrote a book, but it was his autobiography - would that make him into celebrity?

    Russell Brand is icky.

  22. Add me to the list of Australians (and Sydney residents) who don't know who Kate Peck is.

  23. Sounds like Russell Brand to me..seems like he would do that sort of thing.

  24. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Aussie here.who the eff is Kate peck?

  25. LOL @ Louis CK & Chezza, but if he were/did pull that off he wins at life (game over, drive home safely!)

  26. Oh. f'ing no. You answer your phone in the middle of sex, we are done. Good for her! I have no idea who it could be but I love, love, love the Louis CK & Chezza guess. Although I don't see her with a ginger!

    Perhaps it was Russell Brand and Lindsey Lohan. Russell will do anyone, ditto Lohan.

  27. I'm Aussie - Kate who??

    Celebrity my arse.

    I'm always super late to the party :(
