Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blind Item #3

This A+ list all movie actor who is an Academy award winner/nominee is not allowed to use nannies while his actress wife is out of town. It is not that she thinks he will sleep with the nannies, because she has made sure to hire ones he is not interested in, but is afraid that if the nannies are taking care of the kids then our actor will be free to do what he loves to do most. Cheat. So, she has him with the kids non-stop and gives the nannies paid vacations when she is gone.


  1. Garner and Affleck?

  2. I agree with Sugar. Is Jen out of town? Ben has been in the photos with the girls.

  3. That's what I was thinking, but is he A +?

  4. Jen has been in New Orleans far as Ben being A+ list, I'm not sure but maybe?

  5. Ben & Jen, this should bagged been labeled easy. After seeing another pic of him out with his daughter yesterday I asked if they used nannies especially since Jen is out of town filming.

  6. heheh we all agree

  7. I would say Ben is back to A+, with Gone Baby, The Town both being very successful and all the Oscar talk about Argo, I think it has helped bolster him back up.

  8. What a lazy B. So she needs nannies but he doesn't. Fuck her.

  9. I cannot imagine being married to someone who I trusted this little.

    1. Again- my thought too!

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      marriage is a joke to most people now, it makes me sick

  10. Could be Michael Douglas and Catherine zeta? Man affleck takes it on here.. Lol. Or how about afflecks buddy Damon?

  11. I agree with the first guess.

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    You and me both, @Tish. Why bother? Is the money/fame worth that much?

  13. I hope it's not Ben and Jen, I can't see him doing any wrong

  14. Oh so she can have nannies (more than 1) but he can't have any help/nannies at all???
    The second I couldn't trust my hubby, would be the second that I'd show him the front door with a frozen rubber boot.
    (I've been happily married for 10 yrs & NEVER had I ever had a trust issue with him.)

  15. What a biitch. A parent is totally capable of taking care of three children on their own, but that man has a lot going on and seems like he would be doing a lot of working.

    So she gets help from multiple nannies and he gets to take care of three kids all by himself while also working.

    I can't really blame him for cheating, the old lady sounds horrible.

  16. Sounds like she had some serious problems letting go. Once you don't have trust, you're marriage is pretty much over.

  17. I was thinking Angie but neither of them is with the kids that much..

  18. Ah, the poor babies. I have six kids, work full time (many times out of town for several days) and my husband and I manage just fine without a nanny. Wonder how they'd feel if the real world hit them in the ass?

  19. If this Is in fact Ben and Jen then it's only a matter of fine before he is caught or she files for divorce.

  20. She is starting to make me feel sorry for him. Free Ben!

  21. Ah, the return of the Ben Affleck blinds! All is right with the world again.

  22. She is starting to make me feel sorry for him. Free Ben!

  23. I think Jen has the baby with her in NO, so Ben only (ha!) has the two girls and that's how he can manage without a nanny. We have not seen any photos of him carrying the baby around while he gets coffee with his daughter.

  24. Remember, Ben won an Oscar for Good Will Hunting. I think this actually is him.

  25. Affleck's mum is in LA with him and the girls

  26. affleck. i think it's a combo of spin control for that douche interview he did not long ago where he admitted to not being fully hands-on and leaving the bulk of the parenting to garner, and she simply not trusting his stripper-loving ways.

  27. Just to be Devil's Advocate... He said that he is not always "present" when he is home if he has a project going on. Maybe when Jen is working and he has down time, she feels that he should experience being a dad and handling the day to day stuff. He does only have the two girls right now and they are a little older, so it's not like he is dealing with night feedings and diapers. Also, he is campaigning for an Oscar, so I am sure that being the doting father is working in his favor right now.

  28. loooool yesss. Good for her.

  29. I doubt this is them because when i see either of them out it is with one or two kids. Did ben leave the baby on the washing machine? No. By the way, parenting is a lot eaier when you can pick which kids and how many go with you. That's a very convenient way to parent.

  30. Riiight. This seems fair. So she gets to tell him what to do? That seems like a partnership, a marriage with plenty of trust and mutual respect. If I ever "told" my husband not to do something I'm sure he would waste no time in doing just that, just to prove a point. Well this seems like a stable relationship. At least the nanny gets a paid vacation even if the couple is miserable.

  31. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'm guessing we're supposed to think this is Ben and Jen. I think blind items are made up by ppl looking at pap photos of these two. Actually, Jen took the nanny with her to care for baby Ben while she's filming, and Ben's mom and dad are staying with him and the girls. But that doesn't sound naughty enough.

  32. so the husband is helpless and stupid and unable to get help with the kids by say, calling a sitter or a friend? the big bad wife is making him watch his own kids while she is at work; bitch!!

  33. lol luv it, Good work jen!

  34. No wonder the guy cheats!!! He's married to a jealous beyotch.

  35. This screams Affleck.

  36. Forgetting the issue that others have mentioned - that being married to someone you don't trust at all is a bad idea - but what makes her think this will work?

    Kids have school, can be left with Grandma, and surely as an A-List actor, he has assistants, etc. that can watch them.

    If trust him so little, he WILL find a way.

  37. That Jen is a smart cookie.

  38. To be fair, NapAssassin, that tidbit about your husband makes your marriage sound pretty unstable as well.


    Of course this is Jen and Ben. I would walk...I just can't understand HWeird.

  39. Jesus!! Its two girls!! What do ya need, an army??!! Ben can get his ass in gear and parent for a few days!! I dont think shes mean or bitchy, just smart!!

  40. @molls, I think you are right and someone is making this up based on pap photos...either that or we are way off base, this seems to obvious as Ben and Jen

    @alma, so right about being able to choose which kid to parent making it easier, my husband would choose 7 over 2 yo any day

    And @sweet dee, that seems a bit harsh. My husband would be much the same as nap assassins if I ordered him to do something, different story if I ask/request. It's all about respect.

  41. Naomi Watts/ Liev Schreiber for an alternative?

  42. @Jules- I'm sure neither of your husbands actually act like toddlers when you tell them not to do something. Especially something like cheating? Something like "do not cheat on me again," is pretty implicit within the marriage vows he already took and broke, and she has the right to say that to her husband without expecting him to go off an do it to prove a point.

    I get that grown adults don't order their spouses around, but if a request came out like a command, mine wouldn't throw a tantrum and go do what I asked him not to just to prove a point. That sounds pretty infantile to me. We would instead have a discussion.

    I just thought it was a pretty disrespectful way to describe one's husband.

    Am I missing something?

  43. Well, if we are talking specifically about cheating, I would think that if you had to ask/demand/beg that it not happen then yeah, that's a pretty crappy relationship!

    I was looking at it from the pov of her (jen) telling him (ben) he wasn't to use the nannys and would be watching the kids himself.

    Aside from this, did you see my thanks on the other post about Nick Stahl? Totally had no clue who he was and now I'm a bit sad because I loved him in all his dirtiness in Carnivale.

  44. I'm getting tired of the Jen/Ben blinds. Leave them alone already, FFS. Blinds are fun and all, but when ALL the cheating blinds are about Jen/Ben, then it just gets old. No wonder so many of the old names are gone.

  45. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Affleck's a nasty pig and I am so glad she's going to get a nice huge check out of him. Go be single if that's what you really want Affleck, oh and by the way, your daughters are going to despise you someday when they find out about all of this.
