Friday, December 14, 2012

Blind Item #5

This former almost A list tweener and now probably a B-/C+ actress who has trouble finding work says she feels used by her now ex-boyfriend. He had dumped her before and she begged him to take her back so he did but made her film some sex scenes together. He won't give them to anyone she doesn't think, but as soon as he got them he dumped her. She also says he borrowed a ton of money from her but had enough to buy his new girlfriend a car.


  1. Ex-asshole has to be Wilmer. He's like the Piv of statutory rapists.

  2. I agree, it's definitely Wilmer. Demi Lovato for the former tweener.

  3. Demi and Wilmer still hang out, he goes to the X Factor shoots and her contestants would instagram pics with Wilmer

  4. Amanda Bynes & ...Kid Cudi? I think was his name?
    I feel like there has already been a blind exactly like this and they were a popular guess. Maybe I'm imagining it, though.

  5. Seaward, I remember that. You might be right.

  6. Good thinking seaward.

  7. immoral, predatory... what is the point of filming those scenes? is he going to blackmail her? -_-'

    amanda fits. it could also be someone a little older, maybe from the 90s.

  8. You guys are right, I remember enty referred to how Kid Cudi was blowing through Amanda's money in a recent post.

  9. Demi doesn't really fit the "has trouble finding work" because of "X Factor."

  10. Good one Seaward. I feel like the Amanda Bynes blinds get repeated a lot, just with different words and items being used/abused/spent.

  11. @Seaward I thought the same while reading. Good job!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. kid cudi makes enough of his own money, he doesn't need amanda bynes' money. i'm going with demi and wilmer on this one.

  14. Why would you want to use your own money when you could spend someone else's?

  15. It just occured to me...cudi is in how to make it in america about friends starting fashion line in nyc...ab is going into fashion in nyc...I am behind I know. But it amazing the craycray aspect, like these people start thinking the magic of hollywood is real. People in the "real world" seem to understand "real life" more... lol

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "actress and tweener" part aside..i swear the the second half this blind screams chris brown an rihanna to me.

  17. Amanda Bynes wouldnt have a problem with sex tapes though, was there not a blind revealed that she has a ton of sex tapes and she loves making them?

  18. What about Vanessa Hudgens for the A list tweener

  19. I would think this is Lindsay or Amanda. Vanessa, Demi, and Ashley don't really fit the "trouble finding work" part.

  20. But Amanda keeps banging on about being retired so this doesn't sound like her.

    I like the Vanessa guess.

  21. But Amanda keeps banging on about being retired so this doesn't sound like her.

    I like the Vanessa guess.

  22. i'd hate to see this be amanda bynes...she had so much promise! sadly the clues seem to fit...i really hope she's able to come back.

  23. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Amanda and Kid Cudi. Didn't see that one coming Amanda?
