Saturday, December 29, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2008

#1 - Calling this person even a celebutard is pretty much a bump up in status. He really would be totally unknown if it were not for this actress/singer he is dating. She is very young, but it has not stopped them from being sexually active. To make sure there is no scandal or some embarrassing photos caught on camera, the couple has to be intimate only at our singer's home.

Miley Cyrus & Justin Gaston


  1. I think we all already knew that.

  2. why is a blind item? everyone knew

  3. Miley's parents let Justin move in when he was 20 and she was 15. Idiots. I'll be damned if I let my kids run my house, I don't care how much money they make.

  4. Mileys parents are really accomodating, dont think Gaston was her first either

  5. Girls will be sexually active. Given Mileys very healthy attitude towards sex I would believe that mama and she openly discussed it. Most likely she used protection and while she was pretty young at least she had an open supportive environment. Maybe people don't agree with that but it can go a long way to empowerment. And less likelihood of unwanted pregnancy. The very thing religious maniacs don't want for women.

    1. I agree. I read this fascinating series of articles about the attitude of society towards sex and how it affects the pregnancy, abortion, std rate. Holland for example as a general rule holds that teenagers can and do fall in love. That when you love someone it is normal and natural to want to have sex with them. As a result teenage relationships are treated with more respect and seriousness than in the USA. The vast majority of teen sex happens within a loving relationship since teens expect that for themselves. Parents allow sleep overs not out of deference to their child or fear their child will hate them but out of understanding of the situation. Kids are going to have sex. Having it at home ensures that kids are being safe and are much more likely to make good decisions. It's a totally foreign thought process to most Americans. It was to me but now I see the value in it.

    2. My mom was totally cool with me having sex and we openly discussed it. The good side to that was I was able to talk to her about birth control and get on some. I had planne dot wait until I was married anyway. While I'm glad I didn't wait until I was married I sure wish my mom hadn't been fine with me being alone with boys when I was a teenager. I wish she would have emphasized how important it was to know myself and decide what I want out of my life with out a boy being involved first. You can be open with your kids about sex and still treat it as serious as it is. While sex is fun it is also allowing someone else into your body. Kids in the USA are way to sex driven the way it is and thee is too much pressure for girls to have sex in order for boys to like them. Nt that I did that, I was with my high school sweet heart for 6 years. Sorry about typos, my iPad keyboard is messing up and I can't go back to correct them.

    3. Yes Nellie. By no means would I encourage my daughter to have sex at a young age starting a dialogue early helps. My mother did that with me and my sisters and taught us the value of respecting ourselves. I waited until I felt ready, not pushed by what was Vogue and not apologizing for being square. I feel like I have a healthy attitude about sex and a very fulfilling sex life with my husband. I've never had an unwanted pregnancy nor an STD (still happens to the most cautious, empowered and educated women) and believe that is the reason.

    4. Having a hard time expressing how I felt my upbringing helped prevent any foreseen events and making clear I'm not judging those who may have experienced otherwise. Even the most cautious can find themselves in either situation. What I really wish I could do is delete but my phone betrays me.

    5. Please Nellie, Elisha and Sherry, don't delete any of this. I think all of you provide great insights and I plan to read your comments to my teenage daughter!

    6. Sherry, to delete you have to go to the web site. Be prepared for porn ads and flshing lights:)

  6. Soooo...where's all the moral outrage about her being underage? Anyone? Or is it because it's Miley that nobody cares?

    1. I have read before she has sooo much crap on her parents thst they pretty much let her have her way, or she will expose them.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      @aunt woah! sounds juicyyyyy

  7. We already knew that but it still makes me want to vomit in my mouth, as opposed to my keyboard or any other thing of value. Wasn't she 14 or 15 when they started dating? And he was 20?

    This is like a reverse blind #1

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wasn't also suspected that Billy Ray had a thing for Justin as well?

  10. Who the h-e-double hockey sticks is Justin Gaston? Sounds like a character in Les Mis.

  11. For years Miley has tried to play grown up and shake off the goody goody Hannah Montana persona.

    While I in no way condone what her parents did, maybe it was their way of protecting and even controlling her, i.e. Miley is NOT the girl who showed up at that party and had sex with that guy on a bunk bed in the living room.

    (And yeah, the bunk bed in the living room was the weirdest thing about THAT blind!)

    1. I think the popular guess was Demi Lavato for that blind.

  12. Whatever. He lived in her home. I'm pretty certain that was a given.
