Friday, December 21, 2012

Danielle Fishel Graduates From College

After a decade out of the spotlight except when she was gaining weight and people made fun of her, Danielle is back now and bigger than ever. Well, if you count being on a sequel to Boy Meets World and on Disney. Hey, it is something. And because it is something, the world also gets to know things like she just graduated from college. I think that is great. She went back at 27 and now, 4 years later she graduated. She also got engaged in July. So, really she shows that you don't need to be on television to have a great life after you have been told you are just not right for a part a hundred times. To me, her living right and doing the right thing for the past decade is the reason she ended up having a chance when this sequel came along. Do you think they would have cast her if she turned out to be Lindsay Lohan? Let me ask it this way. When they inevitably get around to making another Love Bug movie, do you think Lindsay will be invited?


  1. Enty,are you paid by her publicist?

  2. Yay Topanga!

    I can't wait for Girl Meets World. I kind of want to rewatch the entire Boy Meets World series in preparation.


  4. congrats! you're never too old to go back to school!

  5. Good for her...That's the difference between someone like Lindsay L. and someone like Danielle. Lindsay's attitude has entitlement: I deserve this because I'm talented and just because, and Danielle who worked on improving herself on her own.

    I'm not sure if Lindsay will get called for the Love Bug or not. It probably depends on Lindsay.

  6. Aww...I love Topanga:) I admit I still watch the BMW reruns on tv. Such a great show...makes me wish Ben Savage had been cast in Transformers instead of Shia.

  7. She has crazy eyes.

  8. Very nice. I wish more child stars and celebrity offspring would plan for a non-show biz future in case things don't work out.

  9. Lindsay Lohan could take a lesson from her. She found her fiancé while tutoring. Good things happen when you do good things.

  10. "Do you think they would have cast her if she turned out to be Lindsay Lohan?"

    Didn't she get a DUI a few years ago? If it was a one-time thing, I hope she is making the right choices to never do that again. She seems nice enough and I loved her skit from a few weeks back where she played Lindsay playing Liz Taylor. Priceless!

  11. Good for her...Congrats...

  12. I'm ashamed to say I have no idea who this person is.

  13. Everything that I have heard about her is that she is an awesome person. I am so happy for her and she is showing the train wreck former child stars that there IS life after Hollywood.

  14. Just the idea of Lindsay going to college for a week much less four years makes my brain revolt.

    Props to Danielle for being a normal human being and not an entitled asshole.

    Can anyone here imagine Lindsay studying for something and slowly putting effort into achieving something over time? No? Me neither.

  15. That is so cool. I want to go to college too but i feel like i am too old at 27. Maybe i can still do it in the next year.

    1. Do it! You are never too old! :)

    2. Go back :) i graduated in June after 11 long years of school. It was worth every long day

  16. Good for her. I always liked her. I am glad she proves that child actors can have a good head on their shoulders.

  17. she's such a cutie. i'm dying for her to endorse a hair product line...i'd totally be suckered into buying it all.

    1. Even on boy meets world! Her hair was so long and gorgeous

  18. Nice. It's so odd to find a seemingly normal type person in Hwood.

  19. Good for her! Shes so awesome, leading by example right there for all other child stars...

    And that hair *sigh* how DOES she do it?

  20. I never watched BMW but love Fishel on The Dish -- and she did a wicked turn as LiLo as Elizabeth Taylor on The Soup. Good for her.

  21. Congratulations--she'll never regret having an education!

    I loved her show on the Style Channel. She's very funny.

  22. I LOVE HER!!!! I was upset when Style Channel cancelled her show (The Dish, much like The Soup). Every time I saw her show I was amazed that she wasn't back on TV...big time! She's gorgeous...and I mean GORGEOUS...and she's intelligent and seems like the nicest person. I still can't understand how so many ugly a-holes have careers and she doesn't. I never watched Boy Meets World, but I'll watch anything she's going to be on.

  23. LOVE her. LOVE her. The Dish was my favorite show and was devastated when it was cancelled.

    Ok, that's a bit much but congrats Danielle!

  24. Lindsay would love college! With all the drunken frat parties, weed everywhere, and access to the closets and jewelry boxes of her wealthy sorority sisters, she'd feel she's found paradise!

  25. Congratulations, Danielle! I'm always happy to read about successful child stars. And I am looking forward to Girl Meets World!

    @Alma Go back to school! My sis graduated college @29 & had her MBA #31. I'm so proud of her. I graduated at 22. I think my grades would have been better if I'd been older. :/
