Thursday, December 27, 2012

Enquirer Says Whitney Houston Was Murdered

I love the cover of The Enquirer at the top where it talks about Whitney Houston being murdered and says FBI news like there was some press conference they had announcing it. Instead, it is a private investigator who says there are hotel security tapes which show two guys entering and exiting Whitney's hotel suite at the time she died and that she was killed over a massive drug debt. The one big hole in the theory I can think of is that they would not kill Whitney. Why? Can't get money from a dead person. Break her legs? Beat her? Sure. Kill her? No way.


  1. Does anyone else find the headline about the schoolboy who's obsessed with Taylor Swift a little ironic? Usually the other war around with her.

  2. @mynerva - did you notice they have the same bangs?

    1. It makes me feel better that it wasn't just me who noticed the bangs.

    2. Not until you mentioned them amber. Very creepy.

  3. Hilary Clinton brain cancer??? Whaaaaaatttt.
    Granted that NE do break some juicy stories once in a blue moon but I'll take these stories with a grain of salt.

    I'd like to add that I have NEVER seen anyone purchasing NE, everyone always picks up people, us or ok magazines where I do my groceries.

    1. I always indulge in a NE at Christmas for my stocking. A guilty pleasure :)

  4. That's the guy that committed the mass murder in Sandy Hook, which my friend's daughter thankfully survived. I've been relatively mum about the the situation because it was a little too close to home.

    1. @disco - hugs to you and your friends. I hadn't realised that when I wrote my comment, apologies to anyone for any offence caused.

  5. LottaColada, my mawmaw had a subscription to NE when I was a little girl (I'm 35 now) and I used to read them cover to cover. I remember being obsessed with the death of Heather O'Rourke, the girl from Poltergeist, back in 88. They covered it extensively.

  6. Oh disco! I'm so sorry. Grateful for your friend and her family. Was her daughter at the school that day?

    You don't have to share if its too painful. I'm still shaken and I had no direct contact, so I can't imagine how hard it is for everyone physically there.

  7. WTF with the Brain Cancer?! Please let that not be anywhere near true. I have to vote for her in 2016!

  8. @discoflux that's wonderful that your friends family is ok during this difficult time :) And I had an aha moment when I read your comment. I completely forgot about subscriptions and was wondering how they managed to stay afloat.

  9. @disco - I'm sorry, but glad she's okay. :(

    My mom gets all the rags - NE, Star, Kneepads. I'm trying to talk her into News of the World, but no dice.

  10. She was there at the school, but not in one of the classrooms. She's in kindergarten and her mother picked her up at the firehouse as soon as she possibly could. I've mostly given them privacy and allowed them to deal with it and not tried to politicize it. It's a highly traumatic experience and I think it's more important to allow that community to bury their children and loved ones and begin healing than to start talking about either side of gun control. Hence me not chiming in on any of the Sandy Hook posts.

    @mynerva - no offense taken at all. i actually laughed at amber's bang comment.

    1. Thanks @Disco. I had a major ohshit moment when I realised!

  11. Last week, I believe, someone mentioned that the Enquirer was more reputable than they used to be.

    I totally fell for that.

  12. @disco - I'm glad your friend's daughter is OK, and you're a peach.

  13. Replies
    1. Sorry sometimes I do this if I'm on my pc n want to subscribe to comments n after I delete it but today I dont see the option to delete the post

  14. Thanks for sharing disco!

    Big hug to you and your friend :)

  15. LoL Amber!!!!

    And I'm out! Off to work ladies ;)

  16. Have a great day a-poking, dia!!

  17. Thanks disco! I think we're all a bit punchy and pokey today ;)

    One more day then I'm a taking a long well deserved break!!!

  18. Have a great day, Miss Dia!

  19. Show me the receipts!

  20. drugs killed whitney, whether it was drugs or drug dealers. its amazing that she stayed alive as long as she did, considering what a bad addict she was. RIP.

  21. NE is goofy, but they broke the John Edwards scandal can't take that away from them. It also got them accepted to submit for a Pulitzer. So good on them for that.

    The only person that killed Whitney is Whitney.

  22. We're calling self-destructive drug abuse murder now?

  23. What ever happened to the theory BC accidently killed her mom?

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    It was Ray J in the conservatory!

  25. Oh Disco, huge hugs for you guys.

  26. Just to clarify, when i said "too close to home," I meant it metaphorically. I live in Houston and my friends relocated to Sandy Hook a few years back. I don't live in that community but have a huge amount of empathy for them and am just eternally grateful that my friend's daughter is safe.

  27. @unknown 1
    This is my ashamed laugh: hmmmmm mmmm hmmmm

  28. Are they really going to do that to Hilary Clinton? *rolls eyes*

  29. @disco, I'm so sorry for what your friend's family went through. I was so shocked when I saw the news, can't even imagine what those folks are going through. I'm glad to hear your friend's kid is ok.

    On a completely different note, no one is gonna comment Katie and Tom drama? Can't believe those crazy kids... lol

  30. Hillary's memory loss, oh, how very convenient.

  31. Illuminati, they just basically caught two workers
