Thursday, December 27, 2012

Frances Bean Cobain Reaches Out To Courtney Love

It was Christmas and Courtney Love reached out to her daughter, Frances Bean Cobain and she finally got a response. Yes, there is a restraining order, but it is the holidays and Courtney has been doing great in her sobriety. A slip here and there, but overall, doing great. When the Bean wrote her back, of course Courtney went crazy and tried to keep up the conversation, but those were ignored. Baby steps. I do think this could turn out great if Courtney stays sober. If she goes off the rails again then I don't think the Bean will give her another chance.


  1. God speed, Bean. Can you imagine Courtney Love as your mom? Bean proves you can be well adjusted even if you were raised by wolves.

  2. Kooks McGee. lawl!

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Kooks McGee, indeed. Who knows what Bean will do, maybe she won't make another attempt, maybe she will. I can't imagine that Sugar. It's funny how often kids turn out the opposite of how they are raised, if parents are hippie, kid is straight laced. Courteney Love as a Mom produced a sensible, mature person. Go figure.

  4. @Sugar- you hit the nail on the head.

  5. Coutney's responses were painful, kinda like that scene in Swingers where Jon Favreau's character keeps calling that girl back trying to say just the right thing. it'sike Noooooo, just stop! Poor Bean. Kooksmcgee indeed.

  6. I've always had a soft spot for Frances Bean. I hope everything works out for her.

  7. Courtney didn't go crazy with her comments. She was addressing some tweets Frances Bean sent her 2 weeks ago. Courtney didn't say anything then and Frances deleted after a lot of fans told her to fuck off for being disrespectful to Kurt (he was the person smoking). Screencap:

    After Courtney's replies Frances is following Courtney, and Courtney is following Frances. If they want to keep contact they can send private messages via twitter.

  8. @kurtneyfans Let's hope they keep it to DMs. Stuff like this shouldn't be aired out in a public forum. Unfortunately not everyone is mature enough to realize that.

  9. Imagine a less rich less famous Courtney Love... yep that;s my mom. smh...

  10. Who has the restraining order? Because, generally, a communication from the protected person to the prohibited person does not give the prohibited person permission to respond. Unless the order expressly permits this sort of responsive communication or some other kind of communication, answering back is a violation.

    Tweets out of the blue directed by the prohibited person to the protected person would probably be deemed as violating the order, as well, IMO.

  11. You'd be surprised at how many chances an abused child will give their abusive parents. :/

    1. There's nothing like 8 zillion commercials, movies, TV shows and news stories about "Christmas spirit" reuniting estranged family to make the adult child give it "just one more chance" when it comes to that, is there?

  12. I don't think Frances was abused just very neglected by her mother. Thankfully Kurt's mother & sister filled the void left by Courtney.

    I think the bean did a very mature and kind thing. Courtney would love noting more than to glom on to her kid and take her on a media tour of attention.

    Compared to other kids of rock stars Frances seems to live a normal enough life without all the razzmatazz the others try to be models, bad actors etc...

  13. And then there's some of us with the nicest parents in the world and we still turn out to be fuckups....

  14. Oh katsm I hope you are not referring to yourself??

    You're being sarcastic right?

    I am just not connecting today.....

  15. @HolidayinCambodia

    Courtney is the person who can't contact Frances. What you said has been discussed at forums since Frances started sending messages to Courtney two weeks ago. It is unknown if the restraining order has expired or not. Some say restraining orders usually last 3 years, which means until April Courtney can't contact Frances. Others say the restraining order is no longer in place.

    Another matter is that Courtney doesn't even have the password of her twitter (Sam Lutfi created her account and has been in charge since the beginning). I personally think it is still a violation. After all, it is her verified account.

    Finally, there's a small group thinking Frances has been sending tweets to have Courtney violate the restraining order and get her in trouble.

    Interesting speculation and different points of view, but few facts known.

  16. I think due to Kurt's family helping raise the Bean she had a chance of turning out okay. God bless them!

  17. As far as restraining orders go in California - the protected person also can't contact the restrained person or it can violate the restraining order and nullify it. I know. I have a 5 year no contact order against my ex.

  18. people discussing this at length on multiple message boards creep me out.

    ya we get it, you liked Nirvana and Cobain, but move the fuck on already.
    I feel bad for Bean in the sense she can't be her own person as long as people keep her tied down to her parents.

  19. Sobriety may not be her only problem when it comes to FBean. She may not have been physically abusive but she no doubt neglected and emotionally abused Frances. Emotionally unstable mothers are like that. Considering Courtney's attempts to get Frances to respond, she may have been trying to manipulate her.

    I hope Frances gives up, problematic parents stay that way. I know this personally.

  20. I tried to reach out to my mother that I hadnt spoken to in 8 months after my friend was murdered 2 weeks ago, just to say I love you. She asked " why are you doing thistl me". I walked away and realize its the best decision I made

    1. I'm so sorry @amy if it's any comfort, we are here

    2. Thanks kats... It's been a rough holiday but thankfully I got to enjoy it in Tennessee with my family

  21. I was a crazy wino and I went to rehab and now I'm sober and me and my kid are becoming friends again. I really hope CL and FBC can get there -- no matter who you are or what you do or did, it sucks big-ass moose balls when e'en your kid hates you. Sadly, I speak from experience...
