Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jessica Simpson Confirms Pregnancy

Jessica Simpson always tries to be creative when announcing pregnancies. last time was on Halloween when she dressed as a mummy and then made a pun and now she had her daughter Folgers sitting in the sand with the words big sis and Jessica used the hashtag (which used to be called the pound sign which used to be called a tic-tac-toe board) and said confirmed. So, there you have it. Another 60 pound weight gain forthcoming. Another $4M from Weight Watchers to lose it and another $300K for the baby photos. She has herself quite the little industry going here.


  1. She's so dumb, common-sense-wise, I bet someone told her she naturally couldn't get pregnant the first year and she believed them. I can't imagine this was planned.

  2. Remember she was bragging about having sex before her c-section healed, so no surprise here.

  3. "She has herself quite the little industry going here."

    She's becoming Kirstie Alley's replacement.

    I'll never understand why anyone cares about or pays big bucks to follow the weight fluctuations of post career celebs.

  4. Know what I keep thinking about? If he keeps getting her pregnant, it's a bigger payout for him when they split up.

    1. Ah the kevin federline financial planning seminars, eh?

  5. Yikes! Are you serious, Henriette?! Here's hoping for a healthy pregnancy but, couldn't that weaken her uterus?

  6. Unless he's taking care of the children himself when he leaves her, why would this be a bigger payout for him?

    I'm thinking Weight Watchers simply won't renew this contract (surely it has a time limit to it, and it must be coming up for renewal soon).

  7. Yeah, that's probably more than likely the case, Amber. Considering her background, I'm pretty surprised that Jessica's having two kids out of wedlock and didn't go running down the aisle the first time. I wonder if she'll get married while pregnant this time?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i seriously doubt weight watchers will work with her again after she has this baby.

  10. So if it's a boy it's going to be named Maxwell House?

  11. Yeah Jennifer, I'm unclear whether she really fulfilled the terms of the first contract. Weight Watchers doesn't have to just go along for the ride in whatever little industry she's got going. They don't have to renew anything and don't have to give a reason why.

  12. My SiL has a c-section and her doctor told her she had to wait a year before getting pregnant again. I hope for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby for Jessica.

    1. My SiL got pregnant 4 months after a C and had no problems.....but certainly wasn't planning on it...

  13. @Amy - so far he hasn't shown any reason he isn't a fit parent, so there's no reason he wouldn't get equal custody rights. And a lot of times with celebs, the settlements make sure that the children are afforded a similar lifestyle with both parents.

    @disco - yanno, hopefully it is the real deal and they get married and she can have a nice little family, etc. I can see it going both ways - a quiet courthouse deal, or the big Kneepads Cover Wedding about "LOVE AT LAST! JESSICA SIMPSON COMPLETES THE FAIRYTALE FAMILY SHE ALWAYS WANTED!" or some BS.

  14. Starbucks for the next baby.

    I think Jessica was surprised by this pregnancy.

  15. She's crazy if she marries him, he will cut and run as soon as the prenup comes into effect...and then she'll be pissed because she paid off another husband. But with 2 kids this one will never be gone and will never stop asking for money. Sort of her own K-Fed.

  16. He probably will get more $$$ per baby....

  17. I am happy for her.

    I like that she makes these announcements the way she does and not a splashy but typical OK! or In Touch cover.

    She really isn't under any obligation to make an announcement anyway.

    Her daughter seems healthy, happy, and loved. More power to her.

  18. It's amazing how much $ she makes with so little brain.

  19. I love this pic so much. It was such a clever announcement!

  20. @discoflux
    Yep, here is the article straight from Simpleton:

  21. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I'm with Celia. I'm happy for her, too. Her creative birth announcement is no different from what other happily-expecting moms create and share. I can't help rooting for her because she seems genuine --- a bit naive and an occasional airhead, but nice and sincere. Of course the ditzy persona could be part of her "act"; supposedly Marilyn Monroe was very intelligent and played the ditzy role for public appeal.

  22. @Misch
    I call this guy KFed 2, but Simpleton will keep the kids. Remember Brit Brit did the exact same thing. Her sons are exactly a year a part

  23. All new babies are welcome! And i bet she wont gain that much this time. I happy for her too.

  24. WW always unveils their new celebrities and programs in late December, in time for the big January weight loss rush. I just saw a new TV ad with Jennifer Hudson, so I guess WW has dropped her (or is minimizing her to only what they are contractually required to do). I doubt Jessica will get a new WW contract. WW takes their celebrity endorsers very seriously, and Jessica has probably broken a contract by getting pregnant (surely a WW contract has a no-pregnancy clause!)

  25. It would be pretty dumb to regain all 60 lbs. I think she'll take it easy this time but then again, we are taking about Jessica Simpson here.

  26. That's really cute! I wish her well.
    I delivered naturally and also did not wait the 6 weeks they want you to. I was 2 weeks in.
    So, I'm feelin' ya Jess!

  27. I used to hate her but I've totally softened. I gained a lot of weight both times I was pregnant and had no trouble losing it afterward. It would have been terrible to have people taking my picture all the time! Some people just pack it on during pregnancy. Good luck to her.

  28. If she's happy, I'm happy for her. Also, I liked the way she announced and I agree that she doesn't have to make it public if she doesn't want to. Maybe she didn't say anything before because she was in talks with WW.
    And I think it might be smart if WW keeps her and then she tells how they helped her have a healthy pregnancy, lol. Well, I don't know how they work, so don't know if it can be used during pregnancies...

  29. I think she's the answer to a previous blind where someone was losing their endorsements or something like that.

  30. For some reason I like Chestica. And this is one cute babay!

  31. @ReesesPeace Eric is a pretty smart guy. (Seriously, he was in some of my classes in college and -- while in some ways playing into jock stereotypes -- he was definitely not an idiot.) While it's obviously easier to get into Yale if you play football and while obviously not everyone at Yale is a genius by any stretch of the imagination, I don't think there are many brain cell-less folks who graduate from Yale and get into Wharton.

  32. This needn't mean the end for her WW contract. She can stick with them while pregnant and then after the next baby, showing how to control weight during pregnancy and lose it after birth. That would be a massive market for them.

    1. That would be a very savvy move. At this point, i think weight watchers should be open to it. Right now they are a punchline because of her. It would be a wise move for both parties.

  33. I like her and she has made quite the financial empire. Her daughter sure is a cutie pie. I also hope for her sake the baby daddy has changed for the better and is not a douchey douche, and for now I give them a "benefit of the doubt" pass.

  34. Well, at least she makes beautiful babies...

  35. Such an f'ing cute baby!!

  36. Is her daughter really named Folger?

    Very cute pic and clever announcement. I, however, believe she is a complete fame whore. I didn't tell anyone when Mr & I resumed relations after our kids were born - seriously, TMI.

  37. Has anyone seen her new WW ad? They started playing it the day she announced her pregnancy. Things that make you go hmmm. She either fudged on how much she lost or she was already pregnant when they shot it. Either way, Mazel!

  38. aaaaaaahhhhhhh what a cute way to announce the new baby.

    Here is to a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  39. I think Jessica has found her groove in motherhood. She seems fulfilled for the first time that I've seen. She also seems really happy with her man.

    I don't think there's anything stupid about Jessica Simpson. Not everyone is book smart. She is a genius at recognizing consumer needs - for eg. affordable hair extensions (guilty) and affordable fashion (Sears).

  40. DBZee - Nope, her daughter is named Maxwell, like in Maxwell House (another cheap coffee.)
