Friday, December 14, 2012

Jessica Simpson Might Be Getting Married Next Weekend

Before Jessica Simpson gets all crazy gaining weight for her second pregnancy, she is going to Hawaii next week and according to Radar has invited a bunch of friends and family to join her for a big announcement. I don't think the announcement is that she is going to do an episode of Man v Food. I kid. I kid. But that would be kind of cool wouldn't it? Have you noticed that the host does not do as many challenges himself anymore? He used to do them all, but now Adam finds someone to a lot of them for him in each city. That isn't as fun. Of course I say that knowing it is not my stomach or colon that is being abused every episode. Anyway, with all the friends and family going to Hawaii it could mean she is officially announcing she is pregnant again, but why would she need to invite everyone to Hawaii for that? She could just send out a mass text and be done with it. So, wedding is the next logical step. I really thought Jessica might wait again, but she did say she wanted to get married before the end of the year and time is running out.


  1. No one has commented so I may as well...nothing to say about this but it's 1.20am and I am in the city waiting for a bus with a pretty rad case of the hiccups.

  2. I have nothing to say about this either. Where are you, Jessie, that it's 1:30 am?

  3. I can't stand this trick, but I love the Man vs Food reference. How does that guy manage to eat all that food?

  4. Tried to care. Didn't happen.

  5. I think Adam probably got bad news from his doctor, and that's why he's not eating as much. Can't be good for the body. I've remarked to my hubby that Adam's cholesterol and other numbers must be off the grids!
    I don't really care about Jessica one way or the other, just had to chime in about Man Vs. Food hahaha.

  6. Adam voluntarily retired from food challenges because he was wanting to do other projects.

  7. Apparently he does a ridiculous amount of cardio and thats why, 1 he can eat so much and 2 he isn't crazy obese!

  8. the only entertainment she's ever provided me is watching her blow up like a balloon. she can't sing and she's dumb.


  10. I really did lose interest in Man vs. Food after Adam stopped doing the challenges. My favorite ones were when he would eat spicy food, IDK how people eat so spicy!

  11. I smell a Kevin Federline 2.0 here.

  12. Um...congratulations?

  13. Nooooooo! Don't do it Jessica!! You have no gaydar. Do not do this, please.

  14. far as Jessica goes, I go to Weight Watchers. My local leaders very obviously disliked her, even before the pregnancy. The company must hate her now.

    1. Ehy on earth wld they care sbout dimpson one way or the other?

  15. adam richman gave an interview where he says when hes at home, and not working, he sticks to a mainly vegetarian diet and enjoys salads.

  16. Funny thing about Man vs. Food, they actually request the restaurant pay them to do the challenges. My favorite local place declined 1. b/c they thought that was ridiculous, esp. when Bourdain has come for free (and was amazingly to all) and Tarintino has filmed there (also nice, hit on all the waitresses when drunk but they said they didn't care bc he was harmless, really nice and quirky) 2. it was (and most those challenges are) for charity anyways so they'd rather just donate that money

  17. In Sydney. My leg was molested by the guy I sat next to. I catch the bus VERY often and have caught late buses often on Friday nights. This was a first.

  18. @Jessie. Ugh! Ughhhh!! Be safe. I used to ride the bus all the time when I lived in Ann Arbor and had some crazy shit happen...guys grinding me and such. Happened 3 times.

    1. First of all, a late happiest of birthdays to you. And what hsppened on the bus sounds very yucky. Sorry.

  19. Ah I love Adam! I also sort of stopped watching after he stopped doing the challenges, but he is so much better that Guy Fieri. I've always found him so charming, and Guy is a grade A douche.

  20. Adam also says that he stretches out his stomach by drinking lots of water, so he can consume vast amounts. Hey, what's wrong with Guy Fieri? I mean, I don't know him personally but I like what he stands for, which is driving around the country eating!

  21. I used to watch Man vs. Food with my mouth hanging open. I can eat with the best of them but could never reach the heights he reached. Most of that food really looked good, though.

  22. Oh too funny, Jess v. food.

  23. Who cares ... I don't.

    Enty, get that porn shit off of your blog. Remember some of us people work & read your blog at our jobs. We don't want our bosses to see this porn shit & that CelebTV crap. I know they pay you, but seriously Enty ... get rid of it now.
    PS - hows the book & radio show coming along????

  24. Jessica, don't worry about marrying that guy. Worry about making my jeans!!

  25. Damn she has pretty hair.. That is all:)

  26. I love Adam. Jessica isn't bad either.

  27. I think Jessica got pregnant again to get herself off the hook with Weight Watchers. Pretty smart for a dumb girl.

    I can't get this CelebTV thing off my screen, even with AdBlock.

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I can't bring myself to care. Bimbo pops out a kid and marries aZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
