Thursday, December 27, 2012

John Mayer & Emily Maynard

Last week it was revealed that John Mayer has been cheating on Katy Perry with a long time girlfriend and this week, Life & Style says that John spends a great deal of time texting with former Bachelorette Emily Maynard. I can see that. I don't think John ever closes off his options. You know that Katy never wants to look at his phone because she would have to dump him right then. It is one thing to suspect he is cheating and to catch him when you first started dating, but now? That would probably crush her. The magazine says that Emily is at home all day and bored so flirts with guys via text.


  1. now this post made me laugh out loud

  2. Oh god... does this even need a punchline? Just the idea of this is cracking my shit UP!


  3. After he banged miss goody two shoes Giada, I'm pretty jaded to anyone else he bangs.

    1. Are you serious?? I didn't know that!! I like Giada but, my husband cannot stand her!

  4. So the cuckoo bachelorette is the person Mayer is cheating on Katy Purry (she's more interesting when its spelled that way) with? Everyone on Dlisted thought it was Giada. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm sure he's messing with both of them.

  5. This sounds like a Mad Libs.

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

    She reminds me abit of Jessica Simpson to look at

  7. They are perfect for each other. Both completely self absorbed.

  8. Random trivia - Katy's cat is named Kitty Purry. That made me like her a little.

  9. Random trivia - Katy's cat is named Kitty Purry. That made me like her a little.

  10. The last sentence cracked me up. You're sitting at home bored and you're just flirting with guys over text? Um ok.

    1. Right??

      Bitch, it's called a job and people who aren't complete twatwaffles have one.

  11. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The David Duke dick strikes again! He is such a massive pestilent anal wart. He's got a real knack for finding and zeroing in on sweet vulnerable types, not that Katy's all that innocent.
    A predatory knack. I hope he gets incurable crabs and herpes. I think that Katy and Russell aren't over emotionally, sure she drinks like a fish and he's manwhoring his way through all of England, but I just have this feeling that those two crazy kids aren't finished.

  12. @Unknown..i'd hardly call Jennifer Aniston or Jessica Simpson sweet vulnerable types -predatory maybe lol

  13. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Emily Maynard may play sweet and innocent on TV, but I suspect she's a money grubbing, fame whore. Hers was the last season of the Bachelor I watched, and I bought into her sweetness, but her handling of the decline of her relationship with Brad Womack and other snippets I've heard, she only cares about being rich and famous.

  14. Lots of us are home all day. Trust me texting John Mayer is never going to be on my list of things to do.

    Emily is probably just out there fishing for someone that can get her a gig that gets her back in the press or on some crappy show.

    If she's trolling for John though she is seeking out bottom feeders.

    1. I'd text John Mayer. There has to be serious entertainment in that. Who doesn't want to know if the #2 rumors are true?? Lol

  15. Why does it always post my comments twice? Does anyone know how to delete a post? Grrr.

  16. How can she not have a job? How does she live?

  17. lalababy - if you're on a computer, there should be a little trash can by the timestamp.

  18. i like it. perfect couple. they can use each other and leave eveyone else alone.

  19. I love this picture so much.. I may have to make it my profile pic from now on

  20. @Lotta - I prefer to think that the chef/cook that JM was schtupping was Rachael Ray. She's so shrill and fake. Ugh. I hear her cookware is great, though. Dammit.

  21. @Kathleen She lives off her dead fiance's family money. He died in a race car accident and she found out she was pregnant after. They have a daughter.
    This bitch is shameless! I also fell for her sweetness on The Bachelorette! Who knew these things are fake? Harumph! ;)

  22. Ugh this trick! Reminds me of the worst type of girl who acts all sweet to your face and talks trash behind your back. Oh and let me guess, she's also a good Christian girl involved in her church. She's a money and fame grubbing whore and the reason why I hated high school in Charlotte. I hope people start to see what she's really all about and she learns that karma is a bitch (just like her).

  23. Mango, you may prefer to think it was Rachel Ray, but Enty revealed it to be Giada. Like a REVEAL reveal, not just a hinting around thing. (I don't know when, but I remember it clearly.)

  24. Mango, I found the post, and it also links to the previous blinds. Many commenters expressed surprise that it was not Rachel at the time of the reveal, too. (And of course all sides denied it, like they always do.)

  25. Whoever called this girl out on CDAN was right. Gross.

    @Mango, I agree Rachael seems shrill/fake but I love watching her show b/c she has good cooking tips! She did a whole weeks worth of alternative recipes using your waffle maker last year and I'm still telling people about waffle brownies and paninis. ;)

  26. @renoblondee, Ricky Hendrick died in a plane crash with other members of his family and company employees. That being said, yes, Emily probably does live quite nicely. I don't think her family is hurting, though. She and Ricky met, IIRC, because the Maynard and Hendrick families vacationed next door to one another for years. Wherever a Hendrick vacations, it isn't Gatlinburg or Orlando. So I think she comes from money too.

    However, she did have a job as a "coordinator" for the local children's hospital heavily funded by her fiance's family. And apparently that wasn't enough and the sweet as pecan pie southern girl just needed some Hollywood glamour. She makes me sick. Can't imagine what this has done to her daughter.
