Saturday, December 08, 2012

LeAnn Rimes really Fights For Those Tears

It took her a lot of effort, but LeAnn Rimes managed to just about make herself cry in an interview with Giuliana Rancic that is on E! this weekend. It is on Sunday in case you are bored and have nothing to do. Fear not though, I have the video of her trying to make herself cry. It is so crazy to watch. She just can't quite make it happen. You don't even have to listen to her, just watch it with the sound muted. In the interview she says her first marriage was broken which is why she cheated with Eddie. You know, because if hers is broken then she might as well ruin another marriage too. Her logic makes no sense.


  1. Wow she is worse on film than in photos

  2. Ummm... from all accounts, she got tired of being a beard and Cibrian was looking for a meal ticket.
    Perfect storm kind of thing.
    Naive backwoods child star singer meets dashing Hollywood rising actor/douche bag and falls for every cliched line out of his mouth.
    Scandal happens and gets milked, douche bag/actor gets publicity bump, singer gets trashed, hilarity ensues.

    1. Merlin : Sweetie do you do that for a living? Very good distillation of the entire matter.

  3. Her face is SO lopsided. Only one eye closes when she cries and one nostril is way bigger than the other. Is that from bad plastic surgery or is that just her face?

  4. Omfg, that was atrocious!
    Giuliana's face was priceless, though. I swear, you could see her forcing her eyes not to roll.

    1. Though just like with eddie she bought guliana off with "lunch" and a lot of ass kissing.

  5. Of course, that's just my take on things.

  6. Does she have a droopy eyelid?

  7. That was even worse than GOOP's Oscar "cry".

  8. I'm sorry, but Leann did not destroy Cibrian's marriage. He destroyed it by choosing to step out on Brandi. I cannot stand Rimes, but let's place blame on the cheating husband, not the woman he cheated with. Also, Rimes has really odd facial features. I cannot place what it is, but something is just off.

    1. @puggle...I agree completely. You cannot "take" someone who doesn't want to be taken and as much as we like to blame the other woman (who granted, shouldn't poach), the biggest, sluttiest, whore in the world can't "steal" any man who is in a committed relationship and takes that commitment seriously.

      (btw, I think it's her nose length, which seems really short leaving too much space between the tip of her nose and her top lip. Bad nose jobs often result in this... Brandi Glanville kinda has it too but not nearly as much)

  9. Her words don't even make sense, they don't seem to come out in the right order. She needs a new script writer. And dammit, I loved "Blue"

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I actually feel sorry for her. She's not very smart and she spends too much time and energy trying to hang on to a man who isn't worth it. The best thing to happen to her would be Eddie leaving and her devoting her time and energy to her music. At one time she was a good singer with a strong voice. Now she is just a Twitter nut case fighting with her squinty-eyed husband's ex-wife.

  11. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I love the expression on Giuliana's face. Sort of an "Okayyy, okayyyy, bullshit,, she really believes her own bullshit doesn't she, ...don't laugh, don't laugh, don't smile, look serious, very serious, your Mother just died, Serious look, eyebrow crease, you're serious journalist..." Leanne, I.... I... um. Why do I care? Why do we care? the more oxygen we give her the more this is going to go on, can't we all just let Leanne be great? LMFAO, just kidding. I don't care about her or her stupid manwhore hubby. I just don't. Go awayyyy. I vant to be alooone, with more interesting gossip.

  12. That woman is chemically altered. That's really all I took from that clip.

  13. When did she get the donkey butt installed in her chin? Was that like a plastic surgery two-fer?

    Her attempt at crying is SO bad, I couldn't even finish watching.

    And that only one eye moving thing? That's too much Botox. (Notice her forehead doesn't move, said in best Billy from Chicago voice).

    1. Would that be why her nostrils are so lopsided too? What did they do only Botox one side of her face? I guess maybe too much coke/Botox combo. She can't think she looks normal.

  14. Neverending ssstttooorrryyy
    She really does look like a luck dragon. That video was horrendous. Vomit inducing.

  15. I couldn't really see it in any cohesive way on my phone but it sure focused on Guiliana a lot. Woman needs to EAT.

  16. It was only 45 seconds but I couldn't manage to get through it. Her FACE! Uggggghhhhh. And the rambling that doesn't even make sense.

  17. Calla - I don't know about her nose, but it could be that only one side of face has "settled" after her most recent round of Botox.

  18. I just want to throw sandwiches at both of them. Gross.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. They showed a piece of this on "The Insider" (or one of those) yesterday. Either she just drank a bottle of "No More Tears" shampoo, or she was faking it. No tears at all, none.

    I don't really have an opinion on her either way, but I do now -- it was so obvious she was faking!

  21. She talks about Eddie like they are the greatest love story ever. Honey, that "connection"? It's call "pheromones". They are amazeballs, but, like a bad case of gas, the feeling passes soon enough.

    I just don't get how a grown woman can be a man's umpteenth mistress and honestly believe that he's in love with anything other than her royalty checks.

  22. You can't break what's already broken? Wtf?

  23. That was hilarious. Leeanne should stick to singing.

  24. I blame both of them. They each broke up their own marriage and honey if you screw a married man you certainly aren't helping his marriage. That said, this nut is taking herself down.

  25. I HAD to transcribe this mess because I couldn't understand what she was talking about!

    That is a huge question. (Cue music)
    I never ever in my heart want to hurt anyone.
    But when two...I don't think anything can separate anything thats super connected.
    You might have had so many wonderful things with each other and each others spouses in your relationships, but something along the way broke that and when you can't, you can't break whats broken already.
    (Crying) People, no one, because this is (happening?) in my personal conversations will ever understand how much (thought?) the hurt even towards each other were put into our decision.

    Say what?

    1. For crying out loud I know crackheads that are more eloquent than this..... This chic clearly graduated from Dirty Harry's School of Rambling.... Magna Cum Laude.

  26. Yeah I'm sure her n Eddie are the new Liz n Dick. Homegirl needs to lay off the ex lax

  27. I don't know what was the funniest, Leanne trying to cry, Guiliana trying not to roll her eyes, or the sensitive background music.

  28. I just can't with her face.

  29. Omg @AuntJess
    Could you imagine Leeanne Rimes as played by LiLo?!

  30. People have affairs every day.

    Most people to not get all histrionic about it on TV. This woman needs to find some healthy hobbies or something.

  31. Dear me, that was awful. Both of their faces - yikes. The hostess's sympathetic nods and pursed lips were awesome.

  32. Eh, I think Guilianna would look much better with a bit of weight on her. She is a pretty woman, but her eyes look so sunken in. She looks unhealthy. Some extra lbs would work wonders.

  33. Well she's certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    And that a nice diamond engagement ring she bought herself.

  34. Oh LeAnn... Cue the fukkin violins and write a song about it and spare us all the theatrics. That performance was worse than Kim K's in that sucky Tyler Perry movie....geez.

  35. I have a bad case of the giggles watching that mess and reading your comments! The eye! The "tears"! Awesome! Guilliana! LMAO

  36. Oh my god the emotional breakdown music when she started to fake-cry was soooooo bad!

    Crying comes with tears, Leanne, and tears are wet. Next time, (since you know what the questions are beforehand) try some visine or something so you won't have to squeeze so hard.

  37. Amen Puggle. Rancid (typo and it stays!) is so hard to look at. So emaciated!

  38. I just want to know what is up with her face. Her features are so weird. She doesn't look too different from when she was young. Wtf is going on with that?

  39. She's using the typical excuse for surprise there. The way she delivered it, though, was quite painful to watch. ... :-0

  40. She just grates my nerves! Her worst crime is not falling in love with a married father. Her worst crime is trying to make everybody give a damn.

  41. In the school of Lifetime movie acting school, that was just top notch *slow clap* to LeAnn.

    Anyway, I think she is beautiful, for a horse.

    My all time favorite excuse for cheating is when Howard Stern was griling Tori Spelling for cheating on her husband and her big response was "what do you do when you meet your soulmate?" She had no remorse or regret for humiliating their spouses.

    1. Yes she did. Tori said many times she regretted hurting her then husband. The heart wants what the heart wants. Sometimes people get hurt. It isnt fair; its just life.

  42. Oh, who cares? So she cheated. So Eddie cheated. Boo-freaking-hoo. People need to move on and mind their own business. Rimes needs some serious therapy to find her self-esteem so she can realize how stupid it is to care what strangers think or feel.

  43. Yeah, she has some funky nostrils. Man, raniic was cold as ice. Whats that about?

  44. Anonymous11:53 AM

    of coarse put all her grammys in that background.. yea real subtle. its over for her and i think she knows it. grasping at straws now

  45. Anonymous11:58 AM

    oh shit i just watched it to the end. her damn face is half frozen..BWHAHAAAA what the hell was that. just sing girl, just sing..

  46. Oh goodness that was horrific!!!
    Girlfriend needs an acting coach!!

    Oh and they both are invited to my house for a big 'ole sunday dinner and not allowed to leave until they both eat two fucking deserts!!!

    God women you both look like real life stick figures!!!

  47. I think she takes the title of McSqinty from Zellwegger and that's saying something. Ugh. Can't stand this vapid, weird person.

  48. Eeks. That was beyond awkward to watch, I can only imagine what was going through Giuliana's head, sitting right next to her.

    Leann is just... unfortunate looking, and whatever work she's had done isn't helping.

  49. Has anyone considered that she might have had a mild stroke? You can have a stroke at any age, and many times you don't even know it.

  50. She looks like she had a stroke.

  51. I agree with CanadianMiss, G did a great job not rolling her eyes. She looked like she wanted to smack her across her face. Like she was thinking about LeAnn coming after Bill.

  52. Oh my.... I laughed out loud. That was really the most fake display of emotion I have ever seen. Blech.

  53. "She looks brilliant for a horse."

    Timebob, that's priceless! Brilliant as always.

    There is definitely something weird going on with the left side of her face. I just assumed it was botox, if it was a stroke, wouldn't she have disclosed that to gain sympathy?

  54. Please don't go giving this AW another idea for sympathy like all her 'dental emergencies' where she's tweeting, bikini flaunting or off hiking with Eddie hours after the emergency..she's a troll!

    Why can't she just be thankful for her god given talent and find some semblance of humility?

  55. Rox, that was my first thought too because you know this ho loves some sympathy. But then i reached my snarky quota and half clocked out. Someone please sign my time card because i used up all the bitchy on leann. Someone needs to go to the supply room for a new jar of bitchy.
    -seacrest out (remember he had a tv show?)

  56. @Basil yeah like she wouldn't have milked that for sympathy

  57. Y'all beat me to it!

  58. Terrible! I already didn't like her but after this video, I can almost say I hate her! During the first half of her vid, I was fixated on her nose and the wierd nostril situation then after she started 'crying', I was fixated on the eyelid situation. And I think it's hilarious how Guliana is trying to act all understanding but she just looks like she is totally bored and is just DYING to roll her eyes. She looks like she's repeatedly muttering 'bullshit' under her breath!

  59. re: stroke I only brought that up because her odd facial ticks made me think of it. But it is entirely possible she has had a stroke and not know about it. It might even get past her doctor if he thinks it is just her botox wearing down. If "I", as a casual observer think she might have had a stroke, she might want to think about checking that possibility out.

  60. Ugh, two ugly anorexics on one couch. Now I'm fighting back tears with a lopsided face.

  61. LOL @ two anorexics on a couch. Oh LeAnn. What happened to her career? She is now a bona fide D-list celebrity. People cheat. Good people sometimes cheat. My issue with her is the fame whoring. There's no washing the stench off you after calling the photogs every time you go to the grocery.

  62. She's just like Real Housewife Taylor trying to squeeze those tears out.

  63. She needs to move on. You don't see brad and Angelina Sitill talking about it. Shit happens. It's Ben like 3 years and we are still hearing about this...seriously?! Get some new material Leeann. Get your ass in the recording studio nd sty off of twitter.

    Your baby is going to weigh more than you. You aren't going to be able to pick him up with those twiggy arms. Also your neck will not be able to support your ginormous head.

  64. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Wow, the plastic surgery cry face is priceless-with the eye thing. I dont know how she managed to get eddie cibrian. Thier both awful, but he is way out of her league. I guess she gives him alot of money and alot of blowjobs.

  65. its awesome with no sound. shes got some serious wonky eye and the interviewer looks pissed off and disbelieving. lame segment. thx enty.

  66. Can't fight the moonshine

    1. @Shit You Can't Buy - That was fricken awesome! +100!

  67. I watched that part of this special and saw zero tears. But worse is Eddie comes in and talks about their "connection ". No wait the worst part is where Guilliana Rancid with her ET shaped face talks about her big heart like they are total BFF. Ugh, gag me! So much for objective interviews.

  68. If you look close. she has More mascara under her left eye (which does droop slightly), I suspect she "cried" earlier. From the look on the interviewer's face this was take__ and make up left it that way.

  69. ET-shaped face - YES, exactly!

    I loved the "oh, i just need a moment" at the beginning. Classic.
