Friday, December 07, 2012

Mother & Daughter Porn Duo

Ahh, you just know that this mother and daughter hail from Florida. Three years ago, daughter Monica Sexxxton decided to become a dancer and then she got into porn. Monica told The Huffington Post that she lost her virginity at 12 and has always been an exhibitionist. Things were going so well that she convinced her mom to take up porn and now the duo do porn together.Monica says she loves being with her mom and the sex and thinks about how rich she is going to be. They usually have sex with the same man, but never touch each other for fear of incest laws. Monica says she is open to filming scenes with her brother but will draw the line at animals. Seriously. This is one effed up family. At least the Lohans don;t look so bad today.


  1. Well, I'm speechless....

  2. Not much worse than what Dinah and Lindsay have done to Ali...

  3. I'd be interested in seeing a tox screen.

  4. Lol, yeah Vicki-I'm glad they draw the line at animals! They have *some* standards. Ewwww!

  5. I just ate oatmeal. If I vom that up because this post is so grody, I'm gonna vom twice because oatmeal is not pretty the 2nd time around.

  6. They're dragging the brother into that mess! He must be thrilled. Considering Lilo and Dina smooched on the lips, who knows what else they've done Enty!

  7. Let's all be grateful the Lohans weren't from Florida...

  8. Classy Classy Classy

  9. Thank god Lassie will be spared. I don't think the world could handle such the deflowering of mans best friend.

    But seriously, WHAT THE FUCK.

    Pardon me while I go and shower myself repeatedly in bleach in an attempt to rid my mind of the image of a leathery Ramona Singer doppleganger giving a blow job to an equally leathery penis.

  10. Am I the only one who sees a skeezy version of Kristen Stewart and skanky Kathie Lee Gifford here? This might make for some sort of awesome drunken-sweatshop-sparkly-vampire porn parody.
    But seriously, ew. I need brain bleach.

  11. Eleanor, I get an Ali Lohan/White Oprah vibe.

  12. whatever works for them.

  13. Eleanor and Vicki, I can see both of those things, but I'm gonna make it worse for everyone by tossing in some Penny Marshall (who *really* doesn't deserve it -- I'm so so sorry) with Mom of the Year there.

  14. I hang my head in shame every time an article about stupid people from FL comes up, which is way too often now. I've been living here for 5 years, and yes, I can truly say that I am surrounded by idiots.

  15. Yeah, I read the HuffPost article last night after Dlisted posted a story about it. Sounded to me like the only reason why they don't touch on camera is because of the incest laws.

    I don't even like sharing a changing room or a spoon for dessert with MY mom.

  16. Sma$h, I feel your pain. I was born and raised in the shithole of the world, Mississippi.

  17. I'm pretty much "to each his own," but there are some things I wish I didn't know about. The price I guess for having a curious mind, and Internet access.

    And it's so often FLA. My birth state.

    Anyway, I get much joy from this site and reading all the comments.

  18. Sisters Jade and Nyomi Marcela have made a number of porn videos together - literally!

  19. They live near Jill Kelley in Tampa....

  20. I just discovered a new diet. Anytime I want to eat, I'll just read this story. Guaranteed appetite killer.

  21. Cripes, reading the article I misread that they just released a new STD


    This is yuck personified.

  22. I lived in Tampa for eight years. Everyone is crazy and seriously fucked up shit happens every day. Sometimes I miss it.

  23. Surely this news will inspire the Lohans?

  24. The article she doesn't want to film with her brother because he's a virgin and she wants his first time to be with someone who is into him. This article gives me the heebie-jeebies.

  25. It's the real live version of The Aristocrats!

  26. Are you SURE they aren't related to the Lohans?????

  27. Are you SURE they aren't related to the Lohans?????


  29. As a big Parrothead, I REALLY feel bad for Florida folks when they read this crap. I know some of y'all are on here, nd I cringe a little bit for ya whenever FL is mentioned. I'm a transplanted Southerner, AND I live in a highly corrupt part of the Midwest, so I DEFINITELY feel your pain. :-/

    All THAT said, this is just the cherry on a whole week of bad news, isn't it? The subway death photo, Kate's nurse/receptionist/whatever-she-was killing herself, the fiscal's December! Bring me some GOOD NEWS!

  30. they aren't breaking any laws.

    florida's incest law only pertains to penis in vagina.

    so Mom, who molested your daughter?
    We all know this is where it stems from.

  31. That's peninsula bullshit, the panhandle doesn't really get up to those shenanigans. We're all bigoted racist rednecks so please, vacation elsewhere. Feel free to mock us as much as you please as long as you stay away. Thanks!

    PS just a little FYI, when you go on vacation somewhere and treat the locals like they are retarded subhuman scum that are lucky to be in your enlightened, superior presence, please realize you are ingesting a massive amount of bodily fluids. Maybe it goes well with smugness, I don't know. But you're getting it.

  32. Wow 888..I really hope you work in the service industry. You're a charmer. Please tell me where. When I come vist my sister in Navarre Beach I wanna cement your idea of people outside of the area.

    And ewwww...just Ewww on this one.

  33. Haha in the huff post article she said sex "oozed out" of her. Hahaha... Florida, 9th grade drop out & oozing sex. Yep - she's going places...

  34. Also her and the mom had sex off camera with the daughter's boyfriend or something. Naaaaaaassty!!!

  35. Sooooo what is the URL for this site? I don't want to cum across it accidentally. Did you see what I did there?

  36. Sooooo what is the URL for this site? I don't want to cum across it accidentally. Did you see what I did there?

  37. Yes, because the family that bangs together, stays together. I dont even know where to go with this so i will start here- how do they NOT know this ISNT something to bring to the medias attention??

  38. This is...just so wrong. I don't even know what to say. Except, once again, I agree with jax. There has to be a history of abuse here.

    Maybe our brains are being fried from so much exposure to tanning...
    This family must have had some kind of sexual abuse already in it's history if everyone is ok with it... yuck.

  40. Oh, please. Penny Marshall and Kristen Stewart can do so much better.

  41. Are those Chik-Fil-A Waffle fries I see...OH THE IRONY!!! Only in Florida folks...

    1. I've been scrolling to see if anyone else caught that!! Hahahahahaha. Oh the irony is right.

  42. WOW !
    I don;t even know what else to say .HORRIBLE Well , horrible comes to mind ..please don't let these people breed anymore ,
    I cannot even imagine how these kids were raised ..or dragged up .

  43. I live in SoFla, our insanity doesn't bother me a bit. The State of Florida alone has 19 Million people that we KNOW of... The entire country of Canada has approx 34 Million, Australia about 22M .. so, a few nut jobs per day is about right for the population. We just happen to have really, really, really.. interesting nut jobs:)

  44. You just have to wonder why the media feels compelled to report on porncest. Aren't there more newsworthy things out there, or is this what we humans want to read about nowadays? This isn't the first place I've dodged reading this article, and it won't be the last, because it's all over the web.

  45. This is sad not just bc it's so gross but even the poorest Americans have so many other options. Was it yesterday the blind that everyone agreed was Sophia Loren? Some people really do have nothing but their own bodies to sell and they feel shame for doing it but they have to eat. Funny how opportunities take away your shame when you think it would be the opposite...

  46. Now where did I put that bottle of bleach...I know I have it somewhere.

  47. Does anyone else notice how in the photo they are obviously eating at Chic-Fil-A???? Gays no, but a porn mother and daughter duo - OKAY!

  48. @Agent**It, I'm glad you have sense of humor! :)


  49. This fugging disgusts me, and is about the poorest excuse for a mother that I've heard about for quite a while.

    It sounds as if the only reason they don't touch each other is bc of incest laws. It is evil that the mother is going along with this.

  50. Wait, how the fuck does a daughter convince her mom to do porn?

    Huh. All of a sudden, the wolves who raised me don't seem so bad.

  51. I don't know what bothers me more, that there was clearly a history of sexual abuse, that the mom has joined her daughter in this venture, that they are proud of it, that they do the boyfriend together, that they give an interview to a national venue???!!!!

    This won't end well. Nor should it.

  52. Agent is right; with our population so high, it's inevitable that we have a few screws loose. MSN had a "compilation" article of the best Florida stories from 2012. It was entertaining.

    As a native Floridian, I'd be remiss if I didn't say again that I bet most of these people aren't even FROM Florida, they just flock here. Like the Lohans surely will in the next 10 years, although they'll probably stick to the Miami area, and not the west coast.

    And this duo? WTF doesn't even begin to express my thoughts. Ick, ick, ick. At least they're leaving the sweet little animals out of it.

  53. Of course they're from Tampa. Hubby dated a stripper about 12 years ago, right before we started dating...and when she moved away, she moved to Tampa.

    Every time an episode of COPS comes on, we watch for her!

  54. I see Dr Drew in her future.

  55. And here I was, innocently thinking that only cilantro could make me projectile vomit.

  56. I haven't read the comments, but first thought: At least she has *some* morals! (The animals.)

    Second thought: I fucking weep for humanity.

  57. Oh yum, cilantro. I could wear it as perfume I love it so much.

  58. okay this is a total irony, but I believe they are eating at chick fil'a. the good christian value restaurant. Sadly, the reason I know this is because I love chick fila and had to stop eating there b/c of their political views. Honestly I sort of already knew, but was like an ostrick with my head in the sand. Once it was out, I just couldn't justify it anymore. Ironically, my neighbor and person who cuts my law runs at chick fila (and no I haven't told them, but I think the Obama Biden yard in the sign might have been a clue as well as the last conversation I had with him about the restaurant's new menuy items was "Oh really, they don't have have that item any more? That's too bad. It's been ages since I've been there, I didn't know they stopped selling it."

    1. I stopped eating there too. I really miss it. I wish some enterprising drag queen would open one and call it "Chick Fella". Epic.

  59. @amber...not pretty the "second" time around?...

  60. Meth is a terrible drug.

  61. They have a scene from a while ago on FacialAbuse dot com. Quality entertainment. Daughter gets a lil feisty during the rough face fucking scene, momma takes it like a hardened whore with no soul left to retain pride in.

    Never underestimate what can crawl out of a Florida trailer park.

  62. This is still making me sick
