Saturday, December 22, 2012

No One Watched The Last Episode Of Jersey Shore

The series finale of Jersey Shore only managed to get 3.1M viwers which is still way better than lots of programs but is the lowest amount of people to watch any of the finales of the show. Last October when they finished a season they drew almost 5M viewers. They came, they were here, and now they will be going bye bye. Yes, there will be a spin off series or two, but unless they start getting invited to those competition shows on MTV, most of them won't ever see the flicker of 15 minutes of fame again. I think Pauly D can make a niche for himself and maybe maybe maybe Snooki, but I don't know what she would do except be a red carpet host and ask uninteresting questions.


  1. I love Jersey Shore but I don't know why I barely watched this season. I keep meaning to catch up on demand but maybe because I haven't means I'm bored with the same old thing. It's definitely time to end it.

    1. I'm exact same way. It was guilty pleasure, I watched every week. Saw two episodes this year. Wanted to watch....just never did.

  2. I myself just got bored with the last season. Couldn't make it to the end. Pregnant Snooki. Sober Mike. Everyone (for the most part) getting along. Zzzzzzzzzzz. These people are going to have to go and get real jobs.

  3. Stopped watching the train wreck after S1.

  4. They are tacky and make my eyes itch.

  5. You see one drunk you've seen them all.

  6. I didn't watch the first. Or any other.

  7. I'm curious now if any of them mainly the guys are actually friends. Snookie and JWoww seem like the real deal. We're Sammi and Ronnie together before the show or did they meet on it? I wonder if they were only an item for the show.

  8. haahahaa!! Welcome to the real world folks. How's that job hunting going for ya?

  9. I can't wait for the where are they now special and most of them are living in their mothers basement (no offense Enty) ;-)

  10. This last season was horrible. They didn't do anything but sit around the shore house and talk to each other. I love the show but am glad it's over, it was just way too bad at the end.

  11. @Kats I would not be surprised if Pauly and Vinny come out that they are in a relationship next year. They would spend every second of every day together I think. True love in bro form.

    Ronnie and Sammi met on the show, she made out with Mike before getting together with Ronnie.

    Snooki and Deena were friends before the show, Snooks is the one who brought Deena on the show when the Staten Island Ferry left for good.

    1. Daaaamn @j you're good! I knew Snookie brought Deena on but she seems so much closer with JWoww. I guess nobody can stand Mike! I still can't believe he blew all his money.

  12. actually - Pauly commands a pretty high rate for dj ing and has a record deal with fifty cent's label. Jwow and Snooki have a spin off show that does very well in the ratings. Vinnie gets his own talk show with lil wayne as the first is all done out of his house with his mom and family. Ronnie will probably do some more fitness commercials and fade out, Sam..who knows. Mike is so over he should have hooked up with Tom Cruise when he had the chance..that just leaves Dina...hope she saved her money.

  13. Well thank God these jokers are over. Next.

  14. Snooki can also belch and flash her cooch!
    Next up, the backwoods, redneck Jersey Shore.

  15. Now i do love be a bit o'trashy TV, but I simply cannot watch this or The Only Way is Essex. Watching people pretending to act natural - and failing miserably - is just horrid. I do not care about these people or their so-called lives.

  16. I hate reality TV. However, the when pilot episode re-aired I watched since I'd heard so much about it. Well...I watched 15 minutes of it. After that I was done. Just. Ugh.

  17. Snookie is semi-intersting in a non-interesting way. JWow seems cool. Other than that, I've never watched the show and never will - not even when they do marathons on a day I happen to be home, sick.

  18. Anonymous9:04 AM

    These people were cartoons, but it was kind of silly to watch, in a shake your head, being embarassed to be American kind of way.

  19. Thank goodness! Hopefully this freak show has seen its 15 minutes of fame.
