Thursday, December 20, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

The top spot today goes to a new photo of Mt. Everest which is 2 billion pixels. Amazing.
Ben Affleck getting his politics on in Washington DC.
Alec Baldwin filming a new Capital One commercial for the Superbowl.
And smoking away between takes.
Benicio del Toro and
Harvey Keitel in the new Prada campaign.
Christina Aguilera left her pants inside and can't be bothered to find them.
Ciara would like you to know she is rich.
Casper Smart with two phones. Because? Oh yeah, he is Jennifer Lopez's gofer.


  1. Mr Wolf is looking pretty good there.

    Ciara-please tell the class HOW you got rich..

    I love Affleck, I choose to ignore the rumors about him, probably just like his wife.

    1. I love him and in my world he never dated JLo.

  2. Casper could have two phones for other reasons, like one for his boyfriend. Haha

  3. Looking good, Harvey.

    Ciara is tackyyyyyy.

    I'm giving Christina a pass because it looks like she could have some sort of costume on under the shirt.

  4. Ha! Our comments followed the same tack, RCB. With a variation on the final remark.

  5. sylvia yacoub - a 'the voice' contestant - is behind xtina in that photo - im sure shes in some kind of performance outfit

  6. Awesome picture of Mount Everest. Mountain climbing has always fascinated me.

    JLo's boy toy is butt ugly.

    Ciara looks great.

    Xtina looks more and more like a tranny every day.

    I once met Alec Baldwin and he was a total asshole. It's too bad because he's a great actor.

  7. Love me some Benicio : )

  8. Harvey K is aging well. Benicio not so much.

  9. @greenmountaingal, details please.

    1. When I used to live in NYC, I saw Alec Baldwin at a small bookstore. This was years ago. He was browsing for books, and I was a fan, so I went up to him and said something like, "Mr. Baldwin, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I want to say that I really enjoy your work." He responded by rolling his eyes at me (for real) and saying, "If you knew you were going to disturb me, then you shouldn't have approached me. It's pissants like you who make me hate my celebrity." My mouth hung open and I responded by flipping him the bird and leaving. He's a total asshole and ever since then, I try my hardest to not watch anything he's in.

    2. Greenmountainangel- I wish I were surprised about Baldwin, but I'm not. I agree, so much talent but terrible person. I met Billy once and he was terrific, especially given the circumstance lol.

    3. @greenmountaingal - I didn't think that Alec Baldwin looked like he was a nice person in real life anyway but your story made my jaw drop! How rude! You were so nice to him too! I would have been upset. I'm sorry to hear he was so mean to you. What a jerk face!

    4. So sorry he was nasty to u. What a mean lil man, I really hate arrogant and nasty people.

    5. He is a dick. There is a reason why 30 is only having half a season now. The whole cast, especially Tina, cannot stand him now.

    6. What a horrible little douche! Karma will get him one of these days.

  10. Gah...I find Benicio so unattractive! He reminds me of The Grinch and Frankenstein mashed up into one.

  11. JLo seems to have a type in recent years - unattractive, petite men.

    Christina had nothing in her closet that matched her Santa hat; I have the same issue.

  12. Anonymous1:05 PM

    casper has to be holding like a horse...CUZ THERES JUST NO WAY else to explain it

  13. Benicio looks like Fred West, the UK serial killer. That said, I like both those Prada ads.

    1. Sarah - I just googled images of Fred West, as I have never heard of him and you are right! Striking resemblance. Still unattractive though.

  14. I know Everest is a beast, but pictures never do it justice for me.

  15. So! I wld like to say to alec," look, you have to talk to me because celebrities owe their public everything, dont you agree?" Seriously, not surprised hes an asshole. He has never pretended otherwise. Now lets see if even ONE person has has positive experience with him!

  16. Okay. I don't normally say this...But Harvey Keitel??? Daaaayyyyyum!!! :) Lookin' good!

  17. Oh, and i do get the pixel thing i dont even get the excitement over this mountain, yet everyone keeps going up there and dying. Whats the point at this point?

    1. Meant i DONT get whole pixel thing. Im getting s typist for christmas!

  18. "Affleck getting his politics on in Washington DC"
    What does that even mean?
    I always wonder what celebrities could possibly have to say that Joe Schmoe from Idaho couldn't say. Or that isn't completely obvious (poverty bad, etc.). Mysterious. (Haha, not really.)They have nothing whatsoever to add to the conversation but the politicians just dig being around famous people.

    1. @amartel -- Affleck is being rumored as a replacement for John Kerry's seat if Kerry gets Secretary of State

  19. Poor Ben Affleck. I remember that exact moment when my (fawn) pug's mask suddenly showed grey.

  20. Glad I'm not the only one who saw Harvey Keitel and paused for juuuust a minute. Lookin' good.

    @greenmountaingal, I'm also NOT surprised he was a total DB. I've always gotten that vibe from him (and heard rumors, of course) but I'm glad you flipped him off. :)

  21. LOVE Benicio. LOVE him. Have to admit I'm a little jealous of that girl who had his kid. What's her name? Doesn't matter. Anyway, Prada put out some good stuff here!

  22. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Whatever happened to Himmmm? I haven't seen his comments for ages? I think the last time was when somebody put up the "bat signal" and Himmmm immediately responded. Some people called foul because of the quick response. But I like Himmmm comments whether they are really from RDJ or not.

    1. @Michelle I was thinking that too, I haven't really seen him since the tweener nude photo blind

      Ps just wanted to say it's 12:01am dec 22 Melbourne AEDT so I guess it's safe to say we're all gonna be fine!

      Lol :)

  23. Ben Affleck is looking pretty yummy there...yep, I would totally go there.

  24. Why thank you, rejected care bear.

    Wait! These aren't the reader photos...

  25. I wish I looked that good in Ciara's pants. She looks hot?

  26. @greenmountaingal, thank you. I had to go to work before I saw your reply, hope you see this.

    1. I see :) No worries Hope you had a good day!

  27. I would totally vote for Ben

  28. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Jeez...Apparently, Alec thinks most women are rude little pigs. Lol

    No offense green.......

  29. Gosh, I was thinking "Prada Fail" with those ads. Ick

  30. Anonymous9:47 PM

    ugh @ ciara. no one envies prostitutes, no matter how rich

    benicio looks HOT. like i'm 24 and i wouldn't mind him smoking in bed hot

  31. Jane: Tell us of your Billy Baldwin experience. (considering) :)

  32. FYI....agcblinditems is an awesome gossip site....they quote enty lawyer all the time.

  33. Pretty sure we all confirmed Himmmm is not RDJ. Regardless, his comments are pretty awesome and super interesting.

  34. Affleck is one of the only celebs who doesn't annoy the crap out of me when speaking about politics (re: Sean Penn), mostly because he seems to take it seriously by preparing and not being too in your face about it. In this case he was testifying about need for aid in Congo, which apparently he has a fairly under the radar, legit foundation set up for and is well versed in the area's problems. He plays the game like they all do - the family photos, etc for the oscar campaign for Argo, but in this case I feel like he is genuinely passionate about helping the cause instead of grandstanding like many celebs do.

  35. Alec looks like Ronald Reagan in that second photo.

  36. I'm not surprised to hear that about Alec but it makes me mad that his response was SO awful. Even just rolling his eyes and walking away would have been better than that. Ugh. And dammit for me thinking he's so funny on 30 Rock and Twitter.
