Thursday, December 13, 2012

Random Photos Part Three - 12-12-12 Concert

As good as Katie Holmes looks here, when I see her, I don't see big music lover.
Ryan Reynolds let Blake Lively out of the house.
Susan Sarandon
Olivia Wilde and Diddily Piddily
Jimmy Fallon and his wife.
Jeremy Piven
Alicia Keys
Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi.
Kanye West in a skirt.
Kristen Stewart was going to jog down to the quad later.


  1. And....that's a reveal about Lively and Reynolds.

  2. Nice picture of Jimmy Fallon and his wife, they look happy. I like it when celebs have "normal" looking spouses (not knocking her at all, she's cute).

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      @rhino i totally understand and agree. she doesn't look frozen with botox and sucked and tucked

  3. Kristen is so skanky. Katie may have just been answering phones. Piven is a tool. Jimmy fallon and wife look cute together.

  4. Maybe Kanye borrowed that skirt from Kuntrashian because his pants had a hole in them.

  5. I know Piven is gross, but he looks younger and hotter in that pic.

  6. @MM - I didn't realize it was him at first, and thought he looked good. Then I figured out who it was, and now feel the need to punish myself in some way.

    1. Hahaha! Absolutely no self harming due to Piv! (Now...if he kissed you, you may be permitted to soak your lips in a bleach solution.)

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Did Piven get hair plugs? They are good ones if so. And I may be in the minority, but I thought Kanye looked really good in that outfit!

    1. Piven did something because he was balding way back when The Ellen Show was on the air.

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Not true, Katie Holmes collects all the original SST Records releases and she also collects Grateful Dead live boots. Huge music fan.

    Dulcinea, I don't know exactly what he did, but Piven was already balding heavily in the mid 80's.

  11. Jon Bon Jovi has always been in my top 5...... But is he wearing a turtleneck?????

  12. Ugh...Kanye's performance was awful, in my opinion (but I do like his outfit).

  13. Love Katie but I really don't like her dress. Or hair.

  14. Kristen please wash your hair. Please get a stylist. Please fix your hair any other way besides flung over the side. Please color your hair and finally please never wear that shade of lime green ever again. Thank you.

  15. Kanye wore a leather skirt on the Watch the Throne tour. Why is it a big deal this time?

  16. I love you and your bulge, Bruce!

  17. Blake and Ryan reveal, my goodness girl you should've known.

  18. I was Olivia Wilde's outfit. Damn!

    Kristen- ewwww. That it the worst outfit of the season.

  19. I really want Blake's legs! Unfortunately I tend to see my legs like Katie's.... and we all know that is NOT a good thing.

  20. Kristen looks gaunt in that pic. Bad lighting, I hope.

  21. I had a controlling ex. Get out, Blake. It will grind you down and you'll lose yourself.

  22. What does a music lover look like?

    1. I think like a broken bobblehead. You know from nodding along to the jams. Or maybe swaying. Lots of swaying.

  23. kristen looks like pre-baby-delivery bella in BD1... aka not good. pretty legs, though.

    and yes @redheadmed it sounds like a reveal. blake looks gorgeous.

  24. Love Jimmy Fallon & his wife cracking up!

    Olivia Wilde is giving the "eww" vibe here.

  25. Blake is so bland and boring , it realt doesn't matter to her if she's locked up in a house anyway.

  26. i am really surprised Blake wasn't pregnant.

  27. jimmys wife is so cute!....i agree that seeing celebs with normal spouses makes them seem more down to earth in my eyes

  28. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Alicia Keys is a gorgeous woman but that outfit and haircut are sabotaging her beauty. That outfit is awful on her body shape. Looks like she has nothing on top and very fat knees and thighs. Calli.Calling Rachel Zoe to help her and Kristen.

  29. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Actually they need Stacey and Clinton from What Not to Wear.

  30. Anonymous2:08 PM

    jeremy is baldheaded

  31. I love a man in a kilt/skirt. Can't stand Kanye, but whenever I see a dude in a skirt and still looking like a man, for some reason I like.

  32. Note the poses of Katie and Blake.

    Not married; hands down by side.

    Married: hand on hip to show off the ring.

  33. I expected Blake to be pregnant too. Huh.

  34. I second what Sarah said re: controlling people. Run, Blake. Run like hell, girl!!

    I expected some serious bashing about the guy-skirt.

    Katie has the same thing I do: I sometimes hate being tall and don't wanna stand up straight. lol

    What's wrong with turtlenecks? Or is it cuz a guy is wearing one?

  35. I know it's pretty much fact that Piven is a jerk, but please please don't make fun of him or anyone for being bald. Things like weight or bad style are fixable but I've been experiencing massive hair loss for 3 years now as a female in my 30's it is DEVASTATING. I feel that hair loss is pretty much expected in men but they still get made fun of for trying to get plugs or a hairpiece. It must be hard to adjust to being a bald man and no matter how obvious plugs or whatever are, I see the desperation. I'm at the point where I had to cut my hair to above my shoulders but since its so thin that I can't wear it down anymore, had to leave it long enough for an updo. I put it up but then I have to arrange it and hairspray it to cover my bald spots. If you're fat or skinny YES you have options even with medical conditions but with male hair loss I don't think they know why t happens or who it will happen to. It sucks and its one thing if ur kindly teasing a close friend but please don't be mean about it.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      @Katsm, medicine can be a culprit of hairloss or thinning like blood pressure RX. You might try Nioxin shampoo. I've heard that can help.

  36. I get what Enty is saying about Katie, I am pretty sure it's because of some awkward video of her bopping around at a concert with Tom while he tried to pretend to like rap or something. Very cringe worthy

  37. Come on ladies! I will address the elephant in the room!

    Didn't anyone notice Bruce's, um, jeans? I was mesmerized. It gave me Jon Hamm flashbacks!

    And Jon Bon jovi's black turtleneck? I have never wanted to be a black turtleneck so much in my life!!!!!!!!

    1. @bored soccer mom, didnt watch so I had no idea. Curiousity got me after reading your comment, his package now has its own tumblr page LOL!

    2. I think it has it's own zip code! Lmao!
      The funniest part is I was on thephonewith my mother, and she must have noticed just as I did and shouted into the phone - "my god, are those his BALLS?????". I am still laughing at that one.

  38. Aww, Kats, I'm sorry you're having issues with balding. I wear my hair super-short (it's actually growing out in my piccy, so you get an idea of how short I like to wear it) but I do have a good head of hair and can well imagine how traumatic it would be to be losing it. I'm not much on snarking on people physical attributes: fashion, hell yes!

  39. Kristen was horribly awful last night. She read straight off the TelePrompTer and read too fast. She did that weird bumbling thing she does and I was embarrassed for her. That was their attempt at a younger audience. Ugh. Just ugh on her.

  40. Blake's legs are INSANE. Good grief, to have those.

  41. Oh! I wanna be Susan Sarandon when I grow up!!

  42. Fallon's wife looks like she's pregnant.

    If I were Jason Sudeikis, I would not want Diddly-winks hands on my woman in even the most platonic of ways.

  43. If that woman from Twilight was outreach to a younger demographic so was Kanye. Most of the audience was 40's to 60+ so they don't relate well to what Kanye is doing anyway. His choice of material seemed to make no concessions to who was in attendance and was focused on his usual fans.

    The TwitterVerse went nuts over the skirt last night. By the end of the night the skirt had it's own Twitter account @kanyeskirt I think.

  44. No matter how old he gets, Bruce will always stay on my Top 5 list. My gosh, that man just oozes sex appeal (to me, anyway). Maybe I just have a thing for Jersey boys.

    And don't hate me, but I have always thought Piven was cute, too. I think it was more his character on Entourage I'm attracted to...I'm pretty sure Ari Gold could talk me right out of my clothes.

    Kristen's outfit is ATROCIOUS, but I think she looks even worse in that horrible lighting. It really makes her hair look icky.

  45. I love Alicia Keys but sometimes she looks like she's taking a dump (especially in that credit card commercial).

  46. Olivia, STEP AWAY from Diddy. NOW.

  47. OMG Blake Lively looks amazing!! So gorgeous

  48. @B. Profane Jason Sudeikis was there too so no big deal(he and Olivia should've been presenting together and Katie Holmes could do the same with Diddy).

    Don't worry, Olivia's heart is owned by Jason Sudeikis now.

  49. Katie Holmes looks sorta like Kristin Davis here.

    I always thought Blake Lively was a butterface. Great body & hair but yucky face.

    Why is Kanye wearing a skirt?

  50. i don't feel bad for balding men one bit!

    It's 2012, not 1975, shaved heads are completely acceptable and somewhat desired..ahem. Going to all this trouble to keep hair on your head is silly.

    Now bald women.....

  51. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Well, I think Sinead O'Connor, Demi Moore, and Kirstie Alley (in Star Trek) rocked the bald head.

  52. Jax, not everyone looks good with a shaved head. I would imagine many are just not into having a shaved head. The only other option is to keep the remaining hair as is. Or gets plugs, like Piven.

  53. Is it just me, or does Jimmy Fallon's wife look like a female version of him? Sibling, maybe? Or at least a close cousin? Regardless, I want them both to adopt me.

  54. Katsm - Seconding Nioxin. A female friend of mine had some thinning going on a few years ago and said Nioxin really helped. I didn't know her when she had the trouble, but a mutual (male) friend knew her then, and he said there was quite a difference. Now, her hair looks normal.

  55. Fyi...Some hair loss caused by stress/anxiety can be cut off at the pass with Nioxin. I have enough hair for 3 people and I use it as a preventative measure per my stylists suggestion.

  56. Thanks everyone. I just went back on Nioxin, my naturopath gave me biotin and wants me to do a 3 day liquid fast to reboot my system as soon as I can afford a week of grouchiness, and although neither my naturopath or hair stylist think its from my hair dye, I switched to one that doesn't use developer. Wish me luck! Oh Dr told me to get Rogaine but a friend said once u stop it starts falling out again. And it's expensive! Anyone use Rogaine?

  57. Thanks everyone. I just went back on Nioxin, my naturopath gave me biotin and wants me to do a 3 day liquid fast to reboot my system as soon as I can afford a week of grouchiness, and although neither my naturopath or hair stylist think its from my hair dye, I switched to one that doesn't use developer. Wish me luck! Oh Dr told me to get Rogaine but a friend said once u stop it starts falling out again. And it's expensive! Anyone use Rogaine?

  58. I heard Rogaine is helpful but can change the color and texture of the new growth. Doesn't sound bad but if you have fine blonde hair and the new growth is coarse and black it can be problematic. Also can have a wave or something very different. I would research that before trying, make it a last resort.

    1. Wow thanks @sarah I never heard that one and it sounds weird! Yeah it'll be my last resort

  59. Katie's dress looks like Anne's boots. 50 shades of blue

  60. Katsm, you can get generic rogaine OTC, not sure how much good it does though.i think stress and changing hormones do cause a lot of hair loss in women. And it is traumatic.

    1. Thanks @paper I wasn't sure if they were comparable

  61. K-Spew always has to stand out like dogs balls.

  62. lmao Christopher. Funny to read first thing in morning!

  63. Katie, Britney and Blake look great. Elizabeth Reaser must be desperate for attention if that is what she must resort to. Maybe Kanye got his fashionable skirt idea from Game of Thrones? I know Bruce is the American hero here but for the life of me I just do not see the physical appeal of this guy, package or not. Same for Jon Bon Jovi.

  64. whenever I see Jimmy I see him up in a tree with his Bella doll

  65. ^I'm bothered. ;)

    If you've ever heard Jimmy tell the story of how he proposed to his wife, it's very cute. He got very choked up.
