Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Amanda Seyfried heading into Letterman.
Suri Cruise is screaming her head off. Must be the auditing.
It looks like Tom Cruise has decided this round of movie premieres is going to be the all vest look.
Kisses like these bring back memories from Kate.
Apparently this brunette was waiting for him in Stockholm.
Spice Girls had the premiere of their show and everyone walked the red carpet at the beginning except for Victoria Beckham who
waited until after the show and then
hugged it out with everyone.
Shia LaBeouf after a workout.


  1. Amanda's appearance on Dave's show last night was certainly...strange.

  2. ROFLMAO Why does Victoria Beckham even PRETEND she gives a shit about the Spice Girls anymore?!

  3. Or Suri's legs were absolutely freezing. Look at how Katie is bundled up compared to her.

    1. I agree with you, but I think that is her school uniform - at least she looks like she has a warm coat on...if my kid had to wear that in the winter I'd be picking them up with a pair of sweatpants to put on! Guess that look wouldn't work for Suri!

  4. Amanda is beautiful but that dress isn't working for her, maybe it's the angle.
    Suri throws tantrums how cute, at least she's acting her age.

  5. Rosamund Pike is stunningly beautiful! I hope we get to see more of her in films bc she's a good actress as well.

  6. Suri is still upset about Princess Kate.

  7. looks like cruise left the mile high with his own george michael clone by his side...
    so happy he is....
    brunette waiting for him... heh heh

  8. So Posh was fashionably late, as always.

    Tommy looks like he's on his tippy toes from that angle

    @*karen* - you are right its frigid in NY

  9. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Tom Cruise looks like a caricature of himself [to me, at least].

  10. If Tom Cruise had really been in love with Katie, he wouldn't be looking for another wife, he would be too distraught.

  11. How nice to see Shia in workout gear & sweating, not wearing catwalk ready clothes, full make-up etc. When I see stars look too put together after work outs I don't believe they have sweated or put in any effort at all.

  12. Tom Cruise is phucking hot. I don't care who knows it! He is had some DAMN good plastic surgery, or he is aging tremendously well. I will go with the first option.

    I even showed my BF and said "that is a DAMn fine looking man!" We both laugh at $cientology. But he agrees Tom has only gotten better with age.

    1. @smash - ITA with you. I think it's amazing that he's 50. For me, I think he's aging gracefully but if that is plastic surgery hot damn I hope he's giving his surgeon a BIG bonus for doing such a fantastic job! And how tight was his body in Rock Of Ages?!

    2. Ru guys kidding? I was just about to post wtf happened to tc's face

      Unless you guys were being sarcastic?

    3. Im with disco!!! Wtf happened to his face??!! Mb thats why he has been laying low and cldnt see suri for a while. Interesting. Suri prob crying over some random kid thing like her butterfly picture got wrinkled.

  13. Geri looks so cute in my prom dress from Junior year. She could have asked to borrow it, though.

  14. Remember when Shia LeBeouf was this young kid in Project Greenlight? Boy did he change.

  15. Don't bother, Smash. We're all SP's in here.

  16. Me! Me! I'm an SP!

  17. @Rafi - I have love for Shia too. I've liked him ever since he was in Disturbia. He's just so gorgeous, isn't he? *swoon*

  18. Amanda's dress is odd...I like it.

    Shia, so help me -YES!

    Why is one of the Spice Girls dressed like Cinderella?

  19. @ Lotta - I thought the same thing. Why didn't they just give Tommy a phone book to stand on?

  20. I think amanda seyfried tries a little too hard to be different. It's hard to describe. There's just something a little off. She's beautiful though. Wow. Spice girls are still around? I thought if any girl group would reunite and do stuff it would be destiny's child. Go figure.

  21. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Pike is waaaay skinny. She never used to have stick arms. Tommy girl is looking fine!

  22. Hail zenu!!! :)

    (Zenu is their devil not their god. If I am not mistaken)

  23. for realz, Tommy boy's face has all of sudden gotten really puffy.

  24. Amanda is way too thin and it doesn't look healthy. (imo)

    TC looks great for his age. I used to think he looked goofy and unattractive but he has grown into his looks.

  25. Geri is gorgeous, but out of all the gorgeous gowns she could have worn, she chose that stained horror?

  26. Wait, is Tom in some of these pictures? All I see is his Madame Tussaud's stand-in.

    And shame on you, Enty, for giving publicity to this abomination of a movie.

  27. I'm going to admit that I totally look up Tom Cruise's picture from Rock of Ages from time to time. I just like long-haired guys I guess. He looks really hot in the photos.

    I used to watch Dr. Quinn medicine woman to watch Joe Lando, and Xena to watch Kevin Sorbo.

  28. Geri Halliwell seems to really know what colours look good on her. I know that dress is prommy but what a good colour for her.

  29. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I agree Geebz. Hollywood has a way of getting to the curvy young starlettes and turning them into sticks. Seyfried, Lohan, etc. Thought Seyfried was stunning before.

  30. @Tuxedo Cat- I used to love Joe Lando too!!! I watched him on Onle Life to Live and Dr Quinn :)
    TC is and has always been super hot in my book!!

  31. Amanda looks way too thin, I agree. I'd wonder if she lost the weight for Les Mis like Anne Hathaway, but isn't her character supposed to be rich?

  32. I love the Spice Girls - they look great!

    Shouldn't someone like The Rock be playing Reacher instead of shrimpy Cruise?

    Amanda needs to eat some chicken & waffles.

    Suri is a brat.

  33. greenmountaingal - Why did you say that? Now I want me some Roscoe's!!!

    Elizabeth - I fell a bit in love with Shia during Project Greenlight too. There is still something about him that I like and I feel skeevy that I still have a crush on him. But on hot in shape Shia, not smelly beard with crumbs and lice Shia ;)

    1. Eeeeek thanks for that description, I'm itchy now x

  34. Smash! You were so funny today!!! Sorry I keep missing you on CDaN. Can't wait til next week! :)

  35. Suri is crying because Katie won't pick her up.

  36. what the hell did Tommy girl do to his face?? I didn't even recognize him at first.

  37. Have I never noticed how skinny Amanda Seyfried's legs were before or is this a relatively new thing? Because YUCK girl please eat a cheeseburger!
