Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sean Penn Says His Marriage Was A Fraud

Just when you thought Sean Penn could not be more of a jerk, he does something to prove you wrong. Yes, he has been helping out in Haiti which is great, but does that make up for calling your marriage a fraud when you were the one cheating all the time. In the latest issue of Esquire, Sean says that he has never been loved and that is all he has ever wanted. I think someone who gave you kids and stayed by your side despite being the biggest prick on the planet is probably love. About his marriage to Robin Wright he also said,  'What the f--- was I doing? What was I doing believing that this person was invested in this way?' Which is a fantastically strong humiliation in the best sense," he says. "It can make somebody very bitter and very hard and closed off, but I find it does the opposite to me."

Yeah, you are not bitter or closed off. I'm sure his kids love hearing him say these things about their mom too. Good job Sean. Now get back to Haiti.


  1. Maybe it's hard to get invested when you're sticking your dick into everything, Sean. I wish she would've dumped him sooner.

  2. Oh please. We all know Buttercup is all about the true love!!!

  3. he's calling out the "investment" of the woman who stood by him and bred his offspring? But he's not uninvested with all of the cheating, lying, and assholey behavior?


  4. More proof that Sean Penn is a jerk....probably the biggest one on record.

  5. Especially celebrity marriages bc half of them are staged to begin with, but even with normal people, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Who knows, maybe Robin Wright would totally agree with what Sean says here.

  6. Regardless as to whether it's true or not, he didn't have to say it publicly. His poor kids. No one should have to read about their parents relationship this way. What an idiot.

  7. What a spoiled child! This sounds like he's more upset that he couldn't continue getting his way. Therefore, she didn't love him? Grow up insensitive jerk.

  8. I hope Robin keeps it classy and says nothing. For her own sake and for their children's. I've always secretly thought he was bad boy hot, but as a veteran of a 20 year marriage and two kids, I now officially am placing Sean Penn on my Shit List. The man has some nerve to talk publicly about his family like that. Unforgivable.

  9. I'm sure his kids have seen A LOT of his douche-baggery behind closed doors.

  10. @ Zee, you are spot on!

  11. Penn has mistreated every woman who cared for him...Just ask Madonna (he beat the crap out of her)

    He doesn't deserve to be loved.....

  12. god, he is absolutely revolting. if anyone thinks his work in haiti isn't entirely self-serving and egotistical, you're very naive indeed. this is one of the most selfish, self-indulgent people in the world, and he says and does nothing that doesn't benefit himself in some way.

  13. I'm feeling eloquent this morning, so I'll just say...what a dick.

  14. Why she put up with his shit, I'll just never know.

  15. To receive love, one must be willing to love someone other than themselves!

    He just keeps getting better and better. Keep puking out your revolting words Sean! Keeping it classy as always!

  16. Oh Enty, you left out his weird morphine comment. If narcissistic jerk had a poster child contest he'd certainly be the winner. Not a nice man at all. Makes me wonder how messed up in the head ScarJo really is because she too was pining after him.

  17. Follow his Haitian money laundering trail. What an ass.

    1. @Agent - care to elaborate? Or at least point us in the right direction?

  18. Sean Penn is a fraud.

    *looks around and slinks away* I hope the internet police don't came after me for saying that.

  19. I hate, hate, hate this waste of oxygen.

  20. He is the epitome of narcissistic!

  21. So Vadge didn't love him either?

  22. I'll love you Sean.

  23. Anonymous7:05 AM

    He sounds like the type of person who takes alot, yet gives nothing. And he keeps taking and taking and taking and taking. Poor Robin must be exhausted and mentally depleted.

  24. Wow. What a slimball of the 1st degree! Me, me, me, meeeee!!!!

  25. Wow, i totally read the interview the wrong way...

  26. Well, I can safely say that Sean Penn has joined my list of boycotted Hollywood people. Right up there with Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. I don't care if any of these douchebags were involved with The Greatest Movie That Ever Was. There's no way in hell they would get my time, attention or money.

  27. No credit for Haiti here. Just ask any servicemen and women who've served there. He is a fraud.
    Classy all the way, slag the 'marital investment' of your children's mother. What a waste of space.

  28. Katsm, I thought the same thing when I read it. Probably not true but there is always that possibility.

  29. Right on, Zee. Well said, Jessi.

    This is such a dick move. She obviously loved him enough to put up with his behavior for as long as she did, probably in the hopes he'd change. I'm not going to say that people like him never change, because there are people who do, but they have to WANT to and have to be honest with themselves about the wrongs they've committed. He probably expected her to continue putting up with his unacceptable behavior and when she no longer would, he decided to say "Well, she just didn't love me enough" in order to justify his own willful shortcomings.

    To this I say - FUCK YOU, SEAN PENN.

  30. Wow, he won't be winning anymore Academy Awards after this I bet. Is this a comment made by a washed up actor going through a mid life crisis or what? I agree, he doesn't deserve to be loved.

  31. No, Sean, it's not that Robin didn't love you--it's that you clearly didn't really love her, or else you wouldn't have treated her the way you did. So what if she started distancing herself and withdrawing emotionally over the years? That's the reaction most people have regarding an abuser, and that's exactly what you are; love and fear are not happy bedfellows, but apparently you're too selfish to figure that out. *sigh*

    As an actor, he's one of the best and deserves any and all praise he gets; as a human being, though... Talent and/or genius does not give one carte blanche to act like an asshole, but far too many people don't seem to understand that, and act as if it does; clearly he is One Of Those People. I can see how women could find him interesting and even fall in love with him (not me, mind you...), but he's no doubt mistreated, in some way, every single woman who's ever been involved with him, and none of them deserve whatever they've gotten from him, whomever they may be or whatever you may think of them otherwise. (Haven't we all fallen for people who were terrible for us? Would we have deserved to be beaten, disrespected, etc. just because we were foolish? Bingo.) Every single one of them is better off without him, no matter who broke up with whom; the only one who can't get completely away is Robin, due to having children with him--and yes, I'm sure the kids are all too familiar with the kind of behavior of which their father is capable.

  32. To a narcissistic monster, the fact that his victim left means that she is now useless to him and never meant anything to him. That's how these guys work.

    And I wouldn't be surprised if he used his Haiti thing to troll for women, there and in the US.

    Does anyone seriously believe that he would somehow be a total saint while he's there, when he's shown such a blatant disregard for people, especially women, everywhere else in the world?

  33. What does he mean "and things come out"? Is he insinuating that Robin Wright cheated on him? Because that is a fucking laugh if ever I read one. Honestly! This man is the most. hahaha Oh puh-leeze!

  34. Yeah asshole you are just mad because she got on with her life and got rid of your egotistical ass.

  35. Further proof that he and Madonna were perfectly suited. Two spoiled, narcissistic assholes.

  36. All the charity in the world won't cancel out all the horrible things you've done Sean..nice try tho.


  37. He probably figured out that she stayed only because of the kids.
    Because no one stays because of an asshole.

  38. Sean Penn, you tool!!!!

  39. Who knew that Sean Penn and my ex had so much in common!

  40. Not sure who the bigger dick is this morning...Morrissey or Sean Penn. Holy F.

  41. What a shocker that Sean Penn and Charlie Sheen are such great pals. Those two idiots just need to be quarantined somewhere far, far away

  42. Is that why he's such a raging moron???? Why doesn't he do the world a favor and move to Venezuela permanently, since he loves it so much? Looking forward to the day when nobody knows who he is anymore!

  43. I always loved Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup.

    Just never realized Sean Penn was the real princess!

  44. When I saw this last night on the web my immediate reaction was wanting to punch him in the face. And I am not a violent person.

  45. Rejecting love as an excuse to dick around is not the same as never being loved.

    What a Asshole!

  46. i really think Celebs shouldn't give interviews....just act on screen, look pretty and leave us with our delusions on your real life.

  47. I agree @canada! I just want to enjoy a movie. They are paid to make movies, nobody says they have to be decent human beings.

  48. So that's why he smacked her around?

    What a douche bag.

  49. I can't stand this guy. I won't even watch his movies, despite the fact that he's a good actor and his movies are supposed to be really good. He's a POS and a waste of space.

  50. That's as good an excuse as any for cheating.

    "I didn't feel loved." *eye roll*

  51. I don't even know her, and this makes me sad for her. I'm sure he learned alot about how to treat a lady from his good friends Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper though. He even named a kid after them. Oh Jenny. At least Forrest loved you.

  52. Is this the same fool that Madonna said whipped her ass during their marraige?

  53. So that's why he smacked her around?

    What a douche bag.

    9:12 AM
    Really? Sean Penn put hands on Robin as well???

    He beat 2 wives???

    Poor Chris Brown

  54. From what I recall, when the police came to the house, Madonna was tied to a chair. Friends said he used to berate her and make fun of her, especially when she wasn't glammed up and was just chillin' at home.

  55. Anonymous11:58 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Long time addict, first time commenter:

    "all the truths that come out" Wasn't there speculation that Robin and Rebecca Miller (Daniel Day-Lewis' wife) were dating after she separated from Penn?

    If so, this could be what he means. Can you imagine what an ego blow it would be if his WIFE (I imagine he's into the "honor and obey" wedding vows) was with a WOMAN (and he couldn't participate)???!!! Sean PEEN, indeed.

  57. Yep..he's still a dick!

  58. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I always thought Sean married above him with Robin. He continues to prove me right. Usually people with narcissism are deeply insecure. Yes, he and Madonna are meant for one another but their shallowness won't allow them to get past their aged bodies.

  59. Boy, Forest grew up to be a very bad man!

  60. I can't stand the prick. He's never had a good word to say about anyone or anything (other than himself).

  61. When he says he was never loved...

    I hear -- the women he's been with don't count. They're not people, they're not anything. Their hopes, dreams, emotions... they don't exist, don't matter. These women are nothing more to him than a bag of lettuce, there to be used, forgotten, tossed away if it starts to rot in the back of the fridge.

  62. Anonymous12:53 PM

    In the immortal words of Terrence and Phillip: "Shut your fucking face uncle fucker!"

  63. Harvey - Now I'll be singing that all day, lol!
