Friday, December 28, 2012

Shakira's Boyfriend Pranks Everyone With Fake Birth Announcement

I know that Gerard Pique was just having some fun with his fake birth announcement for the Spanish speaking world's equivalent of April Fool's Day, but to me it feels like you are asking for trouble or jinxing something by saying that you have welcomed a son and then basically say gotcha a few hours later. I guess I am superstitious that way.

Early in the day, Gerard sent out a Tweet announcing the birth, but then later sent out the ones pictured above which refers to Dia de los Santos Inocentes by saying they had named the baby Innocent.


  1. Pranking on unborn babies makes me uncomfortable. Even though I don't practice anymore, all those years of Catholic school would have me doing Hail Mary's and lighting candles.

  2. Oh, I get his point. December 28 is Innocents' Day. I grew up in a town that observes/celebrates it. It's essentially the same as April Fool's but with Christian origin. But then again, I'm superstitious about anything involving babies.

  3. Pranks everyone who speaks Spanish and follows him on twitter.

  4. I was being sarcastic, by the way. Happy Friday!!!

  5. I had a coworker years ago whose husband called the families and said they'd had twins. They didn't but the funny/not so funny part of the whole thing was when the baby was finally born, she CLEARLY was not his!! Awkward.

  6. Jackass. Bad juju

  7. What if she did actually give birth and this is some elaborate ploy to keep the paps away and ensure that their baby remains out of the public eye?

  8. LOL @mikey. Yep, recovering Catholic types are a jumpy bunch. My hubby still has angry nun flashbacks...

  9. uh...? i dont understand what the big deal is?

    i thought the joke was cute/mildly funny.

  10. Is this Catholic humor or something? Why don't I understand what is going on.

  11. Pique is a d*ck. Any RM supporter knows that.

    I love Shakira and all but I doubt this was to keep the paps away. These two have lived their "love" in the public eye for two years now. Even being voted "Most Annoying Couple" in Spain.

    When Shaki does deliver, the paps/media will be called and they will wait until everyone has assembled outside the hospital and then make their exit in a very public way.

  12. @Brenda - it's a fear that instilled in Catholic school. Don't tempt the devil type of thing. Making a joke about your unborn would be a no-no.

  13. @Cee Kay, your hubby and I need a support group. I still flashback to kneeling on uncooked rice in the corner of the classroom!

  14. My first son was born on April 2nd, I totally pulled the same thing on April fools day on the way to dinner with some family. Then when her water broke on the way home nobody believed me :( lol

  15. "Don't tempt the devil type of thing. Making a joke about your unborn would be a no-no."

    You crazy Catholics! Gah I'm glad my church was only worried about my virginity!

  16. It's not a Catholic thing, it's a jinx thing. As in Tampa's anecdote:)

  17. Makes me think of that Facebook thing.
    You'd get a list of candy bars and numbers that corresponded to your birthday or initials; people were supposed to use their names or birthdays on the list, then post "It's been ___ weeks and I'm craving ____."

    It was supposed to trick people into believing you're pregnant. The list also said "it's for breast cancer awareness." WTF? How does posting "8 weeks, M&M's" bring awareness of breast cancer?

    The worst was when one of my friends posted it. Her adult daughter had recently had a later-term miscarriage and had been trying to have a baby for some time. Thankfully my friend took down the post.
